Dwy law yn erfyn sydd yn y darlun

Dwy law yn erfyn sydd yn y darlun 
  Wrth ymyl fy ngwely i; 
Bob bore a nos mae'u
    gweddi'n un dlos, 
  Mi wn er na chlywaf hi.

Pan af i gysgu, mae'r ddwy law hynny
  Wrth ymyl fy ngwely i 
Mewn gweddi ar Dduw i'm cadw i'n fyw, 
  Mi wn er na chlywaf hi.

A phan ddaw'r bore, a'r wawr yn ole 
  Wrth ymyl fy ngwely i, 
Mae'r weddi o hyd yn fiwsig i gyd, 
  Mi wn er na chlywaf hi.

Rhyw nos fach dawel fe ddwg yr awel 
  O ymyl fy ngwely i 
Y weddi i'r sêr,
    fel eos o bêr, 
  A minnau'n ei chlywed hi.
Thomas Rowland Hughes 1903-49

Tôn []: Y Darlun (Davey Davies 1901-64)

Two hands imploring are in the picture
  By the side of my bed;
Every morning and night their
    prayer is a precious one,
  I know although I do not hear it.

When I go to sleep, those two hands are
  By the side of my bed
In prayer to God to keep me alive,
  I know although I do not hear it.

And when the morning and dawn become light
  By the side of my bed,
The prayer is still all music,
  I know although I do not hear it.

Some still small night the breeze will take
  From the side of my bed
The prayer to the stars,
    as sweet as a nightingale,
  And I too hearing it.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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