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Microsoft Certified Professional

I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.
—Morpheus, The Matrix

Welcome to THE definitive MCSD Links page. FREE! That's the keyword here. Lots of links to all kinds of resources for MCSD Wannabe's. Online exams, study notes, discussion groups, books, other websites etc etc. Just click on the MCSD link to the left and the fun starts from there. I am slightly biased towards the VB core exams since I myself have taken that route towards my certification. But then, that's what you had in mind too, right!! Do let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.
There are also some VB snippets in here(actually I think there's just two!). Try it and have fun. ;o)


01/11/00: ImageDB.dll v1.0. The activex dll for storing and retrieving images from your database, that you’ve been waiting for all these years.

29/10/00: Brought all the links uptodate. And gave a new look to the site. There’s a light dab of Flash5 animation here in case you noticed. Nothing major right now, but you can expect more links on the MCSD page and a new section is in the making for all you VB guys out there.

18/2/00: The NEW VB - Get the low-down on the greatest OOP language about to hit the planet. Solid motivation for all those wannabe VB MCPs.

15/2/00:  Good news for you VC++/MFC guys, there's a new site come up with study-notes, and other free stuff for the VC++ track. Click here.

02/2/00:  Hurry up, there's a free book online for the 70-100 core exam. Download it NOW before it disappears.

15/1/00:  The last thing I've put here is all the stuff that I'd collected on  Microsoft's Visual Basic 6 Desktop Exam (70-176). I got through it  about a month back (score 914/1000). Those who're aiming for the exam  will find this useful. Click here.

10/10/99: A puzzle game which I made on one very boring weekend (Needs VB6 runtime dlls). People from Kerala might be able to identify it.  Check it out.

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