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Andrea's Remembrance Page

This page is in remembrance of my good friend

Jonathan Scott Anderson

February 7, 1982 - April 8, 1997

March 8, 2005 - I hadn't checked this page in quite a while, and decided to check out the guestbook tonight. I am so happy that people are still coming here to remember Jon. He was a great friend and I still think of him every day and have a picture of him in my room, now alongside another person I was close to in high school and recently was taken from us, Brooke Medcalf. We are nearing the 8-year anniversary of Jon's death and it is touching to know so many people still think of him. Keep visiting and please take a moment to sign the guestbook if you can. If anyone has anything such as pictures, poems, etc. that they want me to post on this page, please email me at
This is a graphic I made for Jon's 16th birthday (February 7, 1998).

Jon was a great friend to many people and we all love and miss him greatly.

Here is the poem I wrote on the 1-year anniversary of Jon's death:

For Jon

One year has passed since you left us, my friend
Not a day goes by that your face doesn't flash through my head
So many tears I have cried with the realization that you are dead.
At daybreak I often look up at the sky
And stare at the beautiful colors that fly so high.
I know that you are up there, too, in your place of rest
Watching over all of us, trying to make sure we aren't depressed.
It is comforting to know that you wouldn't want us sad
But it is hard to be happy when the world seems so bad.
You were a happy, free spirit, who was as sweet and innocent as they come
But with one sweep of God's wing, you were gone.
I never got to say goodbye to you.
After one year, my memories of you seem as though they happened just yesterday.
It seems I remember something new every day.
I pray to God each night to take care of you
And I know that he will until you are greeted by those of us down here who love you.
I hope you are happy and in a better place.
I hope you can still see all of us, and the things we do bring a smile to your face.
Although it will be a long time until we meet again my friend,
This message of love to you I send.

On April 7, 1997, Jon was out doing what he did best: having fun with his friends and playing soccer at New Harmony State Park. I remember that he told me about the fun they had at the Park....swinging on vines in the woods, playing soccer, and just enjoying being together. No one could possible expect what would happen that early evening. I remember it very well because I wasn't even in town. I was on a trip to Ball State University for a yearbook convention. I found out about it when my friend Leslie got a phone call from her mom. Jon had been playing soccer with his friends and was sitting on the back of a moving car just being goofy. Well, the car hit a bump, and Jon fell off backwards, hitting his head on the pavement. The life-flight had to come get him and the next morning at 8:56 a.m., Jon's life support was turned off. The following days and weeks were probably the hardest and saddest of my entire life. Jon was the first person close to me that I ever lost. Being away when this tragedy happened made it even harder to deal with. I almost cancelled plans with him, Leslie, and Josh 3 days before his death because I was sick. For some reason though, I went ahead and went out with them. I am so glad I did because if I had cancelled I would regret it for the rest of my life. This is my page dedicated to Jon, also known as "Funhair."


You came in as a freshman;
I didn't know you well.
I saw your bright smiles in the halls and knew that I wanted you for a friend.
You were an easy person to get to know,
Partly because you were such good friends with my boyfriend Derrick Kincheloe.
I'd talk to you in the halls, in the gym, or at a football or basketball game.
No matter the place, no matter the time, you were always a smiling, happy, friendly person just the same.
As the year wore on, I became closer to you.
Derrick and I broke up and I was secretly still stuck on him.
But you'd dance with me at the dances so no one knew.
I remember a time when you, Josh, and I went to the mall.
There was such a confident aura around you in the air.
Josh was too embarrassed to go to Victoria's Secret with me but you didn't even care.
Soon my friend Leslie started to like you. Josh and I talked to you about it, and we could tell you liked her, too.
So we all went to Red Lobster and you ordered more food than any of us could eat. And just when we figured you were probably broke, you paid for all of us at the movies and said it was your treat.
The next weekend we all went to Olive Garden for Josh's birthday, and even though I had a 100 degree temperature, you still made me smile.
Whether you were making fun of our waiter's gimpy fingers, or tickling Leslie under the table, you made the trip for me worthwhile.
That was the last time I saw you, and I guess it will be a long time until we meet again. But your smile, fun red hair, and wonderful personality will never leave me.
I know, without a doubt, this point in my life is extremely sad, but I'm proud to say you're a friend I once had.
--Andrea Geurin, April 8, 1997

This picture is Jon and Derrick hugging after Jon's soccer team won sectionals.

Jon was a good friend to many people. We all love and miss you, Jon.
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