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Special & World Events Page

Some people say that they could some up the 40's in a single word, War. While they are correct in the fact that War extended throughout the first half of the decade, you have to look farther than that to find some amazing things.

On this page we will cover the following special and world events:

World War II

World War II started in 1939 and spanned all the way till 1945. Once again Hitler and his Nazi's were going for world conquest. Germany reaked havoc as they defeated all of the nearby countries in Europe. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, Japan along with Italy became allies with Germany. With these three countries together, they were now unstoppable (he, he). Noticing this, Roosevelt decided to get the american people into the war.

A list of the Allies and Axis The Allies are as followed:
  • Argentina (March 27, 1945)
  • Australia (September 3, 1939)
  • Belgium (May 10, 1940)
  • Bolivia (April 7, 1943)
  • Brazil (August 22, 1942)
  • Canada (September 1939)
  • Chile (February 14, 1945)
  • China (December 9, 1941)
  • Columbia (November 26, 1943)
  • Costa Rica (December 8, 1941)
  • Cuba (December 9, 1941)
  • Czechoslovakia (December 16, 1941)
  • Denmark (April 9, 1940)
  • Dominican Republic (December 8, 1941)
  • Ecuador (February 2, 1945)
  • Egypt (February 1945)
  • El Salvador (December 1941)
  • Ethiopia (December 1942)
  • France (September 1939)
  • Great Britain (September 1939)
  • Greece (October 1940)
  • Guatemala (December 1941)
  • Haiti (December 1941)
  • Honduras (December 1941)
  • India (September 1939)
  • Iran (September 1943)
  • Iraq (January 1943)
  • Lebanon (February 1945)
  • Liberia (January 1944)
  • Luxembourg (May 1940)
  • Mexico (May 1942)
  • Mongolian Peoples Republic (August 1945)
  • Netherlands (May 1940)
  • New Zealand (September 1939)
  • Nicaragua (December 1941)
  • Norway (April 1940)
  • Panama (December 1941)
  • Paraguay (February 1945)
  • Peru (February 1945)
  • Poland (September 1939)
  • San Marino (September
  • Saudi Arabia (March 1945)
  • South Africa (September 1939)
  • Soviet Union (June 1941)
  • Syria (February 1945)
  • Turkey (February 1945)
  • United States (December 1941)
  • Uruguay (February 1945)
  • Venezuela (February 1945)
  • Yuogoslavia (April 1941)

    Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor

    A large fleet of U.S battleships were stationed a Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japan was now angered that the U.S just decided to join the war and foil their plans. With this thought in mind, Japan decided to attack this the harbor. The U.S picked up something on radar, but they thought it was just their planes returning from the far east. When they finally realized they were wrong they sounded off the alarms. Before they could all get themselves together, the Japanese were already bombing. They managed to take out about 5/6 of the ships. As many as ____ Americans died in this terrible tradgedy. It would only be a matter of time before the U.S woule retaliate.

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