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Here is where you can send me your Parodies that you write.  I will post them, I have written some, and posted them.

Land (Parody of STAND by R.E.M.)


Land in the Docking Bay (327)

Ask what the code is and they give me the right answer (come in)

Land in the Dagobah Swamp, (Sure aint heaven)

Ask Yoda how to get it out and he says that there is no try

If you want in, talk to us now

Give us the code, we'll tell you how

The code is there so we can stay planned

It has to be planned so you can land

Oh, Land at Jabba's Palace (carbonite)

Think about debt, wonder if I should have payed him (yes you should)

Land in the Tatooine Desert (Boy its hot)

Think about sun stroke, should I put a tarp over the ship

If you need transport, I'll be around

All you gotta do, Is help me get down

Now If I cant get down, Dont lose all hope

I'll just hover, and throw down some rope, now

Land At the Yavin four Base (For refuel)

Think about Han, wonder if he'll stay there with us (doubt it)

Land, Fly, Hover, or Crash (let's hope not)

Think about protection, better buy myself 'The Club'

Now Once Ive landed, I'll let you go

But you must stay, and watch the show

Now I'll be back, cuz were making the sequels

I dont know yet, but I may be in the prequels

Oh Land, Land (at the bay)

Think about the force, I'm endangering the mission now (uh-oh)

Land, Land (Can't be sure)

Really am the best, wish han would let me fly the falcon.

Land at my old house (it's burnt down)

Think about Imperials, Raiders arent that accurate (must be)

Land right next to my hand (it's chopped off)

Wonder if Vader could really be my father, hope not

Land in the snow in the cave (Wampa food)

The Code is there so we can be planned (land anyplace that you want)

It has to be planned, so you can land (land anyplace that you want)

Oh Land!

Leia Leai (Parody of Loui Loui by Kingsmen)


Vader: Leia Leai

Woa woa take those rebels home

Leia: Why yi yi yi

Vader: I said Leia Leai

Woa Woa take those rebels home

Leia: I am here on a diplomatic mission

When the council hears what your doin

Vader: If this is a councelor ship, where is the embassador???

Search this ship till you find the plans

Leia Leai

Woa woa take those rebels home

Leia: Why yi yi yi

Vader: I said Leia Leai

Woa Woa take those rebels home

Leia: Take this info to My father home

Make sure it goes to Obi Wan

Trooper:Set your blasters for stun

An escape pod left, no life aboard

Vader: Leia Leai

Take Those Rebels Home

Leia: Why yi yi yi

Vader: I said Leia Leai

Woa Woa Take those rebels home

R2-D2: bleeepa Blaeeoep B;eeeeoap BWhwoeijep

C-3PO: R2

C-3PO: R2 Get Back Here At Once

Trooper:There go to droids now

Forget about them just get the girl

We'll get those droids, they aint going nowhere

Vader: Leia Leai

Leia: What What What What

Vader: Get those Rebels out

Right Now

Leia Leai

Get those rebels out

Leia: We dont wanna go now

Vader: Get Them Out

R2-D2: Bleeep Bleep

Dear Angel (Parody of Earth Angel by The Crew-Cuts)



Dear Angel, Dear Angel

Im out of time

Tell me Darling Dear, Another Rhyme

I gotta send

Gotta send this song real soon.


Dear Angel, Dear Angel

Give me the words

I hate my managers, Those little turds

I gotta send

Gotta send this song real soon.

I'm almost through

So I need you

To write me a huge success.

I hope someday

I can say

I can buy that SuperNES

Dear Angel, Dear Angel

Are you near done

Hurry Darling Dear, give me one

I gotta send

Gotta send this song real soon.

I'm almost through

So I need you

To write me a huge success.

I hope someday

I can say

I can buy that SuperNES

Dear Angel, Dear Angel

My time is up

Sorry Darling Dear, I've gone bankrupt

I gotta end

Gotta end this song real soon.

The Star Wars Trilogy (Parody of Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm by the Crash Test Dummies.)


Once there was this guy who

Swore that one day he would avenge Darth Vader

And when, he finally confronted him

He got, his hand chopped of by a lightsaber

He said that he was not the Son of Darth Vader

Zzwoop Zzwoop Zzwoop Zwoop, Zwoop Zwoop Zwoop Zwoop Zwoop


Once there was this Wookie who

Swore that one day he would win a game of Holotable

And when the droid said let him win

He made, a howling noice that everyone heard

He was a friend of the no good scruffy looking nerfhearder

(Wookie Howls)

Both Were Rebel Friends

Never thought that this would end

Cause then there was this Guy in Black

Who told the emporor he would transform or die

And when, they had Luke almost dead

Vader, stepped in and killed the emporor

He said Luke was right and that there was good in him

(Vader's Breath Noise)

Wooly Billy (Parody of Wooly Bully by Sam The Sham & The Pharoahs)


UUUH One Two, Nine Five Eight Two

Wooly Billy Wash it out now Wash it out

Hair Grows Hair Grows

Wash it out now he cut ya

He had a huge hair problem

It got so long

He never cut it

So I sing this song

Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy

Yea, Run

Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy

He had to buy

A bunch of Shampoo

He had enough hair

for both me and you

Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy

Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy

Wash it out now, Wash it out


Grow Grow Grow Grow

He wont cut his hair now

Hes just afraid to

Lets sneak up behind him

I'll give the scissors to you

Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy

Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy, Wooly Billy

Wash it now Wash it, there you go

He Cut it, he cut it