Vitae is quite literally the life blood of the Vampire...From when she first awakens she needs the sustenance of the blood pulsing inside her. When she first drinks she feels the singing awareness of her own immortality in the draining of another's essence. No matter how horrified the vampire might be at the results of a recent frenzy, the tingling warmth and renewed power in her limbs can never be anything less that luscious. Or can it?

The blood of a mortal with psychic ability can have a very unsettling effect upon a Kindred who ingests it. The human has had years ofexperience in controlling her psychic ability, and has often partaken a regimen of training, discipline and hard work. The same cannot be said for the poor vampire. While the vitae ingested from the psychic individual is in the vampire's system, she may be subject to uncontrolled manifestations of the power. For instance, if the blood of a telekinetic has been ingested, the vampire may unwittingly cause objects to be hurled about the vicinity. This is distracting to say the least.

There are many junkies among the vampires. This is especially true among the Brujah and the anarchs. Although it is improbable that normal drugs can be physically addictive to the Kindred, there is no doubt that the psychological aspect of addiction is still detrimental to vampires as it is to their human prey. Of course anywone telling this to some doped up Brujah is likely enough to end up in some pointless brawl. Just like mortal addicts, a vampire user will deny his addictions more often than not.

It is true that Kindred are immune to virtually all forms of disease. However, being virtually immune is not the same as being totally immune. There are also rumors about diseases that can effect the Kindred. It is certain that the Sabbat lost at least some number of their members to disease several decades ago. How many Sabbat died, and the exact nature of the disease that killed them, are not known. To this day, the Sabbat is said to be far more vigilant than the Camarill in monitoring its vampires for signs of disease.

There is a second factor the Kindred must keep in mind in regard to diseases. Although immun to most diseases themselves, the vampire may still be carriers of diseases. Whole herds have been infected with various blood related diseases ranging from sickle-cell anemia to AIDS. AIDS is of particular concern to the elders of the Camarilla, as rumors of vampires who have died from it have begun to surface.

Recently, several unexplained cases of AIDS have been reported to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. Although thus far not attracting to much attention, if the number of these cases contiues to grow, the Maquerade could well be put at risk. Several princes have instructed the vampires of their cities to avoid feeding from high risk mortals such as drug addicts and prostitutes.

Like the blood of psychics, the vitae taken from werewolves has an unusual and troublesome effects on the Kindred. Ingesting the blood of a werewolf can provoke a frenzy in the unwary Cainite. A vampire who has drunk deeply from a werewolf is so hyped that she is constantly on edge of frenzy. This is not a pleasant situation for the unfortunate vampire. Even if she avoids frenzy she will find herself on edge and rather paranoid until the blood is out of his system. Despite its dangers, however, werewolf blood is very potent, so if a vampire drinks it, he needs only half what he would normally need to sustain herself. Vampires normally love potent blood, but lupine blood may be the vitae of last resort. Rumors also abound that drinking from werewolves can temporaily grant levels of Celerity or Potence. This is not always the case, and depends on the Lupine's Pure Breed Background.


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