Types of Valid Matches

All matches must be logged and proctored with a simple spar, prize matches and slave
matches being the only exceptions to the proctor rule. Witnesses are not needed for any
match, only the two combatants and the chosen proctor. Each round must be scored
accurately and the log must be sent to Ice (FroznFirez) for tallying as well as
Stormdream (Storndream) for the Clan records.
Remember, to receive proper Points
ALL matches must logged and sent to Ice (FroznFirez) and Stormdream (Storndream)
If this is not done do not whine to me when your points are off.

A note on points: War points are awarded to the combatants respective guild.
All other points go to the combatant.

All matches shall be fought with accurate dice of the respective characters, with the
exception to the rule being non-war or wargames matches. If the match is outside the
terms of war then the combatants may settle on equal dice should they wish. A rule of
thumb, both combatants should fight with the lower of the two dice. So think twice if
you are challenging up. No one shall reverse a decision if the match was fought and
proctored correctly. The following is the current hit chart.

Hit Chart
1-14...............0 hit(s)
15-19.............1 hit(s)
20-24.............2 hit(s)
25-29.............3 hit(s)
30-34.............4 hit(s)
35-39.............5 hit(s)
40-44.............6 hit(s)
45-49.............7 hit(s)
50..................8 hit(s)

Prize Match
Points fought to: no less than 15, no more than 30

A prize match is used to bet ones skills against another for something of value.
Usual prizes include but are not limited to: blades, jewelry, armor, gold pieces...etc.
Once the prize match has been fought the winner gets the item put up by his opponent.
Winner: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 0 • Gold Points - total of both scores
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 0 • Gold Points - 5

Slave Match
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 30

Slave matches fought with strangers should be carefully considered. Terms should be
clearly set before the match and logged. Think wisely on terms. If you are fighting a
life term, it is suggested that the stipulation of Release Matches being allowed at
certain intervals be permitted. It is frowned on for muns who are minors to fight
such matches. Rememberthat slaves are generally used for pleasure.
If you do not want to be in this position, do not
fight them. A proctor should be present but is not required. If there is no log, or if the
terms are left off the log, the match is considered invalid. GCs and commanding officers
are not permitted to SM as conflicts of duties could result.
Winner: War Points - 0 • Life Points - total of both scores • Gold Points - 0
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 8 • Gold Points - 0

(This we all realise is a crock of shit...Any family member collared by anyone not
allied with or in the Clan will be killed without hesitation....The only excpetion to
this is the Clan practice of selling another Clan member as bait to an intended victim...
All persons not of the Clan or allied with the Clan who attempt collar or collar a
clan member will will immediately killed

Scar Match
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 30

A scar match is used to settle disputes between characters without the lose of life.
The usual terms are that the losing character is 'scarred' often times for life, but not
necessarily a rule of thumb. The scar should be simple in description so that the loser
may place it in their profile accordingly. Once the scar match has been fought, the issue
of the dispute is considered over and done with - no exceptions.
Winner: War Points - 3 • Life Points - total of both scores • Gold Points - 20
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 10 • Gold Points - 5

Honor Match
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 40

The honor match is used to settle minor disputes between characters without any
significant effect to either welfare. Once an honor match has been fought, the issue of
dispute is to be considered over and done with - no exceptions.
Winner: War Points - 5 • Life Points - total of both scores • Gold Points - 30
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 10 • Gold Points - 5

Prisoner of War Match
( Only valid in war )
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 40

The purpose of this match needs little description. The loser of this battle becomes prisoner to the conquering character for the period of three full days; or until a successful Release Match has been waged on their behalf. During that time the character cannot wander the realm unless accompanied by their captor; nor take part in any war functions within the realm - no exceptions
Winner: War Points - 8 • Life Points - total of both scores • Gold Points - 35
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 10 • Gold Points - 5

Release Match
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 40

This match is fought to secure the release of a currently held prisoner of war or, if
prearranged within the terms of a SM, a slave.

Release of a Slave: Terms must have been clearly stated and logged in the SM in order
for a release match to take place. If no such terms were stated than there will be no
badgering of the victor into one. If such terms were stated and the challenger wins, the
slave is freed. If the challenger loses then the slave remains collared.
Winner: War Points - 0 • Life Points - total of both scores • Gold Points - 0
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 10 • Gold Points - 0

Release of a POW: The challenger must face the same combatant that took the prisoner
with no exceptions. If victorious the prisoner of war is released into the custody of
their rescuer and considered wholly free. Failure to rescue indicates that the prisoner
remains captive. Prisoners of war are allowed only one rescue per day.
Winner: War Points - 8 • Life Points - total of both scores • Gold Points - 35
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 10 • Gold Points - 5

Death Match Level One
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 50

This match is often used to settle a major dispute between characters. And is often a
bloody affair. The loser of this particular match is beaten unconscious for one half day
per point of damage he lost by. For example - If the final score was 40-32. The defeated character is bedridden for four (4) full days. During those four days, the character
is not permitted to actively take part in realm functions; however checking mail and
dwelling in mun related areas is acceptable.
Winner: War Points - 10 • Life Points - total of both scores +10 • Gold Points - 40
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 15 • Gold Points - 8

Death Match Level Two
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 50

Entering a level two death match the characters must realize there is a chance of total
character deletion. The loser of a level two death match is allowed rezz under the
following guidelines: He must have a Clan healer perform the rezz.
If the rezz is successful then the previous match rules take effect and the loser is
grievously wounded and bedridden for as many half days as he lost by. If the
rezz is unsuccessful the loser must delete his character - no exceptions.
Winner: War Points - 15 • Life Points - total of both scores + 15 • Gold Points - 45
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 15 • Gold Points - 10

Death Match Level Three
Points fought to: no less than 20, no more than 50

The terms of this match are simple and rigid. If you lose a level three death match, your
character has met utter death. Character deletion is expected of the loser and there is
absolutely, positively no rezz granted - No exceptions whatsoever.
Winner: War Points - 20 • Life Points - total of both scores + 20 • Gold Points - 50
Loser: War Points - 0 • Life Points - 0 • Gold Points - 0

Master of the Web

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Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited.