
Tradition holds that Caine, the biblical slayer of his brother Abel, is the sire Of All
Kindred. There si much controversy over this within the Kindred community, as
there are none stil existing who can claim with utter certainty to have met Caine.
Certainly those of the second generation would know, but they're not talking. Some
of the third generation who yet exist claim to have met a being who may have
been Caine, or simply a powerful Kindred of the second generation.

It is an unresolved questions -- A mystery of heritage...

Second Generation

The existing translations of the Book of Nod place the number of second generation Kindred at three. Caine in his sorrow created them to live with him in his great city of Enoch. Nothing is known about the three. One can assume based on the Book of Nod, that they were slain either during the Deluge or in the First War following the flood. As one might expect, all those of age are reluctant to speak of their sires and the great strife that overcame them all. Andoubtedly, some know more than they are revealing. Were any of the second generation still in existance today, they would be powerful beings akin to demigods, perhaps.

Third Generation

It is beleived that seven members of the third generation exist, though the names
of only two, Lucian and Mekhet, are widely known. In common argot, they are
referred to as the Antediluvians, and they are the founders of the 13 vampire clans.
All remain hidden, lost in the workings of the Jyhad, the war that lasted nearly as
long as recorded history. They continue their struggle, but now instead of openly
warring on the battlefield, they use subterfuge, guile and outright deceit. Their
primary activities seem to be tracing the activities of each other and thwarting
whatever moves their opponents make.

These moves seem to range fom something as petty as the acquisition of a piece of
artwork or property, to grand schemes involving nations. Those of the third
generation see themselves as manipulators and dominators, split between those
who would live within the mortal world and those who would live without. It is unclear
if this reflects the origins of the Jyhad, or is just what it has degenerated into.
There are suspicions, based on the origin of the word Jyhad. Some among the
third generation may have indeed reached Golconda and are attempting to assist
others of their kind to attain this state. They must war with the other ancients who
do not wish this to come to pass. Those of the third Generation are powerful beings,
with abilities and powers only guessed at by their lessers. Some say they are the
last generation to have true mastery over the powers of life and death, and can only
die the final death if they choose or are slain by one of equal power. Is this
perhaps, the Jyhad? A manoevering to see who shall be the last of their kind?

Fourth and Fifth Generation

These vampires are known as Methuselahs, for they are nearly as powerful and
secretive as the Antediluvians. Those of the fourth and fifth generations are most
often the pawns of choice in the Jyhad, as they may have political power among the
other Kindred. As a result, their numbers have dwindled significantly with the actions
of the Antdiluvians. Few of this generation remain active, and many have become
Inconnu out of fear of the Jyhad and Diablerie. The Inner Circle of the Camarilla is
said to be composed of members of the fourth generation. There are many rumors
that the true purpose of the Camarilla is to blunt the efforts of the third generation
to manipulate younger generations. Though the blood of Caine begins to dilute
somewhat at this distance, those of the fourth generation are stil extremely
powerful. It can be assumed they have reached their maximum potential in two or
three Disciplines.

Sixth, Seventh, and Eight Generations

Vampires of these generations are powerful enough to think they can resist the
workings of their elders, and so remain deeply involved in Kindred society. They
control the Camarilla (at least they think so), comprise the majority of the princes,
and are the primogen of cities. Those who remain in positions of visibility tend
to be important figures: leaders of clans and blood lines, or princes of great cities.
Most of the princes of European cities tend to be of the sixth generation.
Princes of American cities tend to be of the seventh or eighth generations.
Members of these generations have most commonly achieved their maximum
potential in one or two Disciplines. Interestingly, the memebrs of the eight
generation seem to be the last Kindred viewed as "elders". Perhaps it is
because the majority of them were created before the modern age, and that is
evident in their manner and bearing.

Ninth and Tenth Generations

Though they are sometimes called elders, these Kindred often associate themselves
with memebrs of the younger generations. Members of these generations are
frequently called ancillae, though of course this is based on age more than generation.
Most were created in the modern era, and thus are somewhat alien in temperment
to the older Kindred. In more ways than one, they bridge the gap between the
anarchs and the elders.

Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Generations

The most recent generations of the Kindred are often called neonates. Most
characters belong to these generations. They are still powerful creatures, but
the special gifts of Caine's blood (the unique powers and abilities) are rarely
found here. Born within recent memory, the Kindred of these generations are
products of societies that have received the benefits of, and been victims of,
rapid change.

Generation Dice Chart

Generation Dice Discipline Limits Hit Points

Caine ------- Not Available

2nd Gen ------- N/A

3rd Gen ------- 3d44 ........ Maximum capabilities in three disciplines 60

4th Gen ------- 3d36 ........ Maximum use of 9th level discs. and lower 50

5th Gen ------- 3d30 ........ Maximum use of 8th level discs. and lower 45

6th Gen ------- 2d42 ........ Maximum use of 7th level discs. and lower 40

7th Gen ------- 2d40 ........ Maximum use of 6th level discs. and lower 36

8th Gen ------- 2d38 ........ Maximum use of 5th level discs. and lower 33

9th Gen ------- 2d36 ........ Maximum use of 4th level discs. and lower 29

10th Gen ----- 2d34 ........ Maximum use of 3rd level discs. and lower 26

11th Gen ----- 2d32 ........ Maximum use of 2nd level discs. and lower 23

12th Gen ----- 2d30 ........ First level disc. abilities only 20

13th Gen ----- 2d28 ........ No disciplines 17

Ghouls -------- 2d20 ........ No disciplines 14

Mortals -------- 2d20 ........ NA 10

Inquisitor ----- 2d20 ........ Special 10

Druid ----------- 2d20 ........ Special 10

**Note : All generations have at least three disciplines

Hit Points ~ These are used to indicate the allowed damage that can be taken
by a particular Gen, and is used for combat OTHER than official matches.
For Example: Bob the 4th Generation vampire and Neil the 6th Generation
vampire are arguing in a bar.. they dont want an official match and decide to duke
it out. the person to achieve the needed damage depending on his opponents hit
points wins.
( bob inflits 40 points of damage before neil inflicts 50 using their
gen dice.. bob wins the dispute

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