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Remembering Dell - Pictures, Page 1

Mom and Dell

I'm guessing the date of this picture to go back to the summer of 1989. It had been a beautiful day outside and we had had a great cook-out and had been playing games all afternoon. I don't know how the water fight started, but once someone threw the first drop... it was "war". =o) Everyone was running around that afternoon trying to find anything they could that would hold water. Mom had been sitting in that little chair of hers with a false sense of security that no one would involve her. Man, was she wrong. Dell snuck up behind her and soaked her!! We all still have a good laugh about that cookout to this day. =o)

Dell and I

I obviously don't remember this picture, as I was very young. What I have been told about it though is that my tricycle had broken, and Dell, always able to fix anything, fixed it for me. I was fitting as much of my big brother into my arms as I could in order to thank him and show him my love at such a grand gesture as saving that precious tricycle. :o) It's too bad that as adults we can't be so easily pleased with the small gifts life gives us... I wish I had known a year ago what a wonderful brother I really did have.

Last Picture

This is the last decent picture that we have of Dell. It was taken approximately the summer before his death in 1997. Dell was very camera shy and never volunteered a picture, you had to catch him off guard. It's truly amazing that this picture turned out so well, he must've been in a moment of weakness letting someone take it. It is the one we had placed on his casket, as well as the one on his tombstone. This is how his family will remember him.

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