
So what's this business about commissions? Well, lemme put it this way, if you want the genuine article, like, on paper original art, you're outta luck! (just kidding) Actually, at the moment I technically can't charge moolah for pictures so you'll have to settle for the online versions. 'Kay?

I can do average everyday character requests of animal characters for free... Art trades are also great! (and you may want to note that mostly the results turn out better when I have some real motivation/, I might get a nifty pic in return.) If you want to request a pic, here's a few guidelines:

  1. e-mail me with a good description of what you want me to draw. I can do single characters or group pics, but the better the description, the better the drawing, comprendo? You may want to include some links to refence pics, if you're not sure about the desc.
  2. Specify medium- ink, pencil, colored pencil (note: drawing done with colored pencil will be outlined in ink.)
  3. Nothing dirty. You never know with these furry types, eh?
  4. I can't do hoofed animals very well, at least not in an anthro style. Sorry.
  5. No non-animals. I can't draw humans well enough to get away with drawing them for other people. (unless you want, like, a pencil drawing done off a photgraph of yourself. I'm just saying no human characters.)

On a side note, you porbably should be aware of how I feel about random, generic, up-to-date-fashionable furres. I mean, I have nothing against Furcadia or the people who play it, but, honestly folks, 90% of the time, I can tell a Furcaia-generated character when I see the description. Now, this doesn't mean I'm not going to draw for you guys, but please, be original, and be specific in your requests. Thank you.
