Out into the world!

So, you wanna get out? Wanna see the world? Wanna be a millionaire? Sorry, I can't help ya there, but I can provide you with some groovy linkage! (Note: Check below for links to my friends' pages!) (Dec. 21: Decided it was time to update!)

  • Five Iron Frenzy Quite possibly one of my all-time favorite bands. FIF rules!
  • The O.C. Supertones If you can excuse the somewhat annoying website design, they're an incredibly talented band!
  • Okay, technically they're more of a swing/ska, but they're pretty good, anyway.
  • The Skadaddles" East coast ska... Good enough to eat!
  • The Throne Room Heroes Okay, I'm probably going to get in trouble for posting this, because it's not even an actual website, but a bunch of mp3's of the band's songs. They're from a small Christian college in Pennsylvania, see, but they're awesome. (Okay, Amb, you can shoot me, now. I'm a drooling fangirl.) Electronic
  • Fold Zandura Awesome melodic electronic. We love the Fold Zan!!!
  • The Echoing Green They started out as a regular electronic dance band, but somewhere along the line, they learned how to rock!
  • SkilletSkillet is cool!
  • Mukala Another awesome band! Wheee! I think I'm going into ferret-shock! (*slaps herself*) Sorry. Celtic, etc.
  • BallydowseCeltic/Punk! BALLYDOWSE ROCKS!!!!!! 'Nuff said.
  • Capercaillie My favorite celtic band (not including certain celtic/punk bands mentioned above.)

    That's all for now!