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Welcome to my little corner of the web.....

Hello! First of all, my name is Kim. Thanks for visiting my page. Since you've taken the time to come here, why don't you take the time to sign my guestbook! Have a nice visit!

Here's a little about me: I am 15 years old , I am a sophomore in high school, I am in color guard, drama club, I was the mascot for bball games, cheerleading, tennis, and newspaper. This was my second year in guard, second year in drama (I am the Sophomore Class Rep. for drama club) , it was my first year of cheerleading (football and basketball), first year of newspaper (I am a reporter), first year I was the mascot (and did a very good job!), and I just started playing tennis. I could use a little work on that, but I'm improving!

I am the only child of a very loving mother (the pretty lady that writes the checks for guard and cheerleading) and loving father (the guy that practically lives at work to make dinero for me to spend).

I am almost 5'6, I weigh around 105 pounds (no I am not anorexic, I eat all the time but never seem to gain weight), I have blonde hair, blue eyes, I have contacts, and I like animals. I have one inside cat named Teddy (he is very fat), I used to have a dog, but she died . :( I also have a little cousin that acts like a monkey, does that count? (Just kidding Tasha, you're the cutest little kid in the world!)

I don't really have a favorite song right now, I like any kind of music that I can dance to. I like the Beastie Boys, Will Smith, Brandy, Aaliyah (did I spell her name right?), and lots of others! My favorite food is pizza, plain cheese with Cherry Coke to drink.

At school my favorite classes are probably aide, newspaper, and lunch. I hate chemistry and geometry! I suck at math, but I'm pretty good at english.

Oh yeah, I have braces too.They are blue right now.

I also want to say hello to some of my friends:

Shawna, Cheerleading is over! So is guard! Been to any parties lately? Hahaha..... Just try not to get in TOO much trouble!! :)

Cassie, What do we love? The rain, the wind, overtime players, and wrestlers. :) Enough said there!

Dawn, Hey you crazy little girl! Here's some advice: just jump in a car, I guarantee they are all leaving!! (Drunk driving is bad.) Oh yeah, maybe I am too good for those people huh! A few of them maybe, b/c they are nerds. :) You know who I'm talking about! Oh yeah, BOBBY!!!

Sarah, Rice crispies treats? With m&m's??? YES!!!! And remember, she wasn't mad, she was disappointed. You know what that means, group hug! I don't know what to do on Wednesday nights now that guard is FINALLY over! TP Mrs. Pych? OK!

John, I was sad when you "died" for SADD. It was very depressing, but fun talking about Alanis and Stevie, since you couldn't defend them! He he he, one for the road!

Randy, Put some meat on my bones? Whatever, I think that you should too, you're not so buff yourself. Maybe that six pack, but the rest of you is pretty small. :)

Amanda, Hey, picnic girl!

Nathan, You need to write more. Not just forwards, LETTERS!!! Hahaha, ya know I'm just playin. I like to laugh! :) Miss ya!

Olivia, Hope you didn't have too much fun on the bus with the bball team! (power aid bottles?!?) Hehehe, watch out, you know how those seniors are!! It sucks when they gotta leave though! Have all the fun you can while they are still here.

Erin, Like my serves? Great aren't they! Teehee, I'll have to work on those ok! BTW, nice spandex and brace! :) Ya know I'm just jokin ok!

Casey, You don't gotta lie to make friends! :) Ha ha ha, as long as I can open my stupid locker! :)

Paul, Isn't it cool we are talking again? I think so! Just wait until I get into college, everything will be better. Parties, everything! *LOL* Sometimes I make myself laugh so hard I fall over!! :)

Like I said, this page is pretty lame, but give me a chance and it'll get better! Make sure you write me, I'll try to write back, but I can't make any promises. If you have any ideas on how to make my page better, tell me! Oh yeah, I just put in the new guestbook, please sign it, I would really appreciate it! Thanks! :) I also have ICQ, my number is 17766903

P.S. Pics will possibly added to this page very soon!!!

This Cheerlead RingWeb Site
is run by
Kim Craft.
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