The Present - part 1

Cerridwen (title by Bob Price)Cerridwen

I stopped looking for you in useless dreams and hopes,
Through valleys of the mountains and in arms of the corals,
Because in the delirium of my aspiration
I simply found you in words.
And since then I wish to float with you
To worlds known of nobody,
Together to lose ourselves in forbidden words
Which with their insane charm
They embrace and lay you down on me.
I wish to revive the Word from me
So I can be worthy to climb up to you.
Oh, please, let me fly with you,
And strike me with my forehead to the stars
Thus I can detach myself in letters
Which slowly fall on your heart.
I long for those nine days of ecstacy and prayer,
When you sealed me with your feather on the sea,
And when you rise for me anthems to the sky in your flight
So you can never forget me,
And when I offered you in exchange
The warmth of my syllables grabbed from the sun.
Let me rewrite myself under your wings,
And you let yourself be overcome by my accents
And so we can build together
A blank verse of embrace.
How I wish you to recite me more often,
For I need to linger more on your lips
And secretly to enter in your thought.

From now on keep me in your heart
Like a verb from a dead language,
And you will never regret it
Because I always be for you
What I always want,
I will be The One, The Primordial.

Am incetat sa te caut prin vise si sperante desarte,
Prin vaile muntilor si-in bratele coralilor, 
Caci in delirul dorintei mele 
Te-am descoperit simplu in cuvinte.
Si de atunci as vrea sa plutesc cu tine
Spre lumi de nimeni stiute,
Sa ne pierdem impreuna in cuvinte interzise 
Ce cu farmecul lor nebun
Te cuprind si de aseaza langa mine. 
As vrea sa recreez Cuvantul din mine
Spre a fi demna sa ma inalt la tine.
O, te rog, lasa-ma sa zbor cu tine,
Sa ma izbesti cu fruntea de stele
Ca sa ma pot desprinde in litere
Ce usor sa se astearna pe inima ta.
Imi e dor de acele noua zile de extaz si rugaciune
Cand cu pana ta ma intipareai in mare 
Si in zborul tau imi ridicai imnuri spre cer 
Spre a nu ma uita niciodata,
Si cand in schimb eu iti ofeream 
Caldura silabelor mele smulse din soare.
Lasa-ma sa ma rescriu sub aripile tale, 
Lar tu, lasa-te cuprins de accentele mele
Ca impreuna sa formam
Un vers alb de imbratisare.
Cat as vrea sa ma rostesti mai des
Ca sa pot zabovi mai mult pe buzele tale
Si tainic sa-ti patrund in gand.

De acum pastreaza-ma in inima ta 
Ca pe un verb de limba moarta,
Si nu vei regreta niciodata
Caci pentru tine eu voi fi
Tot ce mi-am dorit vreodata, 
Voi fi Unul, Primordialul.

(January 22, 1999)

(22 ianuarie 1999)


War and PeaceRazboi si Pace

I never thought I could love again
After so many years of lies and stolen smiles,
But, here, in my waiting
You found me and you held me in your arms 
So that the distance between us was smashed by our hearts.
From then I have found my strength in you,
I will leave the pain behind
And I will forget the past with its moody nights.
May I rest my head on your chest
So that I can feel your heart beating in my dream?
I have nothing more to offer you,
All I can do is to promise you
That I will always love you
Sincerely and with no interests,
I will love you virginally and innocently
As I never have loved before.

Nu credeam sa mai iubesc vreodata
Dupa atatia ani de minciuni si zambete furate,
Dar, iata, ca in asteptarea mea
M-ai putut gasi si m-ai cuprins in brate
Incat distanta dintre noi se franse de inimile noastre.
De acum in tine imi voi gasi puterea,
Durerea o voi lasa in spate
Si voi uita trecutul cu noptile lui triste.
Pot sa-mi culc capul pe pieptul tau
Ca sa-ti simt inima batand in visul meu?
Eu nu mai am ce sa-ti ofer,
Nu-ti mai pot decat promite
Ca te voi iubi mereu
Sincer si fara interese,
Te voi iubi virgin si inocent
Cum n-am iubit vreodata.

(January 30, 1999)

(30 ianuarie 1999)



Your skin smells like cold, moist air
Since we met secretly in your bed of clouds,
So no one can see
How we rise all at once.

Your skin smells like fertile earth
Because we hide at the roots of a poplar,
So that you can feel my scaley skin 
And so we may intimately kiss.

Iti miroase pielea a aer rece, umed
De cand ne intalneam in taina in patul tau din nori,
Ca sa nu ne vada nimeni
Cum ne inaltam noi doi.

Iti miroase pielea a pamant fertil
De cand ne ascundeam la radacini de plop,
Ca sa-mi simti pielea mea de solzi
Si sa ne sarutam cu foc.

(January 30, 1999)

(30 ianuarie 1999)


Woman of SinFemeia Pacatului

Do you remember, God, 
When I begged You to give me so much love 
That I can fall down under his kisses? 
You cursed me, God. 
More than I deserve it. 
Why he? - I always asked You 
But You smiled at me ironically and 
You abandoned me for Your angels 
Leaving me in solitude to torture myself 
Trying to hold a whole world 
In my arms just so I can touch him. 
You cursed me, God 
For the day in which I swore at You and crushed You, 
But even if I could turn back time 
I will still choose the curse of loving him. 
Yes, God, cry! 
I wish for You to cry as much as me 
And to ask me to forgive You in Your knee. 
Yes, God, cry! 
Because from now on I do love him. 
Yes, God, I love him 
And only for him I will forgive You 
For the tears that You gave me. 
Kill Yourself, God! 
Your pain doesn't hurt me anymore 
Because I love him so 
That I forgot even Your name. 

I love You, God, 
But I love him more. 

Iti amintest, Doamne
Cand te rugam sa-mi dai atata dragoste
Incat sa ma prabusesc sub saruturile lui?
M-ai blestemat, Doamne
M-ai mult decat meritam.
De ce el? - te-am intrebat mereu,
Dar imi zambeai ironic si
Ma paraseai pentru ingerii tai,
Lasandu-ma in singuratate sa ma chinui
Incercand sa cuprind o lume intreaga
In brate doar ca sa-l pot atinge.
M-ai blestemat, Doamne
Pentru ziua cand te-am injurat si te-am zdrobit;
Dar chiar de as putea intoarce timpul
As alege tot blestemul sa-l iubesc pe el.
Da, Doamne, plangi!
Iti doresc sa plangi cat mine
Si in genunchi sa-mi cer sa te iert.
Da, Doamne, plangi!
Pentru ca de acum il iubesc pe el.
Da, Doamne, il iubesc
Si doar pentru el te voi ierta
Pentru lacrimile pe care mi le-ai dat.
Sinucide-te, Doamne!
Durerea Ta nu mai doare
Pentru ca acum il iubesc atat
Incat am uitat si cum Te cheama.

Te iubesc, Doamne,
Dar pe el il iubesc mai mult.

(February 12, 1999)

(12 februarie 1999)


I want to be transformed into a snake 
To throw my tail round you body 
Tasting the air you leave behind. 
Like a snake I wish to crawl to you 
Sensing the warmth of your heart 
And I will drag you inside the earth 
Leaving you there with your muse 
Until the time of my ripeness will come. 

I want to be transformed into a falcon 
To flap my wings around you 
To chase away all the evils close to you. 
Like a falcon I wish to fall upon you 
To get you into my clutches 
And I will tear you to pieces 
So no one else can have you 
Until the time of my ripeness will come. 

I want to be transformed into you 
To see you eternally in my eyes 
Feeling you, feeling me at the same time. 
Like you I want to lust for me
Teaching myself the love of one soul 
And I will put a spell on you 
Making you forget about everything 
Until the time of my ripeness will come. 

(February 22, 1999)


In Time (II)In Timp (II)

The past began together with his words, 
Running easily into a kiss 
That days and nights I used to feel it 
Throwing me into a past present. 

I feel the existing present in every dream 
That weaves in front of my eyes a net of love 
And covering my eyes, 
I can no longer tell the future from the present. 

The time is he, the eternal one, 
Who advances together with me, 
His steps seem to sound in my heart 
So with every step I feel the shake 
Of hundreds of lives that we'll live. 

the past, present and future 
Merged in one time, 
A huge second that will never end 
Until his word perishes before he pronounces it.

Trecutul a inceput odata cu cuvintele lui,
Inaintand usor spre un sarut
Ce zile si nopti il tot simteam
Aruncandu-ma intr-un prezent trecut.

Prezentul de acum il simt in fiecare vis
Ce-mi tese in fata ochilor o plasa de iubire
Si acoperindu-mi ochi,
Sa nu mai pot deosebi viitorul de prezent.

Timpul este el, cel etern
Ce inainteaza odata cu mine,
Pasii lui rasunandu-mi parca in inima,
Ca la fiecare bataie sa simt zguduirea
A sutelor de vieti ce le vom trai.

Trecutul, prezentul si viitorul
S-au contopit intr-un singur timp,
O secunda gigantica ce nu se va sfarsi decat atunci
Cand cuvantul lui va pieri inainte sa-l rosteasca.

(March 13, 1999)

(13 martie 1999)



If my body would be the Earth
Then my heart is the Inferno himself,
But in my heart I made womb for him and Love.
Oh, my lover, Master of my Death!
Since you bring the Inferno in my life
I enter deeper and deeper in my earth,
Walking among the rivers of blood
And sentiments that sleep apart 
And I rise in me the dust from my past
So I can find my way to you
And die.

You - Master of Death, and I - dead...
The old times earth will cover us.
Tightly sleeping together in the same hole,
We will reign forever, we - kings of the Inferno,
You - Master of Death, and I - dead...

Daca trupul meu ar fi Pamantul
Atunci inima mea este insusi Infernul,
Dar in inima am facut salas lui si Dragostei.
O, iubite, Stapan la Mortii mele!
De cand Infernul mi l-ai adus in viata
Cobor tot mai adanc in pamantul meu,
Umbland printre rauri de sange
Si sentimente ce dorm razlet
Si ridic in mine si colbul din trecut
Ca sa-mi gasesc drumul spre tine
Si sa mor.

Tu, Stapan al Mortii, si eu moarta...
Ne va acoperi pamantul de altadata.
Dormind strans impreuna in aceeasi groapa,
Vom domni mereu, noi - regi ai Infernului,
Tu, Stapan al Mortii, si eu moarta...

(April 3, 1999)

(3 aprilie 1999)


Creation Facerea

You offered me Time and Space 
Laying them at my feet 
So they could serve me 
In the days when I couldn't see you. 

And, since then, I am the World herself 
Because I can stop Time 
Making him kiss my feet with one gesture, 
The distance reducing it to a letter of smoke 
So that, blackening you sight, 
You will return blindly to your World. 

I am the World herself 
Because your love transformed me 
And you gave me Light and Song, 
And, still, you would never be without me. 
But what is Light without the Eye, 
Song without hearing? 
I see and hear through you, 
My Light and Song wouldn't be without you. 

You will be above me 
Blindfolding me with the black night 
Because you are Sky with stars, 
And with our every kiss 
White stars will detach from your lips, 
Fall around my waist, my hips, 
Transforming instantly into humans. 

We are the Creators, Gods, 
We are above all creatures, 
We are above understanding.

Mi-ai oferit Timpul si Spatiul
Asternandu-mi-le la picioare
Pentru a ma sluji cu credinta
In zilele cand  nu te puteam privi.

Si de atunci sunt insasi Lumea
Pentru ca pot Timpul sa-l opresc pe loc
Sa-mi sarute picioarele la un gest de-al meu,
Distanta sa o reduc la o litera de fum
Ca intunecandu-ti privirea
Sa te intorci orbeste la Lumea ta.

Eu sunt insasi Lumea
Caci dragostea ta m-a transformat
Si mi-ai dat Lumina si Cantecul,
Si, totusi, tu fara mine n-ai fi existat.
Dar ce-ar fi Lumina fara Ochi,
Cantecul fara Auz?
Eu vad si aud prin tine,
Lumina si Cantecul meu neexistand fara tine.

Tu vei fi deasupra mea
Invelindu-ma in noaptea neagra
Caci tu esti Cerul cu stelele,
Si cu fiecare sarut al nostru
Stele albe se vor desprinde dupa buzele tale
Cazand in jurul taliei mele, soldurilor mele
Transformandu-se de indata in oameni.

Noi suntem Creatorii, Dumnezeii,
Noi suntem deasupra tuturor,
Noi suntem deasupra intelegerii.

(March 14, 1999)

(14 martie 1999)



It will be a time when God Himself 
Will want to united our destinies. 
(How can I not love you 
When you offer me eternity?) 


Our love will remain forever 
Engraved in the stars, on the sky, 
In God's heart. 
And we will take the secret with us 
Into the abyss of the earth, 
In the endless and cold grave. 

My dress will be the white foam of the sea 
So it can be scattered to the wind in thousands of drops 
That will chill you lips hot with desire. 
Kiss me so deeply 
So that the dead men will rise 
To be my witness for the love I feel for you. 
Promise to the dead for their sin of love, 
They will leave their graves 
Like Lazarus at the voice of the Son 
And they, God's priests 
Will join us for eternity 
In the front of the sea, of the mountains, 
They will unite us in God Himself. 

When it is growing dark I will feel your wings 
Press around my body 
To raise me on the pure of our love 
So that the flames of our lusting burn me alive.
I will burn with you until dawn 
When we could detach 
And form one spirit 
While our souls will 
Continue to burn arrogantly, 
Thus, after forty days, 
We will never come back. 

Va fi o vreme cand Dumnezeu Insusi
Va vrea sa ne unim destinele.
(Cum sa nu te iubesc
Cand imi oferi eternitatea?)


Dragostea noastra va ramane intotdeauna
Scrisa in stele, pe cer
In inima lui Dumnezeu.
Si vom lua secretul cu noi
In adancurile pamantului
In mormantul nesfarsit si rece.

Rochia imi va fi spuma alba a marii
Ca sa se spulbere in mii de picaturi
Ce sa-ti racoreasca buzele incinse de dorinta.
Sa ma saruti atat de adanc
Incat mortii sa se ridice
Pentru a fi martori la dragostea ce ti-o port.
Fagaduiti mortii pentru pacatul de a iubi
Isi vor parasi mormantul
Precum Lazar la glasul Fiului
Si ei, preoti ai lui Dumnezeu
Ne vor uni pentru eternitate
In fata marii, a muntilor,
Ne vor uni in Insusi Dumnezeu.

La lasarea noptii iti voi simti aripile
Strangandu-se in jurul meu
Pentru a ma ridica pe rugul dragostei
Ca flacarile placerii sa ma arda de vie.
Voi arde cu tine pana-n zori
Cand vom putea sa ne desprindem
Si sa formam un singur spirit
In timp ce sufletele noastre 
Continua arogante sa arda,
Ca dupa patruzeci de zile 
Sa nu ne mai intoarcem niciodata.



I wish to crave from you a coffin
For I sleep forever in you
And never to lose you again.
And after I will rot
To stream myself down in your veins
And to feed myself with your strength
So I can reborn from you.

As vrea sa-mi cioplesc din tine un mormant
Ca sa ma culc pururea in tine
Si sa nu te mai pierd niciodata.
Si dupa ce voi putrezi
Sa ma scurg usor in vinele tale
Si sa ma hranesc cu vigoarea ta
Ca sa ma pot renaste din tine.



Obsessively Obsesiv

A candle burned by my side all night long.
I slept peacefully lying on his shoulder.
In my sleep I heard only a scream like from a beast,
Waking me with my dying lover in my arms.
The white light of the moon fell ruthlessly
And the accomplice stars blinked, talking so loudly.
My lover flinches, smiling sorrowfully
And I kiss him easily on his bitter lips
That still carry the same salty taste.
At the sound of the bell I close my eyes just for a second.
The shadow of a cross wraps us intimately in its ripple.
The wind scatters over us a last hand with earth
And leaves falling in waves from old crying trees,
So that, in our stillness, we may forget everything forever;
About all that once kept us apart.
O lumanare mi-a ars la capat toata noaptea,
Eu dormeam linistita culcata pe umarul lui,
Doar un tipat ca de fiara mai auzeam in vis
Trezindu-ma in brate cu iubitul stins.
Lumina alba a lunii cadea neinduratoare
Si stelele complice clipeau vorbind prea tare.
Iubitul imi tresara zambind parca a jale
Si il sarut usor pe buzele amare
Ce poarta inca acelasi gust de sare.
In sunetul de clopot ochii mi-nchid pentru o secunda,
Umbra de la cruce ne-nveleste intim in a sa unda,
Vantul imprastie peste noi o ultima mana de pamant
Si frunze cad in valuri din pomi batrani de plans,
Ca-n neclintirea noastra sa uitam pe veci de toate,
De tot ce ne-a tinut odat' departe.

(April 19, 1999)

(11 aprilie 1999)



I ceased to existAm incetat sa exist

I ceased to exist
In the ephemeral body in which
The chaos threw me mercilessly.
I ceased to exist
In this poisonous world
That seems to get old prematurely.

Only for you, which
You were closer to me than air,
I never ceased to exist.
When the wind gave me his body,
And the thought - his swiftness,
Everything that meant renunciation
Ceased to exist for me.

And after I said goodbye to the day,
I fall stealthily into an eternal sleep.
Sleeping on the chest of the night
And with you in my thought,
I ceased to exist forever on earth

Am incetat sa exist
In trupul efemer in care
M-a aruncat fara mila haosul.
Am incetat sa exist
In aceasta lume otravitoare
Ce parca imbatraneste prematur.

Doar pentru tine, care 
Mi-ai fost mai aproape ca aerul,
N-am incetat sa exist niciodata.
Cand vantul mi-a dat trupul lui,
Si gandul - iuteala lui,
Tot ce insemna renuntare
A incetat sa existe pentru mine.

Si dupa ce-am spus adio zilei,
Am cazut pe nesimtite intr-un somn etern.
Dormind la pieptul noptii
Si cu tine in gand,
Am incetat sa exist de-a pururi pe pamant.

(May 8, 1999)

(8 mai 1999)



My loveDragostea mea

My love went mad,
From my arms she runs laughing,
Her phrases are words of delirium
And I don't understand her anymore.
She runs like a lunatic through woods
In a perfect illusory nakedness
And it seems she floats like a dusk steam,
She's cold and so eager. 

My love went mad,
She speaks with the flowers still asleep,
She whispers them sweet words, innocent lies
Like she used to do with me long ago.
And she still runs like a wild she is,
Taking my mind and my heart with her.
Ravished by her look so much alive
Even the forest bents in front of her steps.
How can I resist then? 

My love went mad,
And I slide easily to another world,
Losing everything that reminds me of her.
Only the river still confide to me about
His emotions when he felt her foot in his wave
And the wind which even now still cry after her.
And a jealousy embraces me crushing me.

My love still scampers...
The wind continues to run after her,
The river also streams following her,
The forest extends her boughs toward her,
And I went mad completely 
Imagining untold words,
Hearing whispers never pronounce,
And I still wait for her to come. 

Dragostea mea a innebunit,
Din bratele mele fuge razand,
Vorbele ii sunt cuvinte de delir
Si eu n-o mai inteleg.
Alearga ca nebuna prin paduri
Intr-o perfecta goliciune ireala
Si parca pluteste ca un abur de seara,
E rece si atat de doritoare.

Dragostea mea a innebunit,
Vorbeste cu florile inca adormite,
Le sopteste vorbe dulci, minciuni nevinovate
Asa cum facea si cu mine altadata.
Si tot fuge ca o nebuna ce e,
Luandu-mi mintea si inima cu ea.
Sedusa de privirea ei prea vie
Pana si padurea se apleaca in fata pasilor ei.
Atunci eu cum sa rezist?

Dragostea mea a innebunit,
Iar eu alunec usor spre o alta lume,
Pierzand tot ce imi mai amintea de ea.
Doar raul imi mai destainuie
Emotiile lui cand ii simtea piciorul in unda
Si de vantul care plange si acum de dor.
Si o gelozie ma cuprinde, macinandu-ma.

Dragostea mea tot goneste...
Vantul continua sa alerge dupa ea
Raul tot curge in urmarirea ei,
Padurea isi intinde crengile spre ea,
Iar eu am innebunit de tot
Imaginandu-mi cuvinte nespuse,
Auzind soapte nicicand rostite.
Si o tot astept sa vina iar.


Vertically (II)

Before we will sink in the endless night
I will take you to my lasting meadow.
Roaming among moments of eagerness,
Deep inside of time, you'll see that
My love is ageless as death.
Another kiss in the oppressive silence and
None of us will feel the coming of dusk.

(May 28, 1999)


In Time (III)In timp (III)

I learned to control the time
Writing, loving, thinking about you.
I shackled the reality
And the seconds I poured them in letters,
My written thoughts becoming now
Clocks of a non-invented time.
Now I can love you eternally
Because since I catch the endlessness in pages
I'm immortal through writing and death.

Am invatat sa controlez timpul
Scriind, iubind, gandindu-ma la tine.
Am incatusat realitatea
Si secundele le-am turnat in litere,
Gandurile mele scrise devenind acum
Ceasuri ale unui timp neinventat.
Acum te pot iubi etern
Caci de cand am prins nemarginirea-n pagini
Sunt nemuritoare prin scris si moarte.

(May 22, 1999)

(22 mai 1999)



I gave up to my human step
And I gave birth to my insanity
In new maiden body
So I can look from now on into your eyes.
And all that was non human and alive
Became my accomplices in late hour.
Carrying me on their arms,
Living in their world,
I knew you better in immortal body.

Be now with me forever
Outside the time and above the sky
And when the world will become too small for us
We will run together freely
To other skies break from death
So not even thought or sea to ever part us.

Am renuntat la pasul meu de om
Si-am dat nastere nebuniei mele
In trup nou de fecioara
Ca in ochi de-acum sa te pot privi.
Si tot ce era neuman si viu
Mi-au devenit complici in ceas tarziu.
Purtandu-ma pe brate,
Traind in lumea lor,
Te-am cunoscut mai bine in trup nemuritor.

Fi acum pe veci al meu
In afara timpului si deasupra cerului
Si cand lumea va deveni neincapatoare pentru noi
Vom fugi impreuna liberi
Spre alte ceruri din moarte rupte
Ca sa nu ne desparta nici gand, nici mare.

(May 22, 1999)

(22 mai 1999)


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