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Chin Musics (MP3 Section)
This page is for your enjoyment of Chin musics in mp3 format. I made them just for entertainment purpose only and I don't care if you abuse or use them your own way after downloading. Have fun!

Ruat Hnik Aw Nonawn.mp3Sang SangFalamVictory
Ruat A ttul.mp3 Sang SangFalamVictory
Hmai Nor Uh.mp3 Sun CeuFalamNa Hna Ka ttuan ding
Maw Nun Nem.mp3Mang Ceu LianHakhaRam-zuun
Chatuan Nun Kawng.mp3 ZosanglianiMizo??
Min Hnem La.mp3 ??
My favorite one, not sure its title
C.Van SangaMizo??
Ram Hma Ngaih Tu.mp3 ??
Not sure the title
Tribal PowerMizoTribal Power
Pan Khawm Hat Na.mp3 ??TeddimVictory
Then Lai Ka Ruat Kho Lo.mp3Thla MengHakhaRo Ling Seh
RoLingSeh.mp3GroupHakhaRo Ling Seh
Khuang Cawi Hla.mp3 Tuan Ling ThangFalam???
Chin Duun.mp3 Mang Ceu LianHakhaRam-zuun

I am currently working on MP3 section. More to come...Pls check it out later. You can also visit my personal homepage at

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to email me at

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