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Chiswick Bridge LTC


2008 Season Application form

Club Noticeboard

Background to the club

2008 Season Information

Membership Subscriptions
You will be sent a receipt to confirm your Club membership and also one complimentary guest pass.

Key times and Dates
1. Weather permitting, the season will start on Saturday 3rd May (but we will email nearer the time to confirm or you should contact a committee member to confirm) and will finish at the end of September.
2. Our playing times are:
- Saturdays and Sundays (3 courts) from 11am to 6pm;
- Wednesdays (2 courts) from 4.30pm.
3. Membership rates are much reduced from last year for existing members:
If paid by 28th April £50
If paid after 28th April £60

New Member Incentive
Members are encouraged to introduce members and bring them along to the Club, in the first instance as guests. Members will receive a can of tennis balls for each new player they bring along who joins as a member. Members who bring in five new members will have their annual subscription reimbursed. There is no entrance fee for new members, but they will be played in by a member of the Committee if they have not been brought into the Club by an existing CBLTC member.

Court Usage
The number of courts available to the Club is three on Saturday and Sunday from 11am and two on Wednesday evenings from 4.30pm. These can be increased if demand and Club income warrant this, and availability permits it. The period from 11am to 2pm at the weekend will be for members who want to make their own arrangements for games, on a ‘first-come first-served basis’. This can be either singles or doubles, according to court availability and player preference. After 2.30pm, the format will be social Club play, changing partners after each set.

In addition, on Sundays between 2pm and 4pm, the courts are set aside for use by members as arranged by Joy Masood; details will be emailed to all members early in the season.

We currently know of no dates that the courts are unavailable to us. However, we will keep you up-to-date with any changes to this via email.

Visitors are welcome at all sessions for a fee of £10 per session at the weekend and £5 on Wednesday evenings; your one complimentary guest pass is valid for either session.

The fee should be paid to a committee member on arrival at the courts. No one visitor may play more than twice during the season. Please can members adhere to this rule as it only causes embarrassment when members and their guests have to be challenged over the number of times the guest has played in one season and whether they have paid.

Tournaments (Dates for your diaries!)
Due to the popularity of the American tournaments, we will continue to hold them on the first Sunday of every month, starting on 1st June 2008. Please make a note of these dates in your diaries and we will be in touch by email to confirm arrangements nearer the time of each.

Private Bookings
CBLTC members can make private arrangements with the Civil Service Sports Council to use the grass courts outside the times which CBLTC have booked. There is generally good availability from 11am to sunset. Bookings should be made directly with the CSSC grounds office, on 020 8994 1202 (open between 9:30am and 4:00pm). The CBLTC members’ concessionary fee is £25 for a 2-hour session, payable to the Civil Service Sports Council. Payment should be made in the clubhouse at the time of playing.

Wimbledon Tickets
We will, as a result of our affiliation with the LTA, be eligible for an allocation of Wimbledon tickets. These will be distributed to members in the manner agreed at the 1998 AGM.

Membership Directory
A list of members’ names, telephone numbers and email addresses will be circulated in May to assist with communication between members for making up pairs or fours for the weekend sessions before 2pm. Please advise on the application form if you don’t want your details to be circulated.

Communication with Members
Please note that, to save the club costs, all updates during the course of the year will be by email only. Official notifications (eg AGM) will also be sent out by email where possible.

Points to remember
Do note the dates on which we have court time
Do play only on the allocated courts (see the notice board by the Clubhouse car park or by the Civil Service Tennis Club pavilion for details of our courts).
Do wear bona fide tennis clothes which are TWO-THIRDS WHITE, and pay special attention to your shoes; the wrong type can damage the grass
Do remember to pay for each visitor you bring along
Do remember to always bring tennis balls (decent ones please!)
• And,...... most importantly, have a great summer’s tennis

The Committee
May 2008

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