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Chiswick Bridge LTC


2008 Season Information

2008 Season Application form

Club Noticeboard

Background to the club ...

CBLTC operated as an independent tennis club for a number of years, as tenants on the club site adjoining the new golf club and driving range at Duke’s Meadows. In 1995, the landlord decided to focus on his golf interests and our tenancy was not renewed. Rather than disband CBLTC, the committee did a deal with the neighbouring Civil Service Sports Council, to enable us to use a number of their grass courts at certain designated times throughout the season. This arrangement has worked well for the past thirteen seasons and we believe that it will continue in the long-term to provide us with an excellent grass court tennis facility. Our membership is limited to 100 players.

The courts are among the finest grass courts in London, much better, in fact, than the original courts which we had at CBLTC. They are used by many of the Wimbledon players for practice and the Wimbledon qualifying rounds are now held each year on them in the second week of June. We have decided that the club is essentially a social tennis club and that it is not appropriate to enter teams in the LTA leagues. We hold a number of American tournaments each season, some of them in conjunction with the Civil Service Lawn Tennis Club. Guests are welcome, no more than two times per season, for a fee of £10 each visit. Members can buy separate court time themselves, outside the club sessions, by dealing direct with the Civil Service Sports Council. Private tennis coaching can be arranged with the resident professional.

The continued smooth working of the club depends on our maintaining a good relationship with the Civil Service Sports Council and it is therefore important that we keep to the terms of the deal which we negotiate with them. We buy specified court time from them in advance and these times and courts are notified to our members.

The sessions this year will be Wednesday evenings from 4.30pm; with Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 6pm.

May 2008

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