Out of the Trash

Beginning on March 18, 2000, I have a webpage. It's not my first one, but it's the first one I've ever tried that's about me. What I plan to have here is mostly stuff that I would end up filing away in my journal or just in my head and then nearly forgetting about. Stuff that would end up in the trash pile of useless information in my head. But I'm thinking maybe it's time to get some of that stuff out of the trashpile and written down. I will eventually also have the standard links pages and such, both as a way for me to keep organized and as a way for others to know what I'm interested in (just in case someone actually wants to know). This will also be used as a way to keep in touch with those people that I know but am away from, especially since I graduate in a couple of months.

What's Here
(It's not much right now, but I'll work on expanding as I go along.)

Some Basic Information About Me
Updates About Me