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Welcome to Brooklyn’s Homepage!!

Well here is the newest picture I have of me, its of me (left) and my best friend Jessica (right). You can find more pics on the link down below! I should have new ones up afer Christmas! I'm still changing some stuff, so it'll be current in a little while!! Thanks!! ~Brooke~

Boo and welcome to my page!!! My name is Brooke. I'm 20 (as of January 7th) and I live in Northwest Indiana. I have long brown hair (well it use to be dark brown, but now its alot lighter) and brown eyes.=) You can see my pictures by clicking here!

Here are the ways you can find me online~

Brooke~Marie on ICQ. My UIN# is 4640796
I also have AOL IM, I'm Intimidator3BOO
Yahoo Pager, I'm BrookeMarie_00
MSN Messenger~

I mainly use AOL IM though. So if you have those and want to chat, just message me!! =) I'm not online much anymore other than to check my mail!! But if I am on, I'd surely like to talk to you!! =)

Well, here is the rest of my page! Enjoy!

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Some more stuff about me...

I love playing sports, talking on the phone, being with friends, going to the movies, and playing with my two dogs Susie Q and Sophie. They're a minature Schnauzer and Scottie. My favorite colors are blue, lime green, purple, and black! Did I also mention that I love fish?! Not just normal fish, but like tropical fish, you know the really bright and colorful ones!! =) I finally have a fish tank now. I love it. It doesn't have tropical fish in it, but it has some really cool ones, I love it!! I also have my bathroom and bedroom done in them, not to mention that I have a tattoo of a clownfish on my right foot, I will have a pic up of it soon!! =) I also have a tattoo of a butterfly on my left foot, it has a signifigance though, but I don’t usually talk about it!! But if you’d like to know, I will share!!

I graduated from Boone Grove High School in June of 2000! Click here to find out about my activities in high school! I started at Purdue North Central August 22nd, 2000! I chose my major to be Accounting, and after lots of hard thinking, I've decided to take the Spring semester off. PNC wasn't as much fun or what I had hoped it would be.

So this is whats been going on in my life lately.......I had been working at a restaurant in Valpo since I was a junior in high school. The money just wasn’t cutting it anymore, so I had to find a new job. My aunt had called me one day and told me that where she works was hiring, and that I should go apply. So I did. After weeks and weeks of calling them and bugging them, I finally got my interview, and after six weeks of them calling me back I finally got hired in!! So, I bet you’re wondering now what the job was for. Well, I am currently working at the Walgreens Return Center. I work an odd shift 7:30 pm to 5:30 am, otherwise known as midnights. Which I know it sounds bad, urh midnights, but hey its only 4 days a week, and I still get Friday thru Sunday off, so I can’t complain, not to mention the money isn’t bad either. I started at Walgreens on October 1st, and by the time Christmas came around I knew that working in a warehouse wasn’t somewhere I wanted to be the rest of my life. I’m not saying its a bad job, or people that do this kind of work all their life are bad people, I’m just saying it isn’t for me. So after Christmas, I went to Ivy Tech and enrolled in classes there. I had registered for 3 class, and had them set up so I had a class everyday. I didn’t start classes till January 14th, and by Wednesday I knew that it wasn’t going to work. So I went and dropped one of my classes. I am taking Business Law (which I think is going to be a ton of fun, the professor seems like a riot), and Introductory Algebra. I’m pissed about having to take this math class cause its like math for dummies and when I was at PNC I was taking a Trig class, but oh well! =) It should be an easy A right?! So this is what has been going on in my life lately. I’m usually very run down, and not in the best of moods, but I try and make the best of it. I know I’m taking on a lot, cause I’m working a 40 hours during the week, taking 2 classes, and still waitressing on Friday nights and sometimes on Saturday, but I like nice things and you can’t have them by not working hard for them!!

Now here are some other pages that I have made!! Make sure you check them out!!

This page is about the greatest teacher!! You have to look at it!!

Ms. K

About Clarence

Here is a page with all of my favorite links on it!¡!

Brooke's Favorite Links

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