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Welcome to the Home Pages of the

Bombay Hash House Harriers 

6, Bhupendra Villa, 546, Jame Jamshed Rd.,Mumbai 400 019

Founded by David Reid & Jai Singh on 6th February 1983 

Run Day - Sunday
When - Monthly (Last Sunday)
Time - 10:00 am

This is a Mixed Hash.
Hash Bucket - Rs.100
Beer provided, T-Shirt and Food highly probable
Next run 22nd October 2000 at Kshitij,Napean Sea Road, behind Car Care Center Bombay 400 026. See Receding Hareline for details
Call Mobile Phone no : 98200 71814 on the day for details


BH3 Mismanagement Contacts

(The Country Code for India is 91 and the Area Code for Bombay is 22)
Hash Name
Name Work Phone Home Phone
Horny Gorilla Mahiyar Goghavala 3622629 - -
Mistah Lovah Lovah Kenneth Pinto 2301551 3680495 2301554
Harey N. Krishna Mohan 4930703 6285283
Butki Ketki Shah 4122726 4123413
Shining Shailesh Shah 2662880 4123413 2662679

Online BH3 Mismanagement

Hash Name
The Gorilla Mahiyar Goghavala
Mistah Lovah Lovah Kenneth Pinto

The Inter Hash 2002
...Proudly Supporting Interhash 2002. Its a Goa.

The Sex Pages of the BH3
...Need We say More.

Map of Bombay

Receding Hareline

Latest Online Hash Trash

Gateway to Online Hashers in India

Gateway to Hashing Around the World

The Worldwide HHH Hash List
...Information about this free email hash information resource and forum between hashers around the world, with a subscription form which includes a lot of valuable updates and information directly to you without the need to browse.

Future Tortures
...worldwide calendar of interhash events.

Hot Links
...popular hash links and links of interest to hashers.

Hash Songbook
...Hundreds of lyrics, limericks and poems from the largest hardcopy hash songbook in the world.

Hash Mahabharat
...Excerpts from the largest hash reference in the world with info about the Hash House Harriers and their history, their traditions, and their eccentric lifestyle.

"On On!"
...The traditional call to hashers and the story behind the Feet icon.

Beer Page

Beer Links
...Wealth of links and information on a hasher's favorite subject.

Global Trash Classifieds
...A public hash market listing everything you need to outfit your next interhash or provide goodies for landmark awards. Open to hash publishers and haberdashers around the world, including source for hash T-shirts, caps, mugs, openers, jewelry and much more!

Hasher Forum
...Open forum for readers and links to old Global Trash magazine editorials and Hasher Forums, a no-holds barred forum for hashers to discuss hash traditions, trail, sex, beer, and anything else of interest to hashers.

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This web page is dedicated to the Hash House Harriers, a worldwide social hounds and hares sporting group, sometimes called
a beer drinking club with a running problem.

This Site Was Created and Designed by Uncle Samuel Daniels


BOMBAY HASH HOUSE HARRIERS's page, member of the
Hash House Harriers Web Ring

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