Emmm...this is a poem titled

My Stone

By Mr.Pig.o.War

I found it skipping rocks one day laying by the water,

It reflected the light so beautifully as I stood amazed in wonder.

With such a stone so pretty how could I throw it like a rocket,

So I picked up the stone gentlly, and put it in my pocket.

The top left side of my shirt now where the stone rest,

sitting over my heart sparkling, protected by my breast.

And there it stay always when ever I am heard,

ranting about violence, or trying to take over the world.

Though you'd think it would, never does it tarish,

I say its from a glow inside, a power that I harness

So close to my heart the stone will stay shining like a sapphire,

But the geological name for my stone is known as the lovely zyre.

.....that is my poem

Thank you

See what happens tommorrow