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Copyrighted Material from
Life and the Art of Change
by Gene Oliver

A beginning in understanding "EGO"...
Ego is what causes us to resist change.

Ego is what causes us to feel separate.

Ego is a crust that covers our original spontaneity.

Ego is our map of life and how we are to 
navigate in it.

Ego creates our reality.

Ego controls it's relationship to everything in overt or covert ways.

Ego wants to maintain its position of control.

Ego gives us the illusion of safety with our reactions to things. Sometimes that illusion feels so good, we are willing to stay in difficult or unhealthy situations.

7 Dynamics of Change...

You will feel awkward, ill at ease, and self-conscious.

You will think about what you have to lose.

You will feel alone although others are doing it.

You will be able to handle only so much change.

You are at different levels of readiness for change.

You will be concerned that you do not have enough resources.

If you are not patient with yourself, you will 
give up.

Understanding this, we can change the "you" to "ego". It is not you that will feel awkward, not you that will fear what you have to lose, rather Ego fears what it has to lose. Ego resists, Ego projects. "Ego Provides for the Survival of Itself."

Ego's need to control becomes fiercer as it awakens to the reality that it is beginning to lose control and change. The very nature of ego is the survival of itself in it's current view of itself and the reality it has created.


More on Ego
A Mental Image of Ego


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