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Andrew's Theory's and Thoughts

All of these thoughts are my opinions, none of them are facts, and I'm not trying to say that your beliefs are wrong or right. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and everyone should respect others beliefs, even if they don't agree with them. All of these are my original thoughts, most uninfluenced by anyone else’s thinking. These thoughts are in no way meant to anger anyone.

1) Without motion and energy, there would be no time; Time is measured by the movement of an object.

2) If you are traveling exactly at the speed of light, time will keep moving on as everyone knows it, including you, but you wont see yourself, you'll see what was going on in the place where you currently are the moment you hit the speed of light.

X 3) As you gradually increase speed, things get blurrier and harder to see, until you reach a certain point, the point of light as I will refer to it. At that point, which is halfway between standing still and 186,000 miles a second, the way you see things will quit getting faster, and at that exact point, see things starting to slow down, even though you are traveling faster.

4) If you travel faster than the speed of light, one of two things could happen: You might see things in reverse as they happened in the past, which in my mind is doubtful, or there would be absolute darkness, because no light would be able to keep up with you.

5) If you are traveling at the exact speed of light, and you have a light of some sort on board, when you turn it on, you wont see it, but it will turn on, and you wont see the light it emits, but there will be light.

6) Even if you did travel faster than light, you would age the same, and time would be the same. The speed is the only thing that would change.

7) Like breaking the sound barrier, if someone ever breaks the light barrier, there would be a bright flash of light.

8) There could be creatures that move much quicker than us, and live much shorter lives than us, but their lives would be the same as ours; they could get just as much accomplished. Vice Versa with slow creatures, too

9) Our universe could just be an atom in a whole other world of giants, and inside our atoms, there could be a tiny universe. Or, our galaxies could be atoms loosely packed in a mass of atoms in the giants world, but we cant say who is giants and who is small, because chances are that we aren't the middle standard, if this is true.

10) Everything we know was created by science, and there is no magical powerful force somewhere in the heavens. We use the thought of a God as a source of hope when all else fails, and as a cushion of comfort if we doubt things will turn out for the better. Thinking that there is a force of goodness helps people do things that are looked at as positive, and the same way with thinking of a force of evil causes people to think that they must do bad. There is no goodness or evil, just actions by people that are taken as good or bad. The thought of death scares most people, and people aren't as afraid to die if they think there is a good life after life. One may think that if you don’t believe in God, that you are a bad person, or evil. The lack to believe in a God or a Devil doesn’t make someone any worse than a believer, whatever religion that they choose. Being a good person lies in who you are, not what you believe.

11) Nothing in the future is made in a set course, and everything is changeable. There is no such thing as destiny or fate. Once again, it is something we make ourselves believe so we will be comforted with the thought that things were made to happen. Nothing will have a reason or happen, unless an outside force influences it.

12) There has to be something that can breach the 4th dimension of time, and be anywhere at once. Something that is faster than light, and has no speed, because it cannot be measured in speed. If you take the distance divided by the time it took for the object to get there, you would get zero.

13) It is a known fact that the color black absorbs light, so a light particle must go slower than it's once thought constant of 186,000 miles per second, when it is being slowed to a halt on a black object. This would disprove Albert Einstein's theory that light cannot go faster or slower than its constant.

14) If we could combine a light particle with the element of copper or some other metal, could it be possible that we could make a ship made of copper-light compound that could travel at the speed of light with light itself as its engine?

15) Science tells us that the smallest thing in the universe is an atom, but I disagree. It is proven that an atom is made of protons, electrons, and neutrons, so wouldn't any of those be smaller than the atom itself?

16) If you roll a ball on the ground, it slows and eventually slows and stops, because of a force called gravity, and because of friction. Using that same idea, ray of light enters the earth's atmosphere, it too must be slowed and eventually stopped by gravity. This would disprove Einstein's theory that light is a constant speed, just like theorem 13.

17) If you have a source of light, lets just say a lamp, and you move your hand toward it, the collision of your hand and the light creates a force greater than the speed of light. If that force could be used to propel an object, be would have something that could travel faster than the speed of light. If you put two lamps facing one and another, the collision force of the particles of light would be twice the speed of light.

18) Nothing that we see or feel, touch, taste, or hear can be proven. We rely on these five senses to examine the outside world as we know it, but all five of these senses can deceive us. Even things that people consider facts are actually theories or opinions, because the way we claim they are facts could be wrong. The term "fact" describes something that must be true, because one or more of our senses tell us that. If these senses are wrong, then it cannot be a true, and it cannot be a fact.

19) The brain, or the process of thought, should be considered a sense. Imagine if someone couldn't use any of their five senses. They wouldn't know anything of the outside world, but they would be conscious of their body, due to the weight of it. They could still move, therefor they could think. The brain controls all movement. If they held their arm out in front of them for long enough, they wouldn't feel any heat or touch, but they could feel fatigue. Their heart would beat, and they would breathe, all controlled by the brain. A person without any of their five senses wouldn't know much about anything, but he would know a little. This means that the brain, or thought, should be a sense. The little that they figure out about life would be due to thought. Another example in a normal person is with math. Once someone learns the rules of addition, they might try to solve a problem: 24 + 7 = ??

We know the answer is 31, of course, but how can we figure out in ‘fact’ (see prior theorem) that it is the answer? We see the problem, but our brain, or thought tells us that it's the answer. A ‘fact’ that is discovered by nothing except the mind. The eyes only see the problem, but doesn’t conclude a fact from it. I guess skeptics that disbelieve in this theorem would say that the entire subject of math is nothing but ESP

20) Evolution, as a process of nature, to me seems very evident, and in a way a fact itself. The Bible never specifies Adam and Eve’s skin color. In any case, why do Caucasians, Native Americans, and Africans all have a different shade of skin? They evolved in different climates and different environments, which could be an answer. Evolution is also shown in the examples of pre-historic men, and how their skeleton is shorter, more hunched, and their foreheads are more slanted. A form of evolution, that cannot be denied, is adaptation. If an animal is put into a different environment, but not one too harsh for it to survive, it will over time adapt to make living and surviving there easier for itself. But the process of evolution is not evident in a short period of time. One must view a time period over millions of years to notice significant change. To me, evolution seems like more of a rational explanation than creationism.

21) A major difference between science and religion, in my eyes, is the notion that there must be proof in science for something to be accepted, but in religion, there are no limits to the irrationality of the explanation given. I found an example of this when I was having a religious debate, and asked a question. If the history of the world was recorded in the Bible, why wasn’t any detail of dinosaurs mentioned? Dinosaurs were indeed a large part of animal history. It is evident that they existed, but they weren’t included on the ark, and were never mentioned in the Old Testament. The person I was debating with replied: Maybe God didn’t want the people to know about them, and never told the writers of the Bible. I think that answer is just a irrational statement with no proof for an unexplained question. But when it comes to God, there really are no limits. Science takes a more open view at a question, and tries to find a more rational answer. If there is no proof to back it up, it has almost no chance of being accepted. Every well known scientific theory has at least some evidence to back it up.

22) Theories, or ‘facts’ if they are in the bible in a believers point of view, don’t have evidence to back them up, but believers are so sure of their rightness. They say faith is their proof. My thoughts behind this go to a well known scientific study called the placebo effect. In this study, two test subjects are given a substance. One of the substances is what they are studying, and one is just a normal thing that has no effect on the body. Neither person knows which they have. The person that has the normal control item may think that he has the different item, and may believe normal bodily reactions are an effect of the item. This is what I believe ties in with faith. Someone who was raised to believe that there is a God, and knows of the Bible’s teachings, may believe that they are feeling God. This could be the placebo effect in a way. They expect that they will feel a God sent message, and may make themselves believe that a normal thing is that. The power of thought is something that can make things seem to happen that really aren’t.

23) The misconception of luck is nothing short of a lie. Anything that people think was caused my luck, or by a lucky charm, was only caused simply by a mere coincidence of events lain down. People can wish and hope and try to use luck to get something accomplished or win something, but it is truly human work and guessing, and sometimes coincidence that causes it. The word luck, like when used as ‘that was just a lucky guess’ was coined to represent a coincidence. I sometimes may get caught up thinking that luck is causing something to happen, or thinking that a lucky charm will aid me, but then I realize the irrationality of my thinking, and correct my unreasonable thoughts. Some people may claim it was luck that caused them to win the lottery or luck that will help them through hard times, but again, as stated many times above, it is something some people use to fall back on when they doubt their own human skill towards the task handed to them. We have to believe in ourselves, and not look for help in a ‘rabbits foot’ or a ‘four leaf clover’.

24) One of the most commonly accepted things that in a whole isn’t true is love. Someone can think that they have fallen in love with someone else, but you have to ask yourself what love is. Love¹, when perceived as a power of bonding between two people, and actually as a force that has an affect on people, is false. I do believe, however, that the term love² can be used to describe the feeling one gets toward someone that they care about. ‘Love at first site’ is impossible, acknowledging that the first definition of love isn’t true. If you have deep emotional feelings for someone, and care about them the second that you lay eyes on them, then your cares are for the wrong reasons. Love cannot exist just solemnly for looks, but to love someone, you have to accept who and what they are on the inside. That is the part of them that you feel love towards. Also, you cannot tell if you really have love towards someone right away. It could take years to realize. In reality, love is a term, not an actual thing, and it represents something you feel towards someone who is meaningful to you. Saying that you love someone may or may not be a big thing to you, but if you think you mean it, ask yourself if it is for their looks, or if it really is love.

25) People could lose perception of time, and not realize it. From the time that it takes you to read from this point to this point, it may have been ten minutes. Although it would almost be impossible on a large range for it to happen, due to interference’s from other people, it could happen to a single person alone. The concept for this to happen isn’t ‘aliens’ coming down and zapping our brains, or a supernatural force controlling our thoughts, but it might just be a natural occurrence. I’m sure you have dazed off, and someone has interrupted your train of thought. That is why it couldn’t happen with another person around. If you were alone, and started to daze off, you could, and probably have lost track of time. What seemed like five minutes was actually twenty. What if, out of those twenty minutes, for ten of them, your brain actually neglected to let you have a perception of the outside world? You would never know that it happened, and if nobody was around to snap you out of it, it could happen quite frequently. It is like sleeping, but you are awake. Your body and mind have no idea of what is going on. It isn’t even daydreaming. No thought enters or crosses your brain during this time. It is just a still frame in your life unrealized by you. The time that you don’t realize could be called ‘sub-time’. After this time is over, you could pick up on your last thought, and never know of the time that had actually elapsed between your two aware moments.





All theorems copyright © to Andrew Gustin, 1999.