Our fanciful links

Well... how in the funk are ya' doin'? Welcome to p-funk.com, your First Stop on the road to the groovalistic side of the Internet! We've got jump-funky links that transport you to the most funkalicious sites on the web, we've got the funkiest E-mail box addresses in the Internet galaxy (you could be you@p-funk.com), and we've got a philosop-funky section to assist with clarifunkation of certain funk-a-nology and thangs for newbies (If that's you then read it...don't try to fake the funk!). Finally, we've got a monthly p-funkword puzzle to help keep your grey matta atta betta level, ya' dig? the Motherpage One nation one funky puzzle! funky.com your funky retailer Truly funky links James Brown homepage New Funk Times