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Profiles - Friends and Family.

Hello and welcome to my page of Profiles! Please note that this page isn't quite finished yet, because some other stubborn Ducks haven't turned in their paper about profiles yet.
This profile page is different from other profile pages. These profiles are from the very words of the Ducks themselves. They won't be in order, because all the profiles are different. Different Ducks, different profiles. Different, different, different, different, different etc.
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy reading about us and where we are from.

First, here comes my family, the Featherwings.

Adrian Featherwing.
Age: 49
My father, Adrian Featherwing, was killed in the first attack of the Saurians. He used to be a special Puckworld government asassin, where he excelled in every task. He was a very hardworking man, full of fun ideas, laughter, jokes, chatter and love. Yes, he was the perfect father. We loved him very much. Every time he came back from a task, he would bring us presents, ie: A Saurian leg, a giant squid's skin (which I used to blind the Saurians in their second attack) and many disgusting things.
His costume in fighting was a black turtleneck suit, with metal knee and elbow pads. His main weapons were his swords (he has two; One for slicing and one for.. for... um, for accesory) and himself. He was trained in a special martial arts class, along with Marina LeWebb (another Duck).He suffered from asthma, from when he was a baby. He was born in a trash can, when his family had no money and were living out on the streets. He managed to survive, that is, until the first attack of the Saurians. (30th, actually!) His asthma had hit the button, and he was badly sliced up, at that time, too. His partner, who also died in the war, managed to bring him too safety. A few hours later, he was gone.
Phrase overheard (long ago!): Doggone it! Keep your head up high. You're a Duck, and always will be.

Angel McMallard
Occupation: Puckworld Special Forces, used to be Mallory's mom's partner (they're sisters)
Costume in fighting: Red suit with a ripped right boot. Black knee and elbow pads.
Main Weapons: A sword. A lucky charm, she calls it, because she pulls through every possible danger with that sword in her hand. Also deadly with a boomerang. I inherited her sword skills amd Neolofa inherited her Boomerang skills.
Talents:Slink a cat, wise as an owl, and can hear a Saurian three miles away.
Phrase Overheard: --(She keeps her thoughts to herself)

Serenade Featherwing
She's 26 years old but she looks 20. She admits it, though. She has this exotic look; long lashes, cold black eyes, waist length brown hair and she has a Marine tattoo on her beak. She graduated from the Puckworld Marine Academy with top honors. Now, she is a member of Puckworld Asassins, who live secretly, destroying Droids and Saurians who remain on Puckworld. She was supposed to come along with the third line of Ducks to Earth, but she refused. She wasn't going to leave Puckworld all battered and helpless.
Her costume in fighting is a green suit, a short brown jacket with a torn arm, brown boots, and a loose brown belt which holds her 'gas balls'.
Her main weapons are a bow and arrow. She was supposed to have a bazuka, but the shipment was destroyed by the Saurians.
Phrase Overheard: Aaarg! (which was about what she said all day. She is not a very patient Duck and gets her feathers easily ruffled.)

Hunter Featherwing
Age: 21
He is a handsome Duck with a scar on the left side of his face and creamy chocolate hair. He has a pair of amazing azure blue eyes, which can fry a person's brain when it is controlled.
His costume in fighting is a white suit with a long armless black jacket. The jacket holds his stuff; an invisible shield, which is his main weapon.He has a wonderful personality, and he also graduated from the Puckworld Marine Academy with top honors. He turned his back against Puckworld, when he served Dragaunas as a spy and brought me and my sister to Earth. Eventually, he got killed trying to save us when his conscience was finally rung.
He has an amazing talent, which is that he can shrink and emerge from shadows in dark places, such as tunnels, a dark corner and so on.
Phrase Overheard: Curses! These Droids are indespecable!! (His idol is Daffy Duck).

Vicki Featherwing.
Age: 15
I am, in nature, probably the second - youngest hockey- playing- crime- fighting Duck on this side of the galaxy. I have a natural look, so it helps without having to wear that disgusting goop that human females wear all day and end up looking like 'Night Of The Living Dead' at night.I am also very slim and my favourite food on Earth is CHEESE. I have shoulder length black hair , cool blue eyes, long lashes and a silverstar tatto on my beak. I was a mamber of the Silverstars' back in Puckworld. The Silverstars are made up of female Ducks with a patient, generous, kind and gentle nature, but dead searious and quiet when in the time of danger. We weren't as good as the Marines, we just kept burglars are robbers out of the way for the Puckworld Special Forces. My costume in battle is a silver tank top, black leggings, silver metal knee and elbow pads, a pair of black fingerless gloves and black boots. I also have a silver belt around my waist, which is very, very loose which holds my sword. It belonged to my father.My everyday outfit is a silver sleeveless t-shirt, tight black jeans and NorthStar sneakers. I, now, am a Mighty Ducks member and I absolutely love to kick Saurian butt. If they have one. In hockey, I play the defensemen and sometimes take after goalie if Wildwing is sick or hurt.
In my free time, I love to shop with my shopping buddies, Celyna, Gretchen, Psi, Lins, Mallory, Turbulence, Murcury and Marina LeWebb. Not to forget my sister. And Tanya. Tanya and my sister are both super geniuses, and only make trips to the shopping malls when in desperate need of an elcetrical thingy. I'm terrible at Machines. Once, instead of shuttingoff a bomb at a bank, I put it back on and it exploded. I had to be in the infirmary for three whole weeks! Aaaah! Without hockey, too. Double aaah!!
My talents are talents indeed. I am slink, witty, charming, sexily seductive and I can hear a beating Saurian heart three and a quarter of a mile away when deep in concentration. I have met Tai Quack Doe, Grin's master, and he taught me that. My hockey number is #98, my good points are that I LOVE to make things happen, I am also very sarcastic with lots of dry remarks and very funny. I absolutely hate boring movies, people and places. My only relative besides my sister here on Earth is my cousin, Mallory McMallard. Phrase Overheard: You're gonna be dog meat! Y'hear me? Dog meat! And you're not even good enough for that, too. Go suck a lemon and walk off a short cliff!!

Neolofa Featherwing.
Age: 13
Nickname: Neo - Big - Ego.
She's an adorable sister but a pain in the neck when she sulks. She's very young, and she's not very patient. In fact, she is the champion of all champions in arguing. Her looks are very modern; long lashes, waist length black hair, red ruby eyes and a very smart ass mouth. In her free time, she plays the violin, she has two; One is her weapon in fighting and one is a violin which she plays beautifully. The male Ducks don't appreciate it. While we girls are enjoying the music, the boys are happily snoring away, which makes her sulks sometimes. She is a genius, and she's in league with Tanya. They are now like this *intertwines two fingers together*.
Her costume in fighting is an extremely tight purple jumpsuit, a short, black zip up jacket, a short, tight stretchable shorts which is only until her thighs, then it's the purple suit all the way down until her calf. And she also wears white boots with black and purple lining. She is karate trained, and she doesn't need a weapon except for a very slicy boomerang and her violin. You definitely don't want to mess with her once she's out of control. She loves to shop for electrical things, but she also dressed stylishly. She really, incredibly HATES Dragaunas, Saurians and officer Klegghorn.
Phrase Overheard: Psyche!

Now, here are my friends' profiles. In the flesh. Well, not really.

Marina LeWebb.
Position: Former Private Investigator; Offense #7.
Age: 27
Weight: 130
Description: Long black hair, braided all the way down, her feathers are white with black stripes running all over her body. She wears a blue sleeveless unitard, black fingerless gloves, a black utility belt, black boots and a silver crescent moon pending.
Equipment: Twin katana blades worn across her back; a bola hanging from her belt, her awesome fighting skills: she's a black belt in three different martial arts!
Extra points for: An expert in criminal psychology, she knows what the criminal mind is like - not to mention how to get sround a security system; a true artist. She loves to paint. She can also handle Klegghorn. Her swords skills are as good as Duke, better than him and me, maybe.
Personal Penalty: A dark solitary Duck. Her brewing emotions can eat her up from the inside. Though Duke is her best friend, they're almost binary opposites, and she is the shady cop to his noble rogue - she has seen the dark side and has delved into it; unable to handle attention; Phil can fast talk her into just about anything!
Idol: Sam Spade, the dark detective from 'The Maltese Falcon'.
Phrase Overheard: "Call it a quirk, but I have this crazy grudge against meglomaniacal psychopaths."

Quacker Jax Vanderflock
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225
eyes: Fudge
Age: 21
Hair: Chocolate
Feathers: White
Number: 83
Position in hockey: Anything except defensemen
Main weapons: Magic staff
Nickname: QJ
Battle outfit: Purple bodysuit with his initials on the chest, red jester crown with jingling gold bells and a blue trim.
Everyday outfit: Overalls (right strap unhooked) and a white t shirt or jeans shorts and a purple Jason Kidd jersey (Phoenix Sun #32)
Good points: He's always humorous, usually cheerful, and plays Romeo constantly, even when he's not trying.
Other: He was the 23rd ruler in Khiltara's Mustaf Dynasty. Known as King Quanbillo Joaquin Mustaf XXIII on his home planet. Known as 'Boy King' because he assumed the throne at the age of 14 upon his father's death for disease. Has had many girlfriends, all of them pale in comparison to Tanya in his opnion. Married Tanya Vanderflock on December 13, 1997. Quacker is also an amateur rapper.
Overheard: Nosedive, please tell me that wasn't you who put tapioca in my bathtub?

Celyna McFay
Height: 5'7"
Weight: What is this? Twenty Questions?
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Description: Celyna is a snow white duck with a willowy athletic figure, long shiny blavk hair and bright emerald green eyes. She has a kind face and an orange beak (duh!) Her outfit in fighting consists of an extremely tight low cut black jumpsuit with a silver neckline and lining. She has a silver belt which is hung loosely around her, holding her sabre. She wears boots like the other Ducks, except that her boots are black with silver.
Personality: Gentle, but a tough Duck when it comes to determination and inner strength. She doesn't know how to play hockey, but she figure skates. In her free time, she writes, models and cheers on MD's games. She also tries to look on the bright sode on everything; she tries to make everything better when it isn't. She also likes to tease, but she doesn't like to hurt anybody's feelings.
Celyna is totally overprotective of her sister, Cammie. She is also a major shopaholic, but thank God she doesn't max out on Phil's credit cards. (I added that one myself)
Background: She was the leader of the Sisterhood of The Sword back in Puckworld. She used to fight for Dragaunas when he held Celyna's brother, Cevin, captive. When learned that Duke, her boyfriend, was on Earth and fighting for the Ducks, she turned away from Dragaunas and joined us.
Likes: Shopping, writing, Duke, re-decorating her room, Duke, mirrors, Duke, cameras, clothes, Duke, jewelry, shopping and Duke :)
Motto: I came, I saw, I went shopping!
Phrase(s) Overheard: AS IF!, Ooo... do they have that in my size?, YA THINK? and CAMMIE! Get back here! No, don't TOUCH THAT!, LIKE DUH and Oh, get a grave!!

Chantal Eternity Axillar
Age: 19
Position in Hockey: Center offense #37
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125lbs
Physical Description: She has red hair down just below her shoulders and bangs to the side (like Dive's) Her feathers are white. She wears for everyday a silver, oval locket, tight black jeans and any kind of tank top or spaghettie strap shirt, but usually either Lavander or Navy Blue. She wear Adidas sneakers and a watch on her right wrist, which indicates that she is a lefty. For her battle gear she wears a Navy Blue Unitard with no sleeves, , light blue chest armour and a light blue belt. She has a grappling hook and she has a holster fir a Puck Launcher on her left hip and comon her right wrist. , her shoulder pads are white with green line on the rim and a little square of Maroon on her left one. Her face is soft but when mad is cold and hard.
Occupation: She hasn't really found a valuable essence to give to the team besides her awesome fighting and hockey playing skills - when she finds her knack she will offer it to the team. But she was once part of the Brotherhood of the Blade because she is Duke's cousin and after Dragonous killed her parents and she doesn't know what happened to her brother Markus. After he entered the war camp she wanted to be with Duke. Because of all this she has some of the awesome skills Duke has like picking locks and walking silently as a cat and some other cool techniques that help her along the way.
Occupational Hazards: Her lust of revenge makes her blood thirsty at times and so she cannot think straight all the time. She doesn't know what is godd and what is bad for her and she gets confused at some things.
Phrase Overheard: Alright Pancakes!!!
Idol: Tied between her brother and Duke

Turbulence Madison Ducaine
Height: 5'6 1/2">br> Weight: 114 lbs.
Eyes: The bluest on Puckworld
Age: 16 1/2 (excactly 6 months after Dive)
Hair: Very blond and down to her thighs.
Feathers: Light Peach
Hockey #: 18
Position: Where ever except for goalie.
Main Weapon: A dagger that is the only thing that can kill Dragonous and a Puck blaster.
Lover of her life: Nosedive
Family: Father= Drake Ducaine Mother= Madison Ducaine Bro= Canard
Legal Guardian: Duke
Nickname: Angel
Only team mates call her: Turby, Turbs, Turb
What Thrash and others sometimes call her: Turbical, Turbster and Turbsical (do not ask where they got that)
Battle outfit: a tight dark purple jumpsuit with a maroon chest shield (like Mallory's) a gold belt that hangs sideways on her hips that has square compartments for various things, a shoulder shield on her right arm and her sky surfing board on her left, white boots with light purple trim.
Everyday wear: Black leather jacket with white tank top, black pants and white tennis shoes that shines.
Always wear: a gold necklace and a gold ring that has a forever sign on it.
Ruffles her feathers: Dragonous, people and Ducks who go after Dive, how Wildwing is a little uptight.
Likes MAJOR: Nosedive, shopping, hockey, learning new things, arguing, just hanging out with Thrash and the gang.
Position not in hockey: Pilot/maniac.
Good at: flying, fixing the Migrator and Airowing and stuff like that.
Good points: is always fun to be with,+ cute but taken
Bad Points: blames herself for her father's death, and wishes that she was sucked in by the wirm instead of Canard and she will NEVER wear the mask.
Overheard: "Attention all passengers, please remain seated, we are expereancing 'TURBULENCE' "

Niagra Cliff Icetone
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: dark, dark blue
Age: 18
Hair: Reddish brown
Feathers: Peach with a tint of red
Hockey #: 7
Position: Center
Main weapon: Combat stick
Love of his life: Chance
Family: One sister but he doesn't know where she is, he ran away from his parents and sort of disowned them
Battle outfit: Excactly like Duke's only dark blue and silver.
Everyday outfit: Blue tank top with black jeans
Ruffles his feathers: poetry, people who treat him like a kid and the word NO
Likes MAJOR: malls, people, surfing, crystals/jewels
Position not in hockey: Sort of the funny ditz guy
Good points: He is funny
Bad points: he is a ditz
Overheard: "what" (he has many uses for that)
Other: was in Duke's gang and Duke was his "teacher" when it came to burglary and such - he was a runaway because his parents neglected him and said that he was a mistake (repeatedly)

Thyme Wendy Quackdo
Age: 21
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hsir: Black with a purple streak. She has bangs like Dive's but they are in ringlets
Color: Light grey
Eyes: Violet
Love of her life: Hawkwing
Hockey #: 12
Position: Left wing
Position not in hockey: Kung fu expert
Likes: Hawkwing, animals, diving,skiing
Hates: Bugs, when Ducks say her grandpa is wierd
Other: She is a little Oreantel, she and Murcury act identical - she lived on Pucklink, which is one of Puckworld's moons joined by a bridge, for most of her life, her parents were killed so she moved in with her grandfather TyQuackDo on Puckworld. She became leader of the alternet resistance made by Canard because the first one didn't go through. It consisted of only three members that Thyme picked out... her and Murcury are born on the same day, time and place.
Family: Grandpa = Ty QuackDo.
Main Weapon: Lazer fan that is a shield that can cut through thivck stuff
Costume in fighting: A white karate outfit with tye died colours as the belt
Casual outfit: Purple baby doll tank top, blue jeans, white heel tennis shoes.
Good points: Always there to lend an ear
Bad Points: Short temper
Overheard: I think someone is Coocoo for Coco Puffs.

Nathaniel Webster Gander
Height: 5'11"< br> Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: Emerald green
Age: 20
Hair: Jet black
Feathers: Crystal White
Hockey Number: He doesn't play
Position in Hockey: Look at number
Main weapon: Anything that works
Love of His Life: Murcury
Family: Tanya is Aunt
Battle outfit: A dark purple loose jumpsuit ( a guy version of Tanya's)
Everyday outfit: Black jeans, white shirt, balck vest
Ruffles his feathers: He can't skate, the way people treated him when he was a kid, Phil's money schemes
Likes Major: Murcury, graphic art, Murcury, hanging around, finding what's in and what's out.
Position Not in Hockey: Graphic artist
Good points: Always there when you need help, a true gentleman
Bad points: Some times he is too shy and quiet
Overheard: Better believe it, buddy.

Murcury Startone
Age: 21
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 100lbs
Color: Brown
Eyes: Green
Love of Life: Nate
Number in Hockey: 12
Position in Hockey: Right wing
Position not in Hockey: Street fighter and leader of Pucklinks extended Force
Likes: Shopping, shopping, shopping and Nate.
Other: She and Thyme are best friends.
Main weapon: Lazer whip and puck blaster
Casual outfit: A black tank top that ties and is short and black skirt that is also short
Battle outfit: --
Good points: Kicks Saurian butts and shops
Bad point:She shops a litlle *too* much
Family: An over protective older brother
Overheard:Shooping! I heard the word shopping! Who said shopping? Let me come! PLEASE.

All characters are property of their creators. Got that?

Read our crazy, wild and action packed adventures!!
Onward - To the page of OtherStuff!!
Ahh, you FREAK!!
