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This is the page of

Tibbie's Babies

a backyard flock of 4H chickens and their guardian, Tibet.
Come inside for pictures, sounds, facts and links.

Family Friendly Site

Welcome to Tibbie's Babies, a page of a puppy and her chickens. We've got Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red, Australorp, Wyandotte and Orpington!
WOW! The Hamburgs and Faverolles are HERE!!!!
The photos aren't downloaded yet, but there are three hamburgs and three favs.
Give us a couple of weeks and we should have the new birds online.
Come in and play with Tibbie's Babies!
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Updated January 16, 1998

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People curious about poultry have been here since August 8, 1997.

This Poulty Ring site is owned by Keith Anderson

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