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The Return of Princess Nova

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In this episode, Kailey finds herself being engulfed by memories of her past. She tries her best to fight the evil inside of her but it's no use.

*Jedite was the first general of Queen Beryl's army. They were the first bad guys in Sailor Moon.


Kailey opened her eyes slowly. She couldn't remember much. The last thing she remembered was hearing her brother's voice before she passed out. She shivered suddenly, realizing that it was cold. She looked around and saw Serena and Mina staring down at her. They smiled and helped Kailey sit up.

"Are you alright?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where am I?" she asked them.

"At my house," Mina smiled. "I told my parents that you passed out at school."

Kailey laughed and then laid back down. The room began to spin again. She tried to clear the haze, but it was no use. She felt as if she had to sleep. It was as if something inside of her wanted out...some sort of energy wanted out.

"Serena...." she weakly said. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"I mean...why am I so weak? What's wrong with me? What did he do to me?" Kailey asked.

"I don't know," Serena admitted.

It had been strange the way Diamond held Kailey before he left. He had seen her begin to pass out and caught her. He whispered something in her ear and then laid her down and left. What did he say to her? What did he do? Serena wished that she knew so that she could help. The words of Diamond kept ringing in her mind though. If he wasn't filling her mind with evil thoughts...who was?


"Rubeas!" Diamond yelled.

Rubeas appeared and looked at Diamond caustiously, "Yes?"

"Why did you try to bribe her? You would have let her go if she had said 'yes' wouldn't you?" Diamond questioned.

"It wouldn't have mattered," Sapphire interuppted. "She would still be here. She just wouldn't be so attached to you."

"Stay out of this Sapphire!" Diamond snapped. "Why are you so interested in marrying my sister? Is it so that you can become ruler someday?"

"No Prince Diamond," Rubeas calmly said. "It's her beauty if you must know."

Diamond scoffed at Rubeas. Sapphire laughed and calmly walked out. He went to be by himself, in his own place where Diamond would never guess where he was, or what he was doing there. He held out his hand and an image of Kailey appeared. He laughed evilly and concentrated on her. A black mist engulfed her sleeping mind and filled it with horrid memories.

"Soon you'll be back here," Sapphire smirked. "Then I can get rid of you just like I wished for."


Serena and Mind watched as Kailey slept. They wondered what was going through her mind. She seemed very restless as if she was having a bad dream. Kailey tossed and turned seeing the past float about in her mind. But one single memory made itself clear. One that caused Kailey to stop struggling and watch it play out.


"Princess Nova please listen to my offer," Rubeas said with a smile. "I tell you that I would make a much better husband and Prince than that outisder!"

"My name is Jedite," Jedite grinned.

"Boys, boys please!" Nova laughed. "Why would I want to settle down right now anyway? I have no plans to choose a husband or a Prince."

Rubeas and Jedite looked at each other in shock. They then turned back to look at Nova. An evil smile laid upon her face and her dark eyes glistened in the moonlight. Her black hair was neatly wrapped around her head. She sighed and then stood up to take her leave. Both of the men jumped to her side to escort her. Both glared at the other and took an arm of hers. She merely laughed at their jesters and followed them inside.

"Please boys," Nova smiled. "I can walk myself to my room."

Jedite began to speak but Rubeas quickly interupted. They let go of Nova's arms and began to fight between themselves. Nova watched the two for only awhile and laughed harshly. She then turned on heel and walked back to her room.

That night there was a tapping at her balcony window. She quietly answered it and allowed Jedite into her room. He smiled at her and kissed her hand gently.

"You look so lovely tonight Starr," Jedite smiled. "Did you dress up just for me?"

Nova giggled and blushed, "Thank you Jedite. You could say I did. You know you're the only person that ever calls me Starr, why is that?"

"I believe that Starr is a much prettier name than Nova," Jedite smiled.

"My you are the romantic aren't you?" Nova giggled again.

"I like to think so," Jedite grinned.

He suddenly leaned forward and pressed his lips against Nova's. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight. When Jedite pulled away, he stared directly into her dark eyes. Then then took her hand and lead her to the balcony.

"You know Starr, I think you and I would make great rulers," Jedite said softly.

"Someday," Nova replied.

"What if someday came sooner than expected?" Jedite asked her.

"What?" Nova asked shocked.

"What if we were to cause a revolt and overthrow Prince Diamond and then get rid of Sapphire! Then you would become Queen and I would be your loyal King," Jedite said suddenly.

"Are you saying that we kill my brothers?" Nova asked in a strange voice.

"You want to become Queen don't you?" Jedite asked.

"I don't believe you!" Nova cried. "How could you even think of such vile acts? No matter how much I want to become Queen I would stand by Diamond's side and protect him."

Diamond watched from the shadows of Nova's room. Neither one noticed him standing there. He could not believe what the outsider had just suggested. It made him smile to see Nova standing up for him. He walked away quietly, and thought of a plan to rid the kingdom of that outsider.

Days had passed since Nova and Jedite had fought. By this time everyone in the kingdom had figured out that Nova and Jedite were secret lovers. Jedite had told Nova that he would not go through with his plans to kill Diamond and Sapphire, but Sapphire stepped up to challenge him that night.

"Jedite, you have worn out your welcome!" Sapphire growled. "I know what you are planning. Does she know? Does my sister know? Did you tell her that you were not going through with your plans to kill us and take the kingdome for yourself?"

"Sapphire stop it!" Nova cried.

"You haven't told her have you?" Sapphire laughed, ignoring Nova's pleads.

"Ha!" Jedite laughed. "Even if I still planned on it, she would know."

"Jedite!" Nova snapped.

"You coward!" Sapphire yelled.

"Is that a challenge?" Jedite asked.

"Yes!" Sapphire smiled.

The two suddenly clashed and began to fight. Nova stepped back and watched the two in horror. She could not believe what was going on. How could they do this? She loved her brother dearly and did not want to see him hurt, yet at the same time, she loved Jedite with all her heart. She stood there in shock and watched the battle. Finally Sapphire had pulled a fast one and pinned Jedite to the ground. He raised his hand and a ball of white fire appeared. He brought it closer to Jedite and Nova felt herself lose control. She shot out with a blast of energy that knocked Sapphire to the ground. With tears in her eyes she checkedon him, but then crawled over to Jedite.

"Are you alright?" she asked him.

"Yes," Jedite weakly replied. "Help me up."

Nova did as asked and helped Jedite escape. Once he was gone, Nova helped Sapphire up to his feet. He stared at her with anger in his eyes.

"Prince Diamond will hear about this!" he hissed.

"Sapphire!" she cried after him as he disappeared.

Before Nova knew it, her and Jedite were in front of Prince Diamond. He stared at the two with anger and evil in his eyes. They were being charged with treason. Jedite told Prince Diamond that Nova had nothing to do with it.

"But she attacked her own brother to save you," Diamond sneered. "Fifty lashes!"

Nova watched as the guards dragged Jedite to a wall and chained him. They pulled out whips and began to beat Jedite. Tears fell from Nova's eyes as she watched this. She wanted to save him, but she could not. Then it was her turn. She looked up at her brother, her dark eyes watery and red.

"Brother," she whispered. "Diamond please."

Diamond looked down and her and closed his eyes. He hated to punish her for what she did, but he had to. If not the people would anger and overthrow him.

"Twenty lashes," he said softly.

"NO! Diamond please!" Nova begged.

Diamond turned away and closed his eyes again. He listened to her screams of agony and held back the burning tears. He waited until it was over, even then he could not bear to look at her.

Nova sat in her room and cried. The pain had disappeared but the marks were there for a long time. She heard her door open, but said nothing. Then she felt the soft arms of her brother around her. She leaned back and felt him stroke her hair.

"I'm sorry sister," Diamond softly spoke. "I had to."

"You were only doing your job," she replied.


Kailey suddenly bolted up from where she laid. She grabbed her head but stood up anyway. She had to find him, she had to! A dark portal appeared and she quickly disappeared into it.

"Kailey!" Serena cried. "Where are you going?"

"Serena! She just zapped herself to the Nega Verse!" Mina cried.

"Is she crazy?" Serena asked Mina.