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The New Girl

This is a story about Serena and Mina's encounter with a new girl at their school. This new girl, Kailey, becomes a very valuable alley. HOpe you enjoy! (sorry for any mispellings. Please notify me if names are spelled wrong)

*Rubeas is an evil bad guy from the Nega Moon who is trying to capture Kailey and take over the world. Katsy is one of the four sisters who work for him.

**Prince Diamond is the Prince of teh Nega Moon family. He's pretty much the main bad guy.


Serena laughed loudly as her and Mina entered the room. They had been joking and talking all the way to school. As they entered the room, a strange presence was felt, but both girls ignored it. They quickly took their seats and heard the bell ring. The teacher entered and cleared her throat.

"Everyone listen please," she said sweetly. "Today we have a new student. Her name is Kailey Lite."

Everyone's eyes turned towards the door as Kailey entered. Her long black hair flowed down to her waist. She had pale skin and dark shimmering eyes. Her lips were the right color of pink, and her cheeks a bit flushed. She nervously pulled a strand of hair out of her face but looked up to the other students and smiled softly. She took another step into the class room and then looked at the teacher. She smiled and then took a seat right next to Serena.

"Hi!" Serena smiled.

Kailey looked over at Serena nervously and smiled, "Hello."

Serena grinned and then giggled a bit, "I'm Serena, and that's Mina!" she said pointing to Mina.

"Hi!" Mina smiled.

"Hello," Kailey said to Mina. "I'm Kailey."

"Where are you from?" Serena asked.

"I-I'm from many different places. My family travels, so I don't really have a certain home," Kailey explained rather quickly.

"Where have you travelled to?" Mina asked quietly.

"All over," Kailey smiled. "You name it, I've been there."

"How do you like Tokyo?" Serena asked.

"I don't really know," Kailey blushed. "I've only been here a day."

"Well then maybe we can show you around a bit?" Serena suggested.

"Oh that's a great idea Serena!" Mina screeched outloud suddenly.

"Mina! Serena! Please!" the teacher scolded. "You know better than to talk outloud without permission."

"Sorry," the girls said in unison.

After the class was over, Serena and Mina offered to show Kailey around. Kailey quickly accepted. The three walked around the school and got to know each other. Kailey explained that she was from a small family. It was just her, her mother, and her father. Her twin brother had been gone for a long time, but Kailey's parents would never talk about him. Kailey didn't even know his name.

"That's sad that they won't even talk about him!" Serena said.

"It is," Kailey agreed. "I wish I knew about him, or at least his name."


Away in the Negamoon, Rubeas overheard the three girls' conversation. An evil smile crossed his face and he chuckled a bit. He knew who Kailey's brother was, and knew how to bring her to him. It would be tricky though, getting around the scouts. They would probably keep a close eye on her...but if he had a distraction...

"Katsy!" Rubeas called out.

In a flash she was standing there smiling at him. Her little smile forced him to smile anytime that he saw it.

"Yes Rubeas?" she asked.

"I need you to cause a distraction. I have to meet with that girl," Rubeas grinned.

"Why with her?" Katsy laughed.

"She is the one," Rubeas grinned. "She's the one Prince Diamond wants."

"Of course Rubeas," Katsy smiled.

"Good," Rubeas laughed.


As the three girls walked home, they talked about many things. Kailey was starting to feel as if she belonged there. Still, a sadness in her heart held her eyes to the ground. She did not know how long she would stay, her parents only stayed in one place for very short periods of time. Who knows when they would decide to move again! Suddenly the three were stopped by a very pretty lady. Her eyes sparkled and her long silverish blue hair hung down to her waist. The girls stood there in awe and amazement as they seen her. A soft, friendly smile crossed her face.

"Hello girls!" she chirpped.

"Hi!" they all said at once.

"My name is Madame Dadrian. I am a fortune teller. I can read your palms and give you your fortune...if you wish. For being my first three customers, it's free!"

The three girls looked at each other in amazement. Smiles spread across their faces and they quickly nodded. Madame Dadrian led the girls into her little shop. Different color beads flowed down as curtians in the doorway. Beautiful music was playing in the background. It seemed so...mysterious, and hypnotic. Serena turned suddenly and gasped as she saw a man dressed very mysteriously sitting in the corner. He got up and appraoched Madame Dadrian.

"You have guests!" he said in an eerie tone.

His voice sent shivers down the three girls' back. They looked at each other in question, but stood still as logs. They said nothing but watched as Madame Dadrian whispered something to the mysterious man.

"Oh pardon me," Madame Dadrian smiled. "This is my assistant, Ruben. He's new at this job."

"Hello," he smiled at the three.

Madame Dadrian looked at them all and her eyes suddenly brightened, "Ahh, Ruben here's your chance to prove to me how good you can be. Take one of the these lovely ladies and show them their future."

"B-b-but Madame..." he stammered.

"Do it Ruben," Madame Dadrian snapped.

"Very well," he whispered.

Ruben looked at Serena, then to Mina, and finally his eyes landed on Kailey's. She forced a lump down her throat as he looked at her. It was as if he was reading her, or staring right into her mind. A smile crossed his face that made ice cicles form on the tips of Kailey's fingers.

"You," Ruben said to Kailey. "You have so many questions. Please follow me."

Kailey said nothing but slowly, and causiously followed Ruben to a back room.

Serena and Mina looked at each other and then they too were quickly escorted to a different room with Madame Dadrian.

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