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The Scapegrace Webpage

Welcome to The Offi¢ial ScapegraceWebpage. The fucknuts keep changing the name and breaking up and stuff. If you live in or near Portage Indiana, you probably haven't heard of them.They are a fairly new band, who play lo¢al shows. If you would like to see them in ¢on¢ert, go to the link below. These guys were formally known as People we are not & StEn¢h.


"I am me thats all I ever want to be"-JOn Czech

"I'm tired of the world screwing me, It's my turn to screw the world" -+om +aylor

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Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My GuestbookI personally want to give props to everyone that supports local music and all my friends. Thanx for being there guys!




You are lP lI lM lP# sin¢e 2/5/99


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Page provided by Vincent

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