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Welcome. This site was designed specifically for the mutual support
of the friends and family of substance abusers. For those of us who
have loved ones who are addicts or alcoholics, there can never be too
much support. I designed this site with the hope that other "FOSAs"
(Friends of Substance Abusers) can come together to release some
of the feelings of grief, anger, depression, confusion, helplessness etc.
which often plague our lives when we meet these situations. My hope
is that this site will help others release, relax, unwind, and perhaps
grow from one anothers' experiences and stories. So again, welcome.

On the discussion board, explore the opportunity to 'talk' with others
about your experience (or theirs). Under 'links,' you'll find a large
collection of links pertaining to addiction, substance abuse and

:::d i s c u s s i o n ::: b o a r d:::
:::i n f o r m a t i o n / l i n k s:::
:::c o n t a c t :: s a f e p l a c e:::

This Recovery Online site owned by Jen.
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