jester castle jester

Taste the Rainbow

Hi, my name is Skittle! This page is for all those people that like to think rainbows. I have to apologize, I rarely update this website. I'm in high school, I'm a busy person. =) I also work on my other website a great deal. Mount Olympia. I hope you like that one as well as you like this one. ::tee hees::
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers and me! -Kermit the Frog

Rainbow flag

Life on the Farm Links               Stories, Poems, and, Jokes

Me, Myself and I             Webrings

Movies             Deep Sea Living

My Pets             My Rainbow Brite Land

Awards I've Won             Win My Award

Prizes I've Won

This is a button I made myself through Paint Shop Pro.

Mount Olympia
This is a button for my other website. I got it from Dalice.

I got my background from Over the Rainbow


Sheriberry Graphics

Moving Rainbow

Which season are you?

light, carefree,
full of life,
a "people person"
energetic, athletic

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