Window To
Parker City, Indiana
January 2022 - September 2023
Events and Happenings

A Parker City Weather Station

Park Monument Bricks

Parker City Official Web Site


2023 CCR

New Hydrant N Market 6/17/24

Garden Planting 5/10/24

NOW 7/5/24

Replacing Pressure Pump at the Plant 6/29/24.......Fiber Optics Boring OOPSY 6/17/24

Another Close Call (5-7-24)

Upper atmosphere rotation From Frankton to Yorktown thru Muncie and north of Selma Parker City area to Union City.
Heavy rain along the track. Nothing reported on the ground otherwise rain wrapped.

Brightest Rainbow I Ever Saw

Produced a super rainbow north of Winchester speedway then.

Practice Run Downtown Saturday

Projection Box Set Up at the Park Monday --- --- Shelter House Floor Little Eclipses.

Indy Speedway Balloon Launching ----- Did We Catch One Passing Our Sun Image?
Muncie and several other cities in totality path launched balloons also. ---- I'm checking into it with them.

The Earth and Moon Would Fit Nicely Inside the Sun

Interesting Information Display Board


What Do You Think?

Did You Miss Out on a Great Postcard Souvenir?

Cancelled by post office and Date Stamped with special message. Only post office in Indiana permitted to do this.

You were here.

Looks Nasty Coming Our Way

But wasn't. Just twilight through thick clouds. 4-2-2024.

1.5 inch Rain + .9 Inch More

and .6 in 15 minutes, but catch basins are swirling. 4-2-2024

Eclipse Projection Box is Ready for Clear Skies. 3-29-2024

Wall Cloud Visible in the South East 3/14/24.

From the park over but beyond my house.

They Are Getting Closer.

A Learning Experience


I Need Help

No Snow Yet

Keepin It Soft

Time Flies

Annual "Job Security"

First Serious Frost 10-23-23

Good Choice of Trees at the Park

Its Friday Evening. Dont Shut Off the Power

Sunset "Under" the Clouds

Sunrises Are Cool to Watch Too

Annual Rummage in the Park. Providing Dumpsters Not a Good Idea.

Ill never forget the year we provided 7 or 8.

Perfect Weather

People From All Over the World Travel to See This 4 Minute Event.

and Randolph County is very near the center of the path on April 8, 2024
and we will have a viewing setup at the park that day.
On October 14 of this year there will be a practice run setup at the park.
October 14 will be a partial eclipse covering only 65% of the sun.

A Sudden Stop Turned Off The Lights

All Fixed After 2.5 Hour Wait

Needed a Towel After Being Out

Garden in Full Bloom

Sunflowers Were Slow Starters THEN

We All Remember the Smoke

Made Pretty Sunsets Though

Love That Soft Water

Annual Water Quality Report

Sidewalk Leak for a Change

And a Smooth Patch for a Change :)

Last Day of School Elementary Recess at the Park

A Rainbow Over the Garden Spot in Randolph County

Now If I Could Do That, Repairs Would Be Cheaper

Garden Boxes Waiting For Plants and Seeds

Speaks for Itself

9 Hour Power Outage

Poles leaning on both sides of railroad between Main and Franklin after storms.

Replacing Tanks with the Big Toys

Finally Some Snow

Foggy New Years Eve

Not Bad as Expected for December

Remember the Friday Before Christmas?

4 below zero, wind chills 30 to 40 below. Yes we remember it!!!

Costume Contest, Parade downtown

Our Spook

That Time Again

First One Came Early

The Moon Passing Jupiter

2 Nights Later

Weak Hurricane Outer Bands on the Horizon

Autumn Foggy Mornings Lately

What Would Cause This?

A Complete Service Rebuild

In All My Time, Watched

driver Juan first time here back that very long trailer in one continuous motion in perfect position for the dump.

Was Hoping a New 10 Element 2 Meter Beam

(the small one) would put a better signal into the Cincinnati repeater guys sending and receiving Slow-Scan-TV.
Helped but not enough. Maybe their receiver isnt sensitive enough or they have a lot of desense. Lol.

Slow-Scan-TV From the

Space Station is much better.

Early June Tornado Warning

just north of town possibly just a rain wrapped little funnel if at all.

New Dollar General Coming Along

right next to our Family Dollar. (Go figure)

High School Prom Accident Awareness

And the "pretend" accident victim got a ride to the park.

Water Softening Salt Came in

an oversize truck. Our order only took about a third of the truck trailer.

2022 Easter Egg Hunt

See The Rest

Gas Line Trench (Not so Bad)

First Street Off The Pavement

Coming in From The North

No Comment - Well no scraper needed though.

Gas Line Replacement on the Weekend

And in Snow Flurries

But These Guys Dont Care

Dont Think I See Toilet Bowl on the YES.

Guessin From Out of Town Where There is No Pickup

Seems cameras are getting to be a necessity everywhere now.
Would love to know who's porch to return it too.
May get my wish sooner than expected.

Wooded Corner Lot Main St and 32

has been cleared for a new business.

Found This When I Pulled In

Sure didn't leave it that way though.

Water Tower Empty and Power-Washed Out

then during refill a water main broke in the middle of highway 32 and N Market which resulted in the tower and town going dry.

Also Resulting in This

More Large Tanks

Looked Bad but Stayed West to Northwest

First Scoops of a 15x15x7 foot Hole

looking for a Water Plant drain.

Found it Plus a Sewer Gas Trap

that was partially plugged and 500 pounds of concrete on it. Built a new one out of PVC pipe then.

Yep it was plugged.

Would be a Bright Sunny Day Except

for all the planes.

Keepin Updated

Winter 2/3rds Over Before it Happened

Nice to Have a Blower and Operator in the Family

I Think Ill Walk

because it is uphill backing out.

Some of These Took Weeks to Melt

A Messy Leak on a Nice Day

and didnt have to spoil new paving this time.

Even More Messy