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FX: The Series does not belong to me, and I'm in no way profiting financially from this fanfic. FX is a Fireworks Entertainment Inc. and Winterset Productions Inc. Also produced in association with Rysher Entertainment and Hallmark Entertainment.

Written by David Powell

Paradise or Paradise Lost? AN FX: THE SERIES FANFIC


Angela awoke, rolling from her bed she looked at the clock. ' Oh no, I'm going to be late.' She said, seeing the time. She had promised to meet Rollie for breakfast at a small café nearby. Hoping that he was running late as well, Angie threw on her clothes. Grabbing her shoes she tossed them in her bag and pulled on her rollerblades.

Rollie sat at the outdoor table, looking for the umpteenth time at his watch. Where was she he wondered? She's always on time unless something's happened. Maybe this is a message, her being late.

Angie turned the corner and headed for the café, hoping to get there as soon as possible. Rollie had mentioned having something important to tell her. She saw Rollie's back at one of the tables with a small gap between it and the road and bladed towards him.

Rollie looked up seeing a cyclist and thinking it might be Angie he stood up waiting for the cyclist to stop. Standing between the cyclist and the road, Rollie moved over as the cyclist headed for the small gap. Rollie stopped as he saw Angela blading up to the table. The cyclist saw Rollie and turned to look at him, not noticing Angela.

Angie saw Rollie, and the cyclist coming through the small gap, leaving her no where to go but onto the street.

Rollie saw Angie swerve onto the street to miss the cyclist, and in the corner of his eye saw a large truck bearing down on her. Shouting he tried to reach her.

The truck driver saw the rollerblader swerve onto the street, slammed on the brakes and tried to veer away, knowing he couldn't stop in time.

Angela didn't see the truck as it smashed into her from behind, sending her flying through the air and into a parked car. Blackness enveloped her vision and all pain fled.

' Angiiieee.' Rollie shouted staring in horror as the truck hit her. Running to her side, Rollie knew in his heart that she was gone from his life forever. Checking her pulse anyway he found nothing, her neck bent at an impossible angle.

Lifting her shattered body in his arms, Rollie moved over and sat on the pavement, cradling the only person who had been left in this world that he still loved.

An ambulance arrived almost immediately at the scene, and with it came the police. The paramedics immediately took a look at Angela's body and shook their heads.

Detective Tony Rizzo was first on the scene, getting some of the uniforms to secure the area he hesitantly walked over to where Tyler sat. He had known Tyler for a while now, but it was usually Frank or Mira that dealt with the Aussie. Looking at the paramedics he saw them shake their heads, she was gone.

Putting through a quick call to the station, Tony looked back at Rollie.

The FX artist refused to allow Angela to be taken from him. Tears streaming down his face he asked over and over ' Why Angie? Why now? Couldn't it have been me instead?'

' Rollie. Come on, there's nothing you can do.' Tony said, trying to catch Tyler's attention.

' What? No, I'm staying with her.' Rollie answered, his gaze never leaving Angie's beautiful face.

' You've got to let her go. Come on, tell me what happened.' Tony replied.

Rollie's head flashed up, the burning gaze causing the detective to take a step back. ' I'm never ever going to let her go, she'll be with me always.' Rollie answered hotly, turning back to Angela's still form.

Mira pulled up at the scene, jumping from her car she quickly made her way to where the heartbroken FX artist sat. Seeing Angie's still form in Rollie's arms, Mira said in a sorrowful voice ' Oh Rollie, not Angie'.

Rollie turned his red eyed face up to the detective. Staring at Mira for several seconds, Rollie bowed his head.

Seeing the insurmountable pain locked in his eyes, Mira silently lay a hand on Rollie's shoulder. Shortly, Mira looked at Tony and nodded ' Rollie, you can't sit here forever, Angie wouldn't want that.' She said softly. Swinging his head towards her again, a grief stricken look on his face, Rollie slowly nodded.

Lifting Angie's lifeless body, Rollie carried her most gently to the ambulance. Stepping inside, he gently laid her on the bed. She looked almost as if she was sleeping he thought.

Rollie was ordered from the ambulance and Mira drove the stricken man back to the loft. Frank arrived at the loft shortly and looked Rollie in the eyes. A communication flashed between them and Rollie nodded ' Thanks Frank.' He said.

Mira watched as Rollie moved over to a bookshelf, most of it was filled with technical data books and reference material. Selecting a thick book he started to remove it from the shelf then hesitated. Turning he looked at the two detectives… and pulled the book out.

Heading over to the couch Rollie waited until the detectives had sat down and opened the book. It was a photo album, every picture inside was either of Angie or Angie was at least in it.

Mira and Frank exchanged a glance. Rollie was obviously showing them this for a purpose. They knew Angie had meant the world to him, but he wasn't in any of these shots and he seemed to have taken a grip of himself.

' I took every one of these pictures. I started this album the day Manny died, updating it as if he could browse through it and see how Angela was doing. I was wondering whether to get another album, I guess it doesn't matter now.' Rollie explained sadly.

' Do you have any of the two of you?' Mira asked, adding ' I'd like to see them if you wouldn't mind. How about you Frankie?'

' Yeah, sure I'd love to see them. I bet you've got some real good ones huh Rol.' Frank answered.

Looking at the two detectives, Rollie sighed and stood up. Moving back to the bookshelf he pulled down another thick book. Moving back to the couch he opened the book. Flipping through the pages, he didn't see the pages only the moments before the crash flashing over and over in his mind.

Placing the photo album on the table, Rollie stood and without a word walked up the stairs to his apartment.

Looking at where Rollie had disappeared, Frank shrugged ' You can't blame him. I remember how hard he took Leo's death. It was Angie that helped him through, just as he helped her when Manny died. Now he doesn't have anyone close to help him. He knows a lot of people, but Angie and Leo were his only really close friends and I can tell you Angie's death has hurt him a great deal more than Leo's.' Frank said with understanding.

' I know he's hurting, we all are but what will he do?' Mira asked.

' I don't know. All I know is that he'll never be the same again. Every thing that was important to him

revolved around Angie, his work, his relationships and his life. Have you ever wondered why such a successful, good looking, polite, well off guy like Tyler has so few dates and relationships with other women?' Frank asked shaking his head.

' I never really thought about it' Mira replied ' He just seems to always be busy.'

' That's his cover. It gave him an excuse to use when Angela asked how he was doing. You know how Rollie was always keeping a close eye on what Angie was doing and whom she was going out with. Why do you think he'd do that? It was more than just looking out for her although that would be no small thing to him.' Frank answered.

' He was hoping they would get together?' Mira responded.

' Exactly. Every one he went out with got compared to Angie and there was no one Rollie loved as much as he loved her. Sometimes I think he went out with them just to allay Angie's suspicions.' Frank answered positively.

Both detectives knew that even though it was early, they would be unlikely to see Rollie again today.

Quietly leaving the loft they headed for the station to report in with Tyler's statement.

The two detectives made sure that one of them dropped by everyday while they waited for the funeral to be arranged, trying to distract Rollie from his bottomless depression.

The day of the funeral finally arrived and Frank headed to the loft to pick up Rollie, he couldn't let his friend drive today, Rollie would be in pieces.

' Hey Rol. It's Frank, open the door.' Frank shouted from just outside the loft. A click from the door told Frank it had been opened and he headed inside. Sitting down on the couch he waited for Rollie to come down from the apartment space above.

Rollie slowly finished doing his tie and taking one last look in the mirror headed downstairs.

Frank looked up with a sympathetic smile as Rollie came down the stairs, he noticed the redness of Rollie's eyes and said ' Are you ready?' Nodding his reply, Rollie picked up a small box from the table and dropped into his jacket pocket.

Rollie was a dejected figure walking from the loft, shoulders slumped and face staring at the ground.

Rollie stood with Frank and Mira on the grassy lawn covering the hill where Angela would be buried. Rollie, Frank, Tony and Mira had carried the coffin from the hearse, honouring the dead in a ceremony as old as time. Rollie had eyes only for the casket as the priest proceeded to read the eulogy.

Scenes flashed before his eyes, Angela as a young girl, Angela when she returned from college, Angela his assistant, Angela his partner. Always smiling, always enjoying life despite the tragedies of her youth. First having to leave her mother in Cuba and then the death of her father Manny Ramirez, Rollie's mentor and friend.

Rollie smiled a sad smile as he remembered the warmth of their relationship, beyond friendship but not physically based, together they just seemed to be. Looking up Rollie covered his face with a hand, and now she was gone.

Frank listened as the priest came to the end of the eulogy and looked towards Rollie, for the tall man had told him he wanted to say something. Frank noticed Rollie was lost in his memories and gave him a slight nudge with his elbow.

Rollie looked up, seeing the priest had finished. Walking carefully out to stand before the casket he bowed his head, trying to control his turbulent emotions.

Angela Ramirez shared my life for thirteen years. She was a part of my life, the best part. Through the highs and the lows she stayed by my side, lending her support for any endeavour I undertook. Over the years we became as close as two people could be.

I came up here with an idea of what I wanted to say; though no mere words could explain my feelings for Angela. I never believed it would happen, I certainly never thought it would happen to her first. Angela lived for the moment, despite the loss of some of our closest friends she never lost her warm, fun loving attitude towards life. It's one of the things about her I'll miss the most.

After a brief pause Rollie continued

I still can't believe that she's gone. I know that we all have to go sometime, it's just that it was way too soon for her. Angela would be the first to tell us that despite her passing we need to carry on, not to live in the past. I for one am going to do so.

Taking the box from his pocket Rollie lay it gently upon the casket lid and continued in a tear filled voice.

We're going to miss you Angie.

Looking around he watched while the casket was lowered into the ground. When the grave had finally been filled he took one last look and turned on his heals headed for the car. He was the last one to leave.

Frank stood watching as Rollie delivered his heart-felt speech, tears gathering in his and almost everyone's eyes. He waited until most of the guests had left and then headed for his car. He waited, watching while Rollie stood, watching the last of the work be completed. Frank waited for Rollie to join him in the car. The pair of them left the cemetery and silence reigned.

Rollie pulled open the door to the loft, looking around. Walking inside he was assaulted by memories of Angela. Making tea in the kitchen, working at her workstation, sitting on the couch talking.

Rollie dropped to his knees, his head buried in his hands, his heart breaking ' Why her, why not me instead.' He cried out, finally letting his pent up emotions loose from where he had chained them.

Everywhere he looked he was reminded of her, the intoxicating way she moved, the melodious sound of her voice, the brilliance of her smile, her loving, caring attitude, especially for him.

After some time he finally managed to stand up. Looking around he still couldn't believe she would never be walking through that door again. His life had changed forever.

' I can't do it, no matter what I say it will never be enough to convince me.' Rollie said quietly. Walking over he picked up the phone.

Frank looked at Mira across the small table.

' So, what did you think of Rollie's speech?' Mira asked.

' I thought he handled it well, maybe too well if you know what I mean.' Frank responded.

' Yeah, he seemed to be handling it well. We'd better keep an eye on him, we don't know what he might do.' Mira said.

' He's holding it in, you can tell. What he really needs is a good friend to talk to.' Frank answered, nodding.

' So, when are you going?' Mira asked.

Frank looked at Mira thinking. ' I suppose I am the closest person to him now. It's funny how he has so many acquaintances but so few real friends. He's still missing Leo and Rick and now with Angie… it's going to be so hard on him.' Mira agreed, saying ' He's a good person but he's had so many horrible things happen in his life, Angie really kept him together.'

' More than you know. He let slip to me once that he promised Manny he'd look after her. I think Manny planned long ago that if Rollie kept his word they would end up getting together. You know how Rollie always kept an eye on her, he kept focused on her when Leo died but now….' Frank answered.

' I think you'd better hustle over there fairly soon.' Mira said.

Frank turned up at the loft the day after the funeral. He wanted to give Rollie a little while to get used to it before he intruded. Knocking on the door he waited for Rollie to answer.

' Come on in Frank.' A voice called out. Frank walked in on a scene from a bomb blast. Things were scattered all over the loft, unusual for Tyler's normally neat workshop.

' What are you doing Rol.' Frank asked.

' Just packing up some of Angie's things. You know she had a lot of stuff stored around here that I didn't even realise.' Rollie said with a sigh, looking around.

' Yeah, guess she didn't have too much at her apartment.' Frank replied watching Rollie closely.

Rollie turned and looked at Frank ' Her apartment, oh dear. We sort of forgot about Chiops didn't we.' Rollie said.

' Oh yeah, you want to come around and help me get him, you two get on ok.' Frank asked, hoping he could get Rollie out of the loft.

' I suppose I better had. The landlord knows me. He'll let me in.' Rollie said.

Together the two men drove over to the apartment complex. The landlord let Rollie into Angie's apartment and he quickly grabbed the cat. Looking around, the same feeling came over him as at loft. Feeling tears spring into being, he looked at Frank.

' It's ok Rol. You wouldn't be human if you didn't miss her, but you've got to let her go.'

Frank slammed into the wall, Rollie's eyes hard as diamond. ' She's not gone Frank, she's in here, and here. She will always be with me.' Rollie said in a low growl letting go of Frank and touching his head and his heart.

' Sorry Rol. I know you miss her. I think we should go.' Frank said straightening up.

Rollie took one last look around, promising himself he'd come by to get all her stuff tomorrow and walked out the door. ' I'm sorry about before Frank, it's just hard for me to… you know' Rollie said, looking at the floor.

' I understand Rol, we all let go sometimes.' Frank replied with a smile.

Frank dropped Rollie off at the loft and suggested a night out in Angie's memory. Rollie said ' I'll think about it.' and headed inside.

Rollie packed the FX van with the gear he couldn't leave. Bluey sat on the floor, he seemed depressed as well, as if he could tell Angie was gone. Lifting the last item into the trailer attached to the van, Rollie took a last look at the place he'd called home since Manny had died.

Driving the van into the street he stopped and moved back to the loft. Picking up the sign he hung it on the door and stepping up into the van drove off.

' We were right, he's taking it hard, real hard.' Frank said to Mira.

' I can't think of what it must be like for him, to know and care for someone that long then to suddenly have them leave. It would break most people.' Mira answered.

' I know. I can't think of how I'd feel if something happened to Sarah.' Frank replied.

Nodding, Mira responded ' I felt the same way about Michael even though we were both in dangerous jobs when we met.'

Rollie stopped at Angela's apartment and picked up the things she had kept there. He had sold a great deal of his stuff, which was the only reason he could fit Angie's stuff in the trailer as well.

Driving to the small, house like apartment he had bought, Rollie noticed a small church nearby. Pulling into the driveway, Rollie turned off the engine and walked to the back of the van. Finding what he was looking for he cut it to the size he wanted and stepped from the van.

Frank drove up to the loft to see the for sale sign hanging on the door. Looking at the sign for a minute he sighed and headed back to the precinct.

' He's gone Mira. He sold most of his FX gear and put the loft up for sale. I knew he couldn't get over it that quickly, I guess after seeing his reaction at the apartment it would have been worse at the loft. He couldn't live with the memories. That speech he gave was for our benefit.' Frank said, walking up to Mira's desk.

' They were so close, we should have expected this. Where is he?' Mira said.

' I don't know, the agent wouldn't release his details. He demanded a warrant.' Frank answered.

Looking at Frank, Mira picked up the phone ' Detective Sanchez, I'd like a city wide on one Rollie Tyler.' She responded.

Rollie stood in the church, the one centimetre candle burned for a short time. He had promised to light a candle every year, adding a centimetre for every year he did so, until his own time came.

' I miss you so much Angela, I wish you could hear me.' He said quietly. Staring until the candle went out he turned and walked back to the small apartment.

Mira quickly had a location on Rollie's whereabouts. Frank had the car ready and Mira quickly jumped in the passenger side. Heading across the island they worried at Rollie's actions. Both detectives knew that he was missing Angela acutely, but his seemed harsh even for the relationship that Rollie and Angie had


Seeing the FX van without its sign parked in the driveway, Frank pulled up to the curb. The two detectives looked at each other and headed for the door.

Rollie looked up from his computer as the doorbell rang. ' Come on in Mira, Frank you too.' Rollie shouted.

The two detectives looked surprised when they walked in.

' How did you know it was us Rol?' Frank asked ' We're meant to be the detectives.'

' Who else would try and find me?' Rollie answered sombrely.

' What's going on Rol, I dropped by the loft and it's "for sale". I also heard you've sold all your stuff.'

Frank said looking at the laptop Rollie had by his side.

Rollie turned to the computer then looked up at the detectives. ' Every single thing in the loft as well as the loft itself reminds me of what I've lost. The same thing happened at Angela's apartment, I guess Frank told you what happened.

Every movie I've made or was going to make, every FX I put together I either learned from Manny or worked out with Angie. I couldn't keep working there, or anywhere. If I hadn't left I'd have gone insane or ended up killing myself. I know Angie wouldn't have wanted that so I chose the lesser of two evils, giving up my career for her.' Rollie said ending in a softly sobbing voice. Frank looked back at Mira.

' Rol, you can't just leave all the people who care about you without telling us where you're going. Even if you're out of the business and don't want to help us, we still count you our friend. Friends stick together Rollie.' Mira answered.

' Thanks Mira, you're right. I just needed some time alone. Besides I knew you'd find me anyway. I don't know what I'm going to do but I just couldn't stay there any longer. It's not like I could run from my memories of her anyway, way, way too many.' Rollie finished with a small smile.

' Say Rol, I got off duty ten minutes ago, want to grab that drink?' Frank asked.

Rollie stood up and walked into the kitchen, returning with a six pack of beer. Handing the two detectives a can each he sat down in the chair once more. ' Pull up a seat, oh and watch out for Chiops he's around here somewhere.' Rollie said.

The two detectives stayed with their friend for most of the evening, the alcohol mellowing Rollie out. He showed them the book he'd been working on, a guide to practical FX applications.

' Working with you guys gave me the idea, gadgets that we used and so forth.' Rollie explained.

' That's great Rol, I'll have to get a copy.' Frank said, his voice slightly slurred.

Pretty soon everyone was asleep and Chiops was snuggled down in Rollie's lap.

The three friends kept in close contact throughout the years, Rollie watching as Frank took Vanduran's position and slowly climbed to chief of police. Mira made her way up the ladder and held the position of Inspector for the New York area. Rollie was a mess for a long time, even ages later he'd find tears coming to his eyes when he thought of her. The others kept a close watch on him, not knowing what he was

thinking. Rollie continued passing the days using his computer, putting his knowledge down for others to make use of. Not a day went by that he didn't think of Angela.

part 1
