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Fx Polls

Favorite Episode Poll Given by Derrick 5/28/98

Season 1
1. Dingo-10
2. The Ring-5
2. Payback-5
3. Double Image-4
3. Script Doctor-4
4. Zero Hour-3
4.The Brotherhood-3
4. Target-3
4. Medea-3
4. Shivaree-3
4. Reunion-3
4. French Kiss-3
5. Illusion-2
5. High Risk-2

5. Supernote-2
5. Get Fast-2
6. White Light-1
6. Gemini-1
6. Eye Of The Dragon-1
6. Quicksilver-1
6. Bad Influence-1

Season 2
1. Shooting Mickey-12
2. Deep Cover-6
3. Siege-4
4. Requiem For A Cop-2
4. Unfinished Buisness-2
4. House Of Horrors-2

Favorite Character Poll
Given by Kim Gammon

1. Rollie: 21
2. Angie: 18
3. Mira: 14
4. Lucinda: 14
5. Bluey: 11
6. Francis: 9
7. Leo: 6
8. Captain VanDuren: 6.

Least Favorite Episodes
Given by Megan Irvin
Season One
White Light--2
Bad Influence--2
French Kiss--1

Season Two
Shooting Mickey--1
High Roller--1
Deep Cover--1
Requiem for a Cop--1
Unfinshed Business--1

If you could spend an evening with an FX actor which one would it be? 5/28/98

CD 5
CC 6
JT 1

Which Charcter (sp?)?

Angie 6
Rollie 5
