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FX: The Series does not belong to me, and I'm in no way profiting financially from this fanfic. FX is a Fireworks Entertainment Inc. and Winterset Productions Inc. Also produced in association with Rysher Entertainment and Hallmark Entertainment.



Written by David Powell


The man looked down at the figure lying prone on the hospital bed. For more than a year he had planned his revenge against Rollie Tyler, the only man to thwart his plans more than once.

The figure on the bed struggled upright, the bandages covering her head restricting her movement. A doctor moved from where he had been studying the patient's chart. Stopping by the patient's bed he began to remove the last of the thick cloth bandages. The man moved towards the bed as the bandages were removed. Blond hair was revealed, shoulder length and silky smooth. As the last of the bandages were removed blue/ green eyes were revealed.

The man laughed a cold wintry sound. ' Perfect doctor, perfect' then turned to the patient. She caught what she thought was ' Hello Angela' before he smiled and asked ' How are you feeling today'.

As the man spoke quietly to the doctor the patient had time to observe the person who had helped her regain her life. Tall with dark hair pulled back and startling deep set brown eyes he was dressed in a black coat and slacks, a black shirt and casual black shoes, the effect making him look suave and sophisticated.

Looking around the room she noticed that it was a typical sterile hospital room, similar to those used to hold burns victims. Thinking back to before the hospital treatment and rehabilitation the patient remembered being a criminal, hunted by the police. When the man had approached her, claiming that through surgery she could begin a new life she had jumped at the chance. She also remembered that she owed him big for it, but why had he called her Angela she wondered, they had already more or less agreed on the name Jennifer Andrews. He knew that her name was really Valerie James, wanted for three counts of murder one and two of armed robbery. She knew he called himself Michael Cross but was certain that wasn't his real name.

Looking back she noticed Cross pass a large envelope to the doctor. The doctor glanced back towards the patient noticing that her eyes were responding much better to the light, turning back he finished signing up some papers. Handing the papers to the man the doctor walked out through the room's single door.

' Are you ready to leave now or should I come back later after you're eyes have readjusted themselves to the light' Cross asked, obviously wanting to leave the hospital.

Squinting in the bright artificial light Valerie slid off the bed and slowly changed into casual clothes. ' I think that it's time I left, never know if some cop's are going to come around poking their noses where they don't belong.'

'I don't think that's going to matter, take a look in the mirror' Cross replied in an amused tone.

Crossing to the large full-length mirror the woman gasped as she realized the extent of the facial work that had been done. Blue/green eyes replaced her original brown and were framed by perfectly shaped eyebrows. Her cheekbones were more prominent than they had previously been and her lips were fuller and shapelier as well. Wavy blond shoulder length hair completed the transformation.

Turning back to the man she noticed that he was around 8 inches or so taller than her own 5'6" frame and was rather slender. ' I think you're right, no one's going to identify me now. What about my ID'.

' Everything you need is in the purse on the nightstand' replied Cross calmly 'now can we please get a move on?'

Gathering up the purse and a few other personal affects Valerie turned back towards Cross 'I think I'm ready, let's go'.

The pair walked out into the hospital's carpark; dark compared to inside the hospital itself. Cross triggered a remote unit and disarmed the alarm on a midnight blue Lincoln sedan. Walking over he climbed in the driver's side. Valerie climbed in the passenger side as Cross started the engine. Glancing over at his passenger Cross smiled, aware that revenge had moved a step closer. The car continued along its way, keeping to the speed limits, not drawing any special attention to its passage.

During the drive Valerie removed the new ID from the purse and studied the details of her new life. Valerie James had become Jennifer Andrews, again she wondered about the "Hello Angela" she had heard. Cross guided the car to an abandoned multi-story building near the docks and depressed a button on the dashboard. The apparently dishevelled doors slid aside on well-oiled rollers. Cross guided the car between the doors and into a well-lit garage.

Stepping lightly from the car Jennifer followed Cross up a flight of steps and into a spotless apartment filled with a variety of high tech equipment. An upper torso rested in a jelly like substance within a plastic tank. A multitude of wires attached it to a multi-screen computer, a label on the tank read GARP. Sitting beside the computer was a unit with a handprint cutout. On another bench sat a wide variety of makeup types and different wigs.

Looking around Jennifer noticed another flight of stairs and questioned Cross with a glance. ' It's for another guest who'll be joining us later' Cross replied cryptically ' don't go up there, I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. It's getting late and you're still not entirely healed, I think you should get some rest, we might have a couple of lively days ahead.' Cross motioned to a side room ' that will be your room until we've finished here'.

Cross watched as Jennifer moved to the small bedroom, sitting down in front of the computer he brought up a three dimensional model of Tyler's face and transferred it into the GARP mask maker's modelling application. The sound of liquid forming the mask of Tyler's face came from the GARP unit while floating in Cross's mind was the picture of Rollie's assistant, a beautiful blond named Angela Ramirez.

part 1
