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Fireworks Entertainment, Inc. Productions, Rysher Entertainment and Hallmark Entertainment. Based on characters created by Robert T. Magginson and Gary Fleeman.


After a long day at the set, finishing up a movie. Rollie, a tall, dark haired Australian and his blonde haired assistant, Angie headed back to the workshop. Half way home Rollie noticed Detective Mira Sanchez's car following them, he wondered what they wanted. It was 6:30PM when they pulled into the alley by the workshop, Rollie saw another car waiting for them, with an attractive red head in it. As they pulled up to the shop, Rollie got out, as did the red head in the car.
She said, "Mr. Tyler, I'm Rebecca Ostlund, I'm a member of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and I need to talk to you for a few minutes."
Rollie said, "okay why don't you come in and we'll talk."
At that moment Angie, Mira, and Francis came up to them. Mira heard most of the conversation and she said, "ah, come on Tyler why don't you take Miss Ostlund out for coffee and talk. Angie can help us out on our needs."
"Whenever they say that I worry about what they're planning," said the suspicious Australian, "well shall we."
Rebecca smiled and said, "Why not and this could make a child very happy, thank you."
As Rollie and Rebecca walked to the caf‚ down the street, she turned her head and winked.
Angie looked at Mira and asked, "you know her?'
"Yes," Mira said, I do know her and I will tell you about her while we get set up."
Rollie and Rebecca reached the caf‚ and went inside to sit in a corner booth.
Rollie asked, "what's all this about and how do you know Mira?"
"I've known Mira for years, we went to high school together." Rebecca said, "I'm here to make a twelve-year-old, terminally ill boy's wish come true. All he wants is to meet and maybe help with your next movie and get an understanding of special effects before he leaves this life for the next."
"I never thought about a child losing his or her life before." Said Rollie, "I will be more than happy to make this young man's wish come true."
At the workshop Angie, Mira, and Francis went inside to start getting ready for the party.
"Well, are you going tell us about Rebecca or not?" asked Angie.
Mira said, "okay, I will tell you about her. She and I have been friends since high school that is how I know her. She got involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation after her son at the age of eight died of a brain tumor, but before he died the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted him a wish, a trip to England. One week after returning from the trip her son died, but the memories of that trip keeps her going and now she helps with other children's wishes.
Angie said, "That is so sad but I'm glad she is doing something to help other children who are terminally ill. I'm sure we will help in any way."
Rollie and Rebecca had talked for about an hour when he finally asked her, "how did you get involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation?"
Rebecca said, "I got involved after the foundation had given my son his wish of a trip to England. That was the happiest I had seen him in a long time. He had a brain tumor, the doctors did everything they could, but nothing seemed to help. He died one week after we returned from the trip and that was two years ago."
"I'm so sorry," said the sympathetic Australian, "about the loss of your son and I understand more now about Make-A-Wish. I often wondered about it and if I can help in any way I'd be happy to."
Rebecca said, " Well, there is one wish you can help me grant to a twelve year old, his name is Jeffery Harrison. He has a tumor in his brain stem and is in a wheelchair now."
Rollie says, "well give me a day or so to make the shop and the van wheelchair accessible, then he can come and help us put together the props and make some skin molds for a new project, which starts Monday."
Rebecca said, "thank you Rollie it will make him so happy to spend time with his favorite FX man.
"Well I better get back to the shop before anything happens," remarked Rollie.
Rebecca asked, "hey, mind if I come along I've never seen a special effects shop before."
"Why not," said Rollie, "lets go see what they've been up to."
When Rollie and Rebecca arrived at the shop, at about 7:30PM they found the door wide open and the interior dark.
"What the bloody hell's going on here?" He remarked rather loudly.
Rebecca was taken aback by the statement and asked, "What happened to everyone?"
"I wished I knew the answer to that question myself," stated Rollie.
When he stepped through the door he was suddenly bombarded by light and about twenty people yelling, "SURPRISE," at him.
Lucinda, a pretty, dark haired actress, walked up to him with a silly birthday hat on and one in her hand, she put it on his head and said, "happy birthday Rol, and you thought you could hide your birthday didn't you."
"Hey how did all of you find out, Angie did you tell them," remarked rollie.
"Me, heck no, I wouldn't do that to you Boss," said Angie.
Then Rollie turned and looked at Mira and Francis.
"Okay, it was me," stated Mira, "I wanted to know when your birthday was so I looked it up on the computer at Midtown South and found out it was today so have fun."
"Okay, I'll let it go this time but don't let it slip again," said Rollie, then he turned to Rebecca, "hey, Rebecca do you think Jeffery maybe interested in a birthday party?"
"I'll give him a call and see if he would like to join us," stated Rebecca.
Angie asked, "Hey, Rol whose Jeffery?"
"Jeffery is a young man who has been through more than any of us and he's going to help us our next project," said Rollie
"Oh, you mean the Make-A-Wish Foundation wants us to grant a wish, that's wonderful. I love the idea of helping terminally ill children to receive their wishes," stated an ecstatic Angie.
Rebecca returned she said, "well, I called Jeffery's home and asked him if he would like to join us. He said that he was very tired and had to get some sleep, but he is very excited about coming here in a couple of days to help you with the new project."
"Well, let's enjoy the party," said Rollie.
When 10:00PM rolled around Angie decided to go home, but before she left she noticed that Rollie was so drunk that he was stumbling over his own feet.
"Hey, Rol, I bet you twenty bucks you'll have the worst hangover in your life tomorrow." Laughed Angie as she watched him almost fall trying to walk over to her.
"I bet not," Slurred Rollie, "I know how to handle my beer."
"What ever I'm going home," Angie said, "at least one of us will be ready for work tomorrow."

The next morning Angie came to the shop to find the door open and a disaster inside the shop. When she entered she made sure everyone inside knew it by slamming the door, which to her satisfaction caused a chain reaction of groans and a big thud and a loud groan that sounded like a constipated elephant, which made her smile because she knew it was Rollie.
"Hey, Boss you okay up there?" she yelled
"What the bloody hell am I doing on the floor," groaned Rollie.
Angie said, "well, I'm assuming you fell out of bed and that by now, you are feeling the effects of the hangover from hell."
"I need a shower, but I can't get up. Hey, Ange can you help me, please," Rollie pleaded.
"I'll be up in a minute I'm going to put some coffee on, first," stated Angie.
When Angie reached Rollie's loft bedroom she couldn't help herself, she started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Asked an angry Rollie. "Are you going to help me out of this blasted sheet or are you going to just stand there laughing at me?"
"Well, Rol I think before I let you out of that sheet I really need to take a picture of you." laughed Angie.
"What the bloody hell for I want to take a shower and now," whined Rollie.
"It'll only take a minute a parentally one of your guests last night was quite an artist because they drew an adorable puppy on your backside in marker." laughed Angie.
"Now, Angie you leave my rear end alone and no pictures damn it that's blackmail," Rollie whined.
"Now, Rollie stop your whining and act like a man. I'm taking a picture whether you want me to or not," stated Angie.
Just then Lucinda, Mira, and Francis came up to see what all the fuss was about.
Mira and Lucinda looked at each other and giggled, "hey, Rollie nice butt."
Francis said, "I think I like the dog better."
"GET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN SHEET SO I CAN DEFEND MYSELF GOD DAMN IT," yelled Rollie totally pissed off now.
"Okay, Rol just take it easy we'll have you out in a minute," said Mira.
Then all four of them grabbed a part of the sheet and pulled dumping Rollie in a heap on the floor and from there Rollie crawled to the bathroom with his pants down to his ankles.
"I sure wouldn't want to wake up like that but I think he handled it well considering three women and one man saw him naked," stated Francis trying really hard not to laugh.
"Yes, but I think we'd better get out of here while the getting's good. Good luck, Angie your going to need it today," said Mira.
"Hey, Angie I want a copy of the picture, okay?" giggled Lucinda.
"Okay, but I think Mira's right you all had better go before Rollie the bear gets out of the shower," said Angie.
When Rollie stepped out of the shower he realized he forgot a towel.
"Hey, Ange you still here?" Asked Rollie
"yes," answered Angie.
"Ah, could you bring me a towel, please?" asked Rollie nicely.
"Okay," said Angie.
When Angie reached the bathroom Rollie's back was turned with his hands covering his rear, his head turned when he heard her.
"Hey thanks." He said.
"No problem," she said as she threw the towel over his head causing him to reach for it.
"ANGELA!" exclaimed Rollie.
"Well, Rol, you still have your friend, I see." Laughed Angie as she turned and left.
When Rollie finally came down he didn't say a word until about noon when he was feeling a little better.
"Hey, Angie I'm sorry I was so cross earlier." Said Rollie.
"Oh, that's okay but I don't think anyones going to throw you a birthday party again anytime soon." Stated Angie.
Rollie looked around and noticed some of the mess was cleaned up. "This place must have been a disaster."
"Yep, that it was, but don't we have some work to do. I mean with Jeffery coming and the new project." Stated Angie.
"Yes, we do, so lets get started. The van shouldn't be a problem, we'll just take out all unnecessary equipment and find a way to keep his wheelchair from moving while driving." Stated Rollie.
"Okay, well that's no problem, but we'll have to widen the work spaces here." Said Angie.
There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." Said Angie.
"Thanks, Love." Said Rollie.
"Hi, Rebecca what brings you by this afternoon?" asked Angie.
"Well, I got into thinking maybe I could help with getting things set up for Jeffery. I also have a remedy for the dreaded hangover." Said Rebecca; "I'm a hierologist and a tattoo enthusiast."
"YOU DIDN'T!" Rollie exclaimed.
"I did, it's only temporary, it will start fading in a couple of days." Said Rebecca. "I just couldn't resist and Mira knows my weaknesses.
"I knew it, I knew Mira had to have something to do with my butt puppy." Stated Rollie. "Well, don't be to Angry about that it was all in fun." Said Rebecca.
"I'm not Angry really, just embarrassed as hell about getting that drunk. I passed out didn't I." Stated Rollie.
"Well, you deserved it didn't you, Rol for getting drunk at your own party." Stated Angie.
"Ah, can we go to a different subject now, because I feel bad enough as it is." Rollie groaned.
They worked all day cleaning up the mess from the night before and getting things in working order again.
"This place is amazing," Rebecca said with awe in her voice, "mind if I look at your van, to see about where we could let Jeffery ride in it."
"Thanks, Go, ahead we would appreciate all the help we can get with ideas." said Rollie to Rebecca.
He went over to the van and opened the door, only to have a big stuffed dog fall out on top of him.
"WHAT THE," was all he got out before he and the dog landed on the floor.
Angie and Rebecca could do nothing but laugh, as did Rollie.
"This must be mom." Laughed Rollie.
"Yep, that herb you gave him is working." Laughed Angie as she and Rebecca walked over to pull off the stuffed dog and help Rollie to his feet. Rebecca and Rollie went into the van.
"The space by the window would be perfect and you already have brackets at four Angeles there, and I have some straps for wheelchairs that should work, in my car." Said Rebecca.
"Well, lets get them and check to see if they work." Stated Rollie.
The straps worked and with the van's hydraulics, which lowered the rear of the van to within inches of the ground, which would help a great deal in transporting Jeffery to and from the set. They were ready by 8:00 PM for Jeffery's wish.
"Hey, is it just me or are we ready for tomorrow?" Asked Rollie.
"No, Rol it's not just you, but I'm hungry. How about Pizza?" Said Angie.
Rebecca stated, "Yes, pizza would be great and I'll buy."

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