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NOTE: When you see these stars **** they are there because I forgot the name of something or couldn't think of a good phase, sentence, or word.


Revenge: Sweet or Sour?

By Megan Marie Irvin

A shaggy looking man sat in a small dimly lit apartment plotting out his new *****. The man by the name of Victor Loubar know the only way he could pull off his next ***** was by the elimination of his enemies, the Fx extridinar Rollie Tyler. Rollie Tyler was always there to destroy Loubar's misdoing's and if this next ***** of Loubar's was going to be flawless (which it needed to be to be succesful) Tyler had to be taken care of. Loubar was taking no chances. Victor Loubar knew he could just shoot Rollie as easily as so many other's, but for Rollie Tyler, Loubar had something special planned. He was going to make Rollie suffer. Really suffer. And he knew the best way to do that was to kidnap Rollie's assistant, Angie ****. Loubar had been secretly watching Rollie and Angie over the past few weeks and from what he saw he learned that Rollie valued Angie's life more than his own.

Loubar walked over to his dusty, unorganized work desk, turned on his mask making machine, that Angie once called a "GARP", and then followed the necessary steps to make a life like mask. A mask of Rollie Tyler....


"Hey, Ang, I'm getting hungry, what do you say to ordering in a pizza?" Rollie asked, as he stopped working on a new gadget of his.

"Yeah, sure," Angie said half listening, half not.

Rollie could tell she wasn't listening to him. She had been out of it all day and he could tell. He knew something was bothering her, she didn't say anything he could just tell, and it was driving him crazy not knowing what it was. So he finally asked "Angie, you OK? You've been acting strange all day."

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" she said louder than she meant to, then to escape any response's Rollie might've had she headed up the stairs leading to the cleaning room.


'Rollie is right, you know' Angie thought to herself. She'd been nevous all day. And it was just from a silly call that she received the night before, when she picked it up no one answered on the other end and all she heard was the faint sound of breathing. She had no idea why it was bothering her so much. She had been trying to push it out of her mind all day, with no success. 'I can't tell Rollie. He'll either think I'm nuts or over react, like I'm doing, but if I don't he'll worry or think I'm mad at him.' So she decided to go back down and tell him.


Rollie was stunned at Angie's response to him asking if she was OK. He definitely knew something was wrong now, he just wished Angie would tell him what it was. "I hope that what ever is bugging her I'm not the cause. I guess for now I better just leave it alone. If she is going to tell me what's wrong she'll just have to do it on her own time. Well, at least for the time being'.


He knew that phone call to Angie's apartment was a mistake, but there was nothing Loubar could do about it now, he thought as he finished the last minute details to his plan that would destroy Rollie.


Rollie had just got back to work when he heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Rollie, can we talk?" Angie asked walking over to where Rollie was sitting.

"Sure," Rollie replied leaving his new project, and moved over to the couch with Angie following him. "Anything in particular you wanted to talk about?"

"yeah, I want to apoglize for yelling at you before. You are right you know. Something has been bothering me today. I don't even know why. It's rediculous."

"Well, it might help to talk about it, but if you don't want to it's OK," Rollie told her.

"No, you're right, I should talk about it. Last night while I was in bed the phone rang. I woke up in time to answer it and when I did no one on the other end answered. I know someone was there because I heard breathing on that end. For some reason that I can't figure out, it's been driving me crazy. It's like a dream that keeps haunting you after you wake up." Angie blurted out, not even stopping to breath till she finished saying what dhe set out say, becasue she was afraid if she stopped talking eve nfor a millisecond she woudn't be able to continue.

"If that's all it was why didn't you tell me this earlier? And why did you finally decide to tell me now?" Rollie asked, relieved Angie finally did tell him.

"I didn't tell you earlier because I thought you'd think I was crazy or you'd over react, like I'm doing. And I guess finally decided to tell you now because I knew you'd worry or think I was mad at you," Angie admitted.

Well, I did worry, and yes I did think you were mad at me, and I'm glad your not mad at me. But why would you think, I would think that, you were crazy? Everyone gets paranoid about something once and a while. And you are right, I probably am going to over react," Rollie told her, then seeing her look plead fullness for him not to over react, he added, "But I won't as long as nothing more of this comes about, OK?"

"Ok, and there really is nothing more to this, I'm sure. Really. Just being paranoid. Like you said everyone gets paranoid about something." Angie assured him.

"All right. You feeling better now?" Rollie asked.

"Yes, I'm feeling better. It helped telling you. Thanks for listening." Angie said.

"Hey, what are friends for?" Rollie said, giving Angie a hug.

"Didn't you say something about getting a pizza?" She asked forgetting all about her previous troubles.

"Yes, I did didn't I? I forgot all about it. I'll order one in, if you still want pizza. We could get something else if you'd like," Rollie told his assistant getting up from the couch heading for the phone.

"Pizza's fine with me. Look, I need to get some work done up stairs, tell me when the pizza gets here," Angie said heading up the stairs. "And Rol, thanks again for listening to me."

"No, problem," Rollie said, smiling up at his assistant .


Rollie was glad when the pizza finally arrived because he hadn't had anything to eat for six hours and he was starving. "Ang, the pizza's here," he called up at Angie. "what do you say to just calling it a day and eat pizza and watch movies the rest of the evening, OK?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll be right down. I'm trying to reach--" BANG.

Rollie ran up the stairs, following Angie's scream that was mixed with the noise of a loud crash that came from the cleaning room, all feelings of stravation vanished, while feelings of fear and concern replaced them.

"Angie?" Rollie called out to his assistant who was trying to prop herself up against a wall, while holding her left wrist, with no success.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" Rollie asked helping Angie sit up.

"I was trying to reach something high up, and fell off the chair." Angie said wincing in pain as Rollie looked over her wrist, "Stop that, it's fine."

"Fine, huh? If your wrist is just fine, then why is it, when I touch it, you look like a barrel of bowling balls fell on you?" Rollie asked turning his attention to a fairly deep cut on Angie's forehead that was bleeding sightly..

I do no--ooowww-t," She said as Rollie gently took her wrist in his hands.

"Come on, lets go down stairs, so we can get some ice on your wrist and bandage it up. And to take care of that cut on your forehead," Rollie told Angie, helping her off the floor.


"Here put this on your wrist," Rollie told Angie, handing her a pack of ice, once they got downstairs. "And leave it there for a while."

"Thanks," Angie said while Rollie started to clean the cut on her forehead.

"What did you say you were trying to reach, before you fell?" He asked.

"I didn't say. And I don't remember what it was either," She told him, then added, after seeing the look Rollie gave her, "I know what your thinking.I didn't hit my head that hard. It was just something that can be easily forgotten, Ok?

"All right. All right," Rollie laughed out, putting a Band-Aid on his assistant's cut.

"Rol, you got any aspirin? My head and wrist are killing me," Angie asked.

"I don't think I have any. Let me check any ways," Rollie told her, while disappearing into the bathroom. "Nope don't have any. But I 'll be right back. It'll just take me a couple minutes to run out and get some."

"Rollie, you don't have to do that," Angie told him, hoping he'd listen to her, but knowing he wouldn't.

"It's ok. I'll be right back. You stay here and keep that ice pack on your wrist. Bye," Rollie ordered her, walking out the front door.

"Bye," Angie called out after him.

Chapter Two
