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Sunday's Child

By Megan Marie Irvin


Rollie was coming down the stairs, just out of the shower, when there was a knock at the door. He turned on the video camera and saw Mira standing on the other side of the door looking distressed.

"Hey Mira. What brings you here this early?" Rollie asked opening the door and letting the detective in.

"Angie wanted me to give you this." Mira told the Aussie, handing him a sealed envelope.

"What?" Rollie asked, taking the letter, becoming a bit worried. Why didn't Angie just give it to me herself?

Dear Rollie,

It's been two months since our last dealings with Loubar. I know it seems we
had worked things out and got though it, but something happened now. If I
told you what was wrong you wouldn't want me around. Its best that I just
leave. I'm sorry.



Rollie stared at the paper shocked. What could've happened to make her want to leave? At first after Loubar's trickery, things had been awkward between Rollie and Angie but they got though it. At least he thought they did.

"Mira? What is this? What's going on?" Rollie asked fanatically.

"Rollie..... I can't tell you...."

"Please, Mira. If you know you have to tell me! Why has Angie left?" Rollie pleaded, his eyes watering.

"She's pregnant." Mira gave into his pleading.

Rollie looked at the woman in front of him shocked. Angie was pregnant?

"Loubar." Rollie murmured quietly. It couldn't of been anyone else. "Where is she Mira?!"

"The airport. I just came from dropping her off there. She wouldn't tell me where she's headed. But I do know her plane leaves in 15 minutes." She told the extremely upset FX man, and watched as he moved to the door and grabbed his coat. "Rollie you'll never make it in time!" But it was too late he already left.


Angie looked down at her watch for the tenth time in the last fifteen minutes. Just her luck, her plane had been delayed.

She leaned back against the seat she was sitting in and closed her eyes. The image of Rollie immediately appeared in her mind. She couldn't stop thinking of him. She kept telling herself she was doing the right thing by leaving, but there was a small part that wasn't so sure.


Rollie ran through the airport, dodging the other people. The only plane that was scheduled to leave, what would be fifteen minutes after he left the loft, was delayed and still there. Getting pass the security guards, Rollie looked around the lobby where people were waiting to board the delayed plane. Finally he spotted the woman he was looking for, and ran towards her. "Angie!"

Angie turned around at the sound of her name. Standing up, she saw Rollie running towards her.

"Angie! Wait!" Rollie called out, seeing her grab her two bags and start to back away, as he came to a stop a couple feet in front. "We have to talk."

"No, Rollie. I'm leaving. I can't stay." Angie insisted.

"Angie, please, I love you!" Rollie exclaimed, gently reaching out and grabbing her hand, seeing the disbelief in her eyes.

"You wouldn't feel that way towards me if you knew why I'm leaving." She told him, tears appearing in her blue/green eyes.

"But Ang I do know. I know that you're pregnant with Loubar's baby. I still love you! Nothing can change that. Angie, please don't leave me." Rollie confessed, all his feelings for the young woman pouring out of his lips.

Angie looked up at Rollie's watery deep brown eyes, filled with love for her, as she shook her head in protest.

"Angie, please, at least come back to the loft so we can talk. If you still feel as if you have to leave after that then fine. But you owe me at least to try and come work this out." Rollie pleaded, a small smile appearing on his face as Angie nodded her head.


The drive back to the loft was a quite one. Mira had already left when they got to the loft. As they entered the loft, Angie went and sat down at the couch and Rollie went into the kitchen to make some tea.

"Here ya go, it's Chamomile." Rollie told the young woman, handing her a cup of steaming hot tea, sitting down next to her.

The next few minutes passed in silence. Rollie sat staring at Angie, holding his tea cup between his hands in his lap. Angie was looking around the loft nervously, anywhere but at Rollie, sipping her tea.

"This was a mistake. I shouldn't of agreed to come back with you." Angie said quickly getting up from the couch.

"Coming back with me wasn't a mistake, Angie. What will be a mistake is if you leave without talking to me first." Rollie responded standing up in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Sit back down, please."

"Angie, look, what I said about me loving you, I mean it. I just didn't say it to keep you from leaving. Don't you feel the same way towards me?" Rollie asked, as they sat back down on the couch.

"Yes, Rollie, I do feel the same way, I love you too, but I just don't know how you can feel any love for me knowing I'm carrying Loubar's child." Angie replied, looking between Rollie and her hands that were folded in her lap.

"It's your child, part of you as well and it is an innocent. It didn't pick Victor Loubar as it's parent but it will know you and ME. How could this child raised by us, go wrong?" Rollie told her, smiling.

"You mean it? The part about the baby being raised by us, YOU and me?" Angie asked, still unsure of his support for her.

"Yes, with all my heart, Angela." Rollie reassured her, as she wrapped her arms around him tightly, in a hug. When they released their embrace, their lips met in a tender kiss.

As there kiss ended, Rollie rested his head against Angie's. Lifting his hands to her cheeks he started to wipe away the tears that were pouring down her face.

"Do you still want to leave?" Rollie asked slowly, pulling away from the woman to look her in the eyes, hands still touching her face.

"No." Angie answered, smiling through her tears, as she leaned in and  she and Rollie shared another kiss.


Rollie and Angie sat on the couch talking things over for awhile longer, before Angie fell asleep in the Aussie's arms. Eventually Rollie, he himself, fell asleep.

Rollie awoke later to a rumbling stomach. As his stomach continued to rumble, Rollie remembered he hadn't had anything to eat all day and it was already way past lunch time.

He was trying to get up when he found he couldn't move. Looking down he found Angie laying next to him, sound asleep, arms wrapped tightly around him and her head laying on his chest.

Not wanting to wake her Rollie stayed put, deciding food could wait till later.

As he laid there, stroking the sleeping woman's hair, thinking over the days events. He was thankful he got Angie to stay. He didn't want her to leave. And he'd never leave her. No matter what was going on. Rollie was a little hurt when Angie said she didn't think he'd want her around, being pregnant and Loubar the father. When Mira had told him that Angie was pregnant, he had been shocked and stunned, and yes, maybe for a moment he was angry but not at Angie. It wasn't her fault. None of the whole Loubar thing. She and the baby were innocent of all of this. For awhile Rollie had blamed himself for bringing Loubar into Angie's life. But where the real blame went was to Victor Loubar.

Rollie was brought out of his thoughts as Angie stirred in his arms. She opened her eyes and looked up at him sleepily.

"Hey, sweetie." Rollie said, as she pulled herself off of him and he sat up.

"Hey." She replied. "What time is it?"

"Um.......... fifteen after three." He answered, looking at his watch. "We've been asleep for  about three hours, love."

"Three hours?" Angie was surprised that she slept that long. Of course she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. She had been up half the night deciding if her decision to leave was right. Guess, I made the wrong choice last night, she thought to herself.

"Yep." He confirmed. Angie and Rollie sat there in silence for a few minutes just looking at each other. Rollie brought his hand up to her face, and suddenly asked, "Glad you decided to stay?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I almost left. I should've talked to you first about it." Angie replied, moving her hand to his hand, that was still resting against her left cheek.

"Ange? What would you say if I asked you to move in here, to the loft, with me?" Rollie asked, slowly.

"Why? You asking me?" She responded.

"Um..... Yes. Yes,  I am. Would you move in with me, Angie?" Rollie asked. He really didn't want to push Angie, but asking her this right then and there just seemed right. He just hoped he hadn't ruined anything between them.

Angie sat there a little surprised. At first she thought he was just kidding, but looking at Rollie's face she knew he wasn't. She also saw all the love he had for her as she looked at his face. She realized then that's
what she wanted too. To move in with him. "Yes."

Rollie did a double take at her answer. She said yes. She did want to move into the loft with him. "I love you, Angie."

"And I love you, Rollie." She answered smiling, as he kissed her softly on the lips.

"Now, lets get something to eat. I'm starving." He said as he pulled himself and Angie up from the couch.


Rollie woke the next morning in his bed, with Angie laying in his arms, both of them fully dressed. While watching a movie on the couch the night before Angie had fallen asleep. Rollie didn't want to wake her so he carried her up to his bed, and laid down next to her.

Looking at the clock, Rollie, saw it was still way too early. Carefully, as not to wake Angie, he pulled the blankets over them and went back to sleep.

Sometime later, after the sun had appeared, Rollie woke up, feeling Angie shift in his arms.

"Good mornin', Sweets." Rollie said, smiling, seeing Angie awake in his arms.

'Mornin'." Angie replied quietly.

"How you feeling?" Rollie asked, pushing a loose strand of hair out of her eyes. She looked exhausted, even after sleeping for at least eight or more hours. And she looked a bit pale.

"I'm fine." She answered, smiling at his concern for her. As she leaned to give him a kiss, she changed her mind on how she felt. She started feeling quite nauseous. "Maybe not all that fine." She croaked out and ran to the bathroom leaving Rollie behind, concerned.

"Angie?" Rollie called out, walking over to the bathroom. He found Angie leaning over the toilet, vomiting. He kneeled down next to her, rubbing her back in small circles.

After her nausea had eased a bit, Angie leaned against Rollie.

"Morning sickness?" He asked quietly, as she rested back against his chest, with his arms wrapped securely around her. She nodded her head, yes.

"You gonna be okay now?" Rollie asked. As he felt Angie nod her head again, Rollie picked her up in his arms and carried her back into the bedroom and placed her gently on the bed.

"I'll be right back." Rollie told Angie, pulling a light cover over her.

Rollie hurried down the stairs, and started looking in his cupboards. Finally finding the Saltine crackers he was looking for he started back up the stairs. He wasn't one to know much about pregnancy symptoms, but he did know a little. And he knew saltines helped settle nauseous.

"Here, ya, go, Love. Try eating some of these. There'll help your nausea." Rollie told Angie, once he got back upstairs, handing her the package of crackers. He sat down next to her on the bed, as she slowly nibbled on the crackers, and used his chest as a pillow.

"Feeling any better?" Rollie asked Angie, about half an hour, and a package of saltines later.

"Yeah. Much better. Thanks, Rollie." She said snuggling in the warmth of his arms that were wrapped around her shoulders.

"Thanks? For what?"

"For being here. For showing your support for me." Angie told him.

"Angie, there's no need for you to thank me for that. I love you. I'll do anything for you and the baby. Anything at all." Rollie told her, meaning every word of it, placing a soft kiss on her lips.


Later that morning, Rollie came down the stairs, fresh out of the shower, still pulling on a black V-neck cotton sweater over a white tee shirt. He walked straight over to the kitchen where he found Angie, sitting at the table, eating a piece of buttered toast.

"See your feeling good enough to eat something beside saltines." Rollie said, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better now." Angie replied, taking a sip of her glass of milk.

"You want some eggs or something like that?" Rollie asked looking into the refrigerator, deciding he'd have to go shopping later. "We got enough stuff to make eggs and bacon?"

"Oh, no! I'm feeling better but not that better." She told him, finishing her light breakfast and putting the dishes in the sink.

"Okay. I wasn't that much hungry anyway." Rollie replied, nodding his head, following Angie into the lounge.

"So what we gonna do today?" Angie asked as they sat down on the couch and she rested her head on his shoulder, as he put his arm around her.

"Well, I've got a appointment with a director about a new movie in about an hour. Then I thought, when I got back, we could do some grocery shopping, and start moving you in here." Rollie told her, then added quickly, "If that's all right with you, Love?"

"It's perfectly fine with me. Sounds good." Angie replied, smiling. A part of had thought Rollie would change his mind about asking her to move in with him, after he thought about it for awhile, but he still wanted her to live with him. He hadn't changed his mind. Angie knew Rollie wasn't the type to say something he didn't mean. And if he did you could tell he didn't really mean it. And Angie could tell instantly by looking at him that he meant everything he had told her, about loving her and the baby and wanting her to move in to the loft.

"Great. I probably won't be that long with the director. An hour tops." Rollie told her. "Then we can go shopping and go over to your apartment and get something's packed and moved. And maybe grab some lunch somewhere too. Okay?"

"Yeah, fine." Angie answered, snuggling more against the Aussie.

Before anything else could be said,  there was a knock at the doors.

Rollie reluctantly let go of Angie, and walked over to the door.

"Hey, Mira." Rollie said, smiling as he opened the door and moved aside to let the detective in.

"Hi, Rollie." Mira replied, entering the building and giving him a questioning look. "Well?"

Rollie's smile got bigger, knowing what Mira was wondering. "See for your self." He said, walking past her and towards the lounge where Angie was still sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Mira." Angie greeted the detective, as she reached out for Rollie's hand when he got to the couch.

"So, you decided to stay after all, Angie?" Mira asked amazed. Twenty-four hours ago, Angie was set on leaving New York, and now here she sat, happily sitting, very closely, to  the man she wanted to leave without telling where she was going.

"Yep. I realized it was wrong of me to even think of leaving without talking to Rollie first. And after we did talk, I didn't want to leave." Angie told the detective. "Mira, thanks for not listening to me, and coming over right after you left the airport and telling Rollie."

"You're welcome. I'm just glad you decided to stay." Mira replied, sitting in a chair across from the couch.

"Me too." Angie said.

"Me three." Rollie told the two women smiling.

"Well, I guess you'll be wanting your cat back, huh, Angie?" Mira asked.

"What? Oh yeah! I forgot all about Chiops!" Angie exclaimed. Seeing Rollie's confused faced, she explained. "I gave Mira my cat yesterday when I was getting ready to leave."

"We can go get him now, Ange, if you want. I left him at my apartment. I wasn't sure if Rollie had gotten you to stay or not." Mira told her, looking between Rollie and Angie.

"Go ahead Angie. I gotta get to that meeting with the director anyway." Rollie announced, looking at his watch and getting up from the couch. "Mira, I'll see you later. Ange, I'll be back in a just a bit, then we can start moving you in here."

"Moving in?!" Mira exclaimed shocked, as they made there way out of the loft.

"Come on, I'll explain on the way to your apartment." Angie said, laughing lightly.


Angie sat on the floor of the bed room, leaning against the bed, unpacking a box of books. It had been a month and a half since she moved into the loft and she still had plenty of unpacking to do.

Over the last month, Angie became more sure that Rollie was really there for her and the baby. And meant it all. He'd been right next to her though her morning sickness, which wasn't as bad anymore. And had taken her growing mood swings in stride.

After the sudden change in their relationship and their living arrangements, Angie and Rollie decided to take things more slowly. They were still adjusting to the changes-- Angie's pregnancy, moving in together, and the admissions of love for each other. When Angie first moved in, Rollie slept on the couch, letting Angie have the bed. As they got more settled and relaxed with the changes, Rollie and Angie's relationship grew. Their relationship soon became intimate, and by the end of the first month Rollie and Angie were now sharing the bed.

They had agreed not to tell anyone yet about the baby, with the exception of Mira, who already knew. When they did tell people about it they planned not to tell anyone about Loubar being the real father. Just let people think what they wanted. It was known Rollie and Angie had become romantically involved and were now living together. So most likely people would automatically assume Rollie was the father.

As far as Angie and Rollie was concerned he was the baby's father. He was there for Angie and the baby now and would be when the baby was born. The baby would grow up thinking Rollie was it's father.

They knew the time was coming soon when Angie's pregnancy would get out to the public, whether they said something or not. She still wasn't 'showing' that much, but she was getting there. Her clothes had started becoming too tight to wear. And she had been wearing some of Rollie's old clothes for a the past week, a flannel shirt and a pair of sweat pants. She was planning to go shopping with Mira for new clothes the next day.

Hearing a loud noise at the stairs, Angie looked up from unpacking a box, to see what the noise was. Her eyebrows raised, seeing Rollie coming into the room, carrying or more like dragging, a large box up the stairs with him.

"Hi, Ange." Rollie said, sliding the box over by the bed.

"Hey, Rollie." Angie replied, getting up from the floor. "What'd you get?"

"I picked  it up while I was out." He told her, turning the package topside so she could see what it was.

"A crib?!" Angie exclaimed, looking up at Rollie to be greeted with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Yep." Rollie told her. "Hey, if you don't like it, I can take it back, Love?"

"No! It's fine. I do like it. It's just...... Don't you think its a little early to be buying stuff for the baby? I mean we still have like six months and I'm not even showing yet?"

"Well, I know. The baby store was right next door to where I was so I thought I'd just go in and have a look around, I wasn't really planning on getting anything." Rollie told her, shrugging his shoulders.

"Didn't you go to the computer store we usually go to?" Angie asked, sitting down on the bed, as Rollie moved the box to the floor.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Rollie, I've been to that store plenty of times and I don't remember a baby store next to it or around it." Angie told him.

"I had to stop at another store for something. The baby store was next door to that store." Rollie replied. "Hey, if you want I'll take the crib back. No big deal."

"No, you don't have to do that. It's fine. Just tell me first next time before you go out planing to bring stuff back for the baby." Angie said.

"I promise." Rollie replied, opening the box and dumping the, both large and small, crib pieces onto the floor in front of him, and started reading the instructions.


Angie laid, on her side, on the bed, watching Rollie try to put the crib together on his own. When Rollie tried holding the instructions, a screw, the screwdriver, and two sides of the crib all at the same time, and failing miserably, Angie was trying her best to keep from laughing. Finally after an hour of watching Rollie suffer, and the crib looked just like it did when he first started, in pieces, Angie got up to help him.

"Angie, thanks, but I can do this myself." Rollie told her as Angie took one of the crib sides out of his hands and held it up for him.

"Oh, of course you can. That's why your still working on this an hour later and you've made nearly no progress at all." Angie replied sarcastically, kneeling down next to him. "Look, Rollie, I want to help. After all you picked it out on your own. Let me help put it together."

"All right." Rollie agreed, reaching over to kiss her on the cheek.

An hour later, the crib was finally finished. With Angie helping putting the crib up went more smoothly.

"There! All finished!" Rollie said, as he and Angie stood back admiring the finished crib. He had his arm around her shoulders, and she was leaning her head on his shoulder.

"It looks good, Rollie. I like it." She told him, yawning.

"Ange, come on, you look exhausted, go lay down." Rollie suggested, guiding her over to the bed. She was laying on the bed and already half asleep before she could protest. Rollie covered her with a blanket, turned off the lights, and walked down the stairs, to prepare what he had planned for later that night.


Angie woke later, to the sound of rain lightly pounding on the ceiling. Rolling over on to her back the woman placed her hand over her ever so slightly inflated stomach. She was amazed still at the fact that a new human being was growing inside of her. Growing at this every moment. This still unborn child was bringing so much happiness into hers and Rollie life's. More than she ever thought they'd have after what Loubar did to her. It was funny. Even after all that Victor Loubar had taken from her, he still managed to give her and Rollie so much.

Hearing Rollie making various noises down below, Angie got of  the bed and walked towards the stairs glancing at the crib, smiling.


Rollie looked up from him to see Angie coming down  the stairs.

"Hey." Rollie got up and walked over to her.

"Hey." Angie replied, as Rollie wrapped his arms around her waist and bent down for a kiss.

"You look well rested. Sleep well?" Rollie asked as Angie put her arms around his neck and they stood there looking at the other.

"Yes, slept great."

"Hungry?" Rollie asked.

"Famished." She replied.

"Good." Rollie said, his hands let go of her waist and took her hands in his. "Close your eyes. I got a surprise for you."


"A Surprise? Rollie? What is it? Tell me!" Angie pleaded, wondering what he was up to.

"The sooner you close your eyes the sooner you'll find out what it is, come on, close them." Rollie told her, and smiled as she glared at her, then finally closed her eyes. He slowly led her over to the lounge.

"Okay, love. You can open them now." Rollie. standing slightly behind her.

Angie opened her eye then waited for her eyes adjust to the light again. Her eyes suddenly widened, seeing what was  laid out on the floor in front of the couch.

Spread out on  the floor was a large blanket, a picnic basket, and to top it off two lit candles.

"Rollie!" Angie exclaimed, surprised.

"I had it planned we would go the beach or somewhere tonight for the picnic, but it's raining and too cold out for a outdoor one. So I thought I'd do the next best thing. A indoor picnic." Rollie told her, coming up from behind her and wrapping his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. "So, ready to eat?"

"Yes." She replied, then without warning, Rollie picked her up off the ground, and carried her the few feet to their indoor picnic. "Rollie!"

Smiling, Rollie sat her down on the blanket. He then sat down next to her and started pulling food out of the picnic basket. Turkey sandwiches, carrot sticks, cole slaw, sliced apples, and a bottle of sparklingly grape juice.


They sat cuddled together on the floor, eating there dinner, listening to the rain pour outside, and enjoying the indoor picnic.

"Angie?" Rollie said, stroking her hair, as she leaned against his chest, and he leaned against the couch, after there meal was finished.

"Yeah?" Angie answered back, half asleep.

"I got something for you." Rollie told her, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"What? Another surprise?" Angie asked, waking up a bit more fully. She sat up straight as Rollie gently pushed her off of him, and then shifted so he sat directly in front of her.

"Possibly." Rollie replied, smiling. His expression quickly turned serious, and he reached into his front shirt pocket, taking one of her hands in his.

"Rollie, what is it?" Angie asked anxiously. She could tell he was nervous.

"Angie, I love you with all my heart and soul." Rollie started, producing the object he was hiding in one of his hands. It was a small blue jewelry box. As he opened it, Angie saw a gold ring set with a small, but noticeable white pearl.

"Oh, Rollie." Was all Angie managed to get out, as Rollie took the ring out of the box and started to slip it on her finger, of the hand he was still holding.

"Angela Ramirez, will you do me the honor of becoming your husband and father to your baby?" Rollie asked looking up into her tear filled eyes.

Angie sat there quiet, possibly a bit stunned, for a few seconds. Her mind was so jumbled up at the moment she couldn't really think clearly. The only clear thing in her mind at the moment was Rollie's question and her answer. Suddenly she flung her arms around Rollie's neck, sending Rollie backwards,
landing on his back on the picnic blanket, with Angie on top of him. She kept repeating, "yes", over and over, though tears.


Rollie had been momentarily thrown off of his balance of thinking, when Angie flung at him and pushed him to the ground. It took him a brief moment, that Angie was saying 'yes' through her tears. Realizing what she was saying and what it meant, he broke out into a huge smile. Rollie wrapped his arms
around her, and kissed her.

"Hey, you don't have to cry." Rollie told her gently, as he wiped her tears away. He moved so that Angie was now laying on her back, and he was laying on his side, right next to her, propped up on a elbow, arms still wrapped securely around her waist.

"I can't help it." She cried more, burying her head in his chest. She couldn't figure out if it was from mood swings or because she was happy. Maybe both. Looking up at Rollie, she saw what he was thinking. "I'm crying because I'm happy, Rollie."

"I love you, Angie." He told her, smiling.

"And I love you, Rollie." She told him, smiling back.


Later that night, after the picnic stuff was put away, Rollie and Angie were laying in bed, still awake, listening to the rain pound down outside and talking about the future. Their future.

"So, you sure you like the ring, Ange?" Rollie asked for about the millionth time in the last hour.

"Yes, Rollie. I'm sure. I absolutely love it." Angie reassured him, smiling.

"I just want to make sure. I just want you to be happy." He told her, kissing her.

"Rollie?" Angie asked a few minutes later.

"Yeah, Love?"

"Rollie, what would you think if, when the baby is born, I put your name down, on the birth certificate, as the father?" Angie asked hesitantly.

"Angie, what did I say when I proposed to you? Did you forget already? I asked, 'And father to your baby?'." Rollie reminded her.

"I know. But..... I just wanted to make sure I understood what you meant." Angie replied, eyes averted away from Rollie.

"Angela, Love, I want to be a father to this baby. And what I mean by this, is everything. I'll be here for you and the baby. Always. Forever." Rollie told her, gently. He knew, no matter how much he showed and told Angie how much he was there for her and her baby and loved her, she was still having a hard time believing it. "Love, do you know what a pearl is a symbol of?" He asked, then as she slowly shook her head he continued. "The pearl is a symbol of a long-lasting commitment, along with the fact that it starts as a grain of sand, an irritant that is covered over and over and over with the oyster's solutions, creating the glowing, iridescent hard shell that covers it and makes it so rare and beautiful. That's why I chose it. Because I want a long-lasting commitment with you as your husband and the baby as it's
father. And because it's just as rare and beautiful as you."

Angie sat there stunned. Rollie had never said anything that..... romantic, to her before. Yes, he had said he loved her over and over all the time, but nothing this deep. She had still been a bit unsure of his commitment to her and the baby till this very moment. Now, she was a hundred percent sure.

"So, yes, I would be very pleased if you put my name down on the birth certificate." Rollie told her, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Oh, Rollie. I love you." Was all she could think of as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and they hugged. They fell asleep, then wrapped in their arms, tired from the days changes.


Three months later, Rollie and Angie were still in the works of planning the wedding. They hadn't worried any, about what other people would think about Angie being pregnant and them not married yet, so they were in no rush to have the wedding before she started showing. Anyway, it wasn't like that would do any good. Two weeks, after Rollie proposed, both, the wedding and pregnancy, got out to the public, without Rollie and Angie's knowledge. Seems, the publicity guy, for the movie they were working on at the time,
had overheard some conversations between the couple, while they were at the set, about wedding and baby plans and had the news published.

Rollie and Angie, weren't sure yet when the wedding would be yet, but they did plan to have it before the baby was born.

As Rollie passed the big green doors on his way to the kitchen, to refreshen his cup of coffee, someone knocked at the door. Opening it he found a troubled looking Mira. The look she had in her eyes, reminded him when she came by the loft four months ago to tell him Angie was leaving. Knowing Angie was upstairs taking a nap, he put the thought of her leaving again aside.

"Hey, Mira."

"Rollie, we got a problem." Mira told him pointblank.

"Oh? What is it?" Rollie asked. Something was wrong. He had a bad feeling about what Mira was about to tell him.

"Rollie.... it's Loubar." Mira started. She stopped seeing the tall Australian turn pale.

"What about him?" Rollie asked anxiously, now sick to his stomach.

"He's back." Mira told him, slowly.

Oh, God, NO, Rollie screamed silently, as he reached out to a nearby table to hang on to.

"He's not exactly in the city though. In fact this may not even be him." Mira told Rollie. "But the odds are it is."

Mira went on to tell Rollie, that four days ago in upstate New York, a guard at a weapons plant had been found dead. This was the same guard that has just left with a shipment of grenades. A day later, the now empty truck and dead driver were found. And a mask of the dead guard was laying nearby. The man or weapons hadn't been found yet.

Rollie sat in shock, with his head in his hands, This couldn't be happening. Angie and him didn't need Loubar back in there lives. Not now, not ever. 

part 2 
