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FX: The Series does not belong to me, and I'm in no way profiting financially from this fanfic. FX is a Fireworks Entertainment Inc. and Winterset Productions Inc. Also produced in association with Rysher Entertainment and Hallmark Entertainment.

Written by David Powell


It had been almost a week since the party at the Fairchild's estate and neither Rollie nor Angie had said a word about it to her father. Manny had returned earlier than he'd planned and knew Angie hadn't made it home. Rollie explained that they'd decided to stop at his place because of the rain. Angie backed him up with the story and nothing else was mentioned.

The Fairchild's seemed to avoid Rollie on set, not that he cared what they said about him, but if they accused him, he'd be obliged to explain about Simon and Angie, then things would turn ugly. He didn't want Angie to go through anything more, he'd been appalled at Manny's explanation that her mother hadn't been able to leave with them.

Rollie sat at a bench downstairs in the converted brewery Angie and Manny called home, it was five o'clock in the morning. The anniversary of his mother's death was rolling around and Rollie found he could never sleep while it was so close. He'd crept in, leaving his boss and his daughter to sleep. No use everyone being awake at absurd hours he thought to himself, carefully setting down the container. He'd been working on a two part polymer adhesive which expanded on contact with air and a quick drying foam for a bathroom gag.

Stopping for a moment he let himself relax and glanced up the stairs thinking he heard movement. After a few moments when no one appeared, he looked down at the bench again. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Rollie found that he was actually happy, despite missing his mother terribly and the worries he faced when he thought of Dingo. He was part of something now, something he enjoyed. His new boss cared for him almost like a father and Rollie looked up to Manny with a respect he couldn't muster for Dingo.

Since his "rescue" he'd become more aware of what a large part Angela played in his life. Packed in with the lunch Manny gave him every morning before they left, there was a note, never more than a line or two but written in Angela's cursive script, wishing him a good day on set. He purposefully left his lunch until he hit a really bad mood and her short little message boosted his spirits for the afternoon. He silently wondered if Manny knew about the notes, he didn't want to get Angela in trouble though, so he'd never asked.

They hadn't really had a lot of time to talk about things but Rollie felt something was growing between Angie and himself, a bond like he hadn't felt since he'd left the Yamatji and his mentor Mangela. If this is what it's like having a sister, he thought, I wish mum had had a girl like she always said she'd wanted, not that he wasn't everything she'd hoped for in a little boy.

In the week since, Rollie had stopped worrying about dates and parties and stuff, concentrating on FX was more exciting and the relationship with the Ramirez family was filled with more affection, both given and received than he'd had since he'd left Australia. Right now Rollie wanted something stable, caring for someone else and having it returned was a gift, he'd missed having someone looking out for him and was surprised it wasn't only Manny but Angie as well, especially since that night, though that wasn't to say everything was perfect.

He'd been working steadily for an hour or so. He'd managed to get a good amount done, except for the explosive radio detonators Manny was showing him how to make. He'd read through the book the night before and was reasonably sure he could do it, but he wasn't about to wake them to get something done that'd only take a few moments to try out later.

Looking around he moved quietly across the floor, lying down on the couch, hoping to get a few extra minutes before heading down to the set.

Angie lay in bed, she'd woken up several minutes before and lay looking up at the ceiling. She could hear her father asleep on the other side of the wall and knew he'd be getting up soon… and then Rollie would be here. That thought made her feel unusual, she didn't know why but it felt nice. She smiled and sighed, ever since that night he'd been around more, always there to talk if there was something she couldn't talk to her father about, or if he wasn't home. He'd actually offered to take her if there was somewhere she'd like to go, and she looked forward to every morning when he arrived.

She sighed again and thought for the millionth time, life was so unfair. He was old enough to have dates and a partner but she wasn't, the five years between them seemed like an insurmountable gulf. When she was seventeen he'd only be twenty-two though, and that was acceptable to most people. She doubted he'd be single by then though, he was too cute not to have some girl catch his eye. The thought made her angry and even a little jealous, she couldn't imagine anyone liking Rollie better than she did. That wasn't to say that she didn't get angry at him sometimes, she knew she'd inherited her father's temper, but Rollie didn't seem to mind too much, and he forgave her or she forgave him in the end everytime.

Deciding it was time to get up, Angie slipped out of bed, pulled on some denim jeans and a shirt, there'd be time for a shower and to get changed for school later. Heading down the stairs to their PC, Angie opened the word processor and started working. There was an assignment, a story she was meant to have written and hadn't gotten around to that had to be ready for today. Luckily she had a perfect idea, a variation on the movie Rollie and Manny had finished working on several weeks before, but she'd changed it, now the hero was six foot tall and brown haired and eyed and the girl was blonde and blue eyed.

Waking, Rollie didn't know how long he'd been asleep but he could hear the steady tap of the keys on the computer. Something else he couldn't use, but Angela seemed to enjoy doing stuff with it. Craning his neck he spotted Angie typing away, Manny hadn't put in an appearance yet so he guessed it was homework she hadn't done. Noting that she'd dressed casually, much more so than how he normally saw her, he got up off the couch and slowly made his way over, time to get her back for some of the bossy little comments she'd made.

' Boo' Rollie said from about a foot behind her.

Angela jumped off the seat, spun around looking at him, seeing him standing there with a smile on his face, her heart beating a million times a minute. ' Looking good Ange' he said with a grin.

' What are you doing here?' she replied angrily ' Dad's not up yet'

' You want me to go?' Rollie asked, it wasn't his place after all.

' Yes…No… you can't just come in here whenever you want you know' Angie said turning around and saving what she'd done, thinking this wasn't at all how she wanted things to turn out.

' You're right, I shouldn't have come. In fact tell your dad I'll meet him at the set' Rollie answered, grabbing the work he'd done from the bench and leaving Angie standing there, stuck between wanting to call him back and being angry that he hadn't told her he was there, cursing her temper.

Manny was sitting downstairs, eating a large breakfast Angie had made up and sitting on the table were the lunches for him and his assistant.

' Rollie didn't say anything to you about not coming by this morning did he?' Manny asked, watching his daughter closely, she'd been out of sorts when he'd come down from upstairs.

' Umm, I think he said something about meeting you at the set' Angie muttered, lifting the spoon to her mouth.

' Really? I guess it's no problem but I'm just about to leave, you ready to go?' Manny replied.

' Just let me grab my things' Angie said heading upstairs to get her bag, having already changed.

Manny drove along and parked outside the school. ' You ok angel? Don't seem yourself this morning'

' I'll be ok, mustn't have slept too well or something' Angie replied, not wanting him to find out she'd thrown his assistant out.

' Ok, if you don't feel all right, call me. Either Rollie or I can come and get you' Manny answered ' Otherwise I'll see you this afternoon. Bye angel'

Angie gave Manny a quick peck on the cheek and climbed out, walking towards the school building, not liking the fact it was the second time she'd lied to her father in the past week.

Manny arrived on set to see Rollie already busy, he'd virtually set up the entire gag for the morning and Manny guessed he'd been out here on his own for an hour or so already.

' You don't have to kill yourself Rollie, we could have finished this off together' Manny said stepping over and slapping his assistant on the shoulder.

' I couldn't sleep, thought I might as well get some work done. The foam's ready for the bathroom scene and I've almost finished that glue thing off. I haven't started on the detonators yet though' Rollie replied, unknowingly dropping Angie in the soup.

' Wow, you have been busy. Let's go tell the director we're ready to shoot then. I think he'll be happy to get an early start for a change' Manny answered, smiling at his assistant.

The bathroom scenes went smooth as silk as Rollie and Manny stood by, watching the liquid pour into the tub and solidify around the occupant, trapping the actor within. Rollie watched, a huge grin on his face, comedy was great fun to do.

' Cut, print it. Great work everyone, get an early lunch' the director called.

Rollie sat down at the table and Manny handed over the sack of lunch Angela had prepared. A bit of a frown came to his face and Manny noticed.

' Anything wrong Rollie?' the older man asked.

' No, it's just… no, doesn't matter' Rollie said eating the lunch mechanically, not missing the fact there was no note today.

' You know, you look tired Rol. You been sleeping ok, can't have you falling asleep mid shoot' Manny said, noticing the darkening circles under his assistant's eyes.

' I don't sleep much anymore, especially around this time of year' Rollie replied casually.

Sensing something important hidden just below the surface, Manny asked casually ' Want to talk about it?'

' Nah, you don't want to hear this' Rollie said, shrugging him off.

' You know, I talked to Angela about her mother. She was devastated and missed her so much, since it's been the two of us we've really learnt to lean on each other. It helps Rollie, believe me. We're here for you too' Manny said gazing across the table at the young Aussie.

Rollie looked at Manny for a moment, searched the sky again and sighed.

' I haven't slept well since my mother died, never really got settled anywhere long enough to call it home. It's only a few days to the date she died' Rollie said, looking up at the cloudy sky ' My father was out scamming a sheep farmer the day she died. There was nothing I could have done, I was out with the Aboriginals but I wish I'd at least been there for her. I guess I feel guilty about it, I miss her a lot.'

' You ever stop with your father to do anything, you know, place flowers or so forth?' Manny asked.

' Dingo? No, we pretty much left in a hurry, not that he was around much anyway. I stayed with Mangela until Dingo came back, he wasn't in much better condition than I was, I got into some trouble and almost died before he came back and he was so unhappy about losing my mother.' Rollie stopped for a moment gathering thoughts and trying to stop the memories ' We never really stopped and grieved I don't think, maybe if we had I'd be more at peace with it'

' Maybe you could take some time this year, do something special' Manny suggested kindly.

' Yeah, maybe it's about time I did' Rollie answered.

They sat in silence for a while before Manny gestured to his assistant and they headed back to work, starting the work on the radio frequency detonators.

' Angela could you stay a moment?' her teacher asked. Waiting until the others had all left, Angela moved to the teacher's desk.

' This is really very good Angela' the teacher said pointing to the story she'd written ' I'd like you to read it to the class' Angela went first red at the thought of reading it, having people hear, even if they didn't know, what she thought about Rollie, then turned slightly pale ' I'd rather not' she said.

' Why not? It really is very good' the teacher assured her.

' It's… I'm… I'd just rather not, it's sort of personal' Angie replied, wondering why she'd said that.

' Well, ok, I won't force you to. You're a very smart girl Angela, I'll be looking forward to more of the same from you' she answered.

' Thankyou' Angela said shyly and headed for the door at her teacher's dismissal.

' I'll see you at the set tomorrow then' Rollie said as he and Manny walked to their vehicles.

' Not stopping by the loft?' Manny asked.

' I don't want to disturb you or Angie. I'll probably on get three or four hours sleep so it's probably better that I don't' Rollie replied.

' Weren't you meant to be coming for dinner tonight though?' Manny asked.

Rollie cursed to himself, he was meant to but he didn't want to face Angela just yet ' I don't think so. Hey, I intrude on you and Angie too much though anyway, I'll yet you two have some time together'

' I'm sure Angie will be disappointed, she likes you coming around' Manny countered.

' Looking forward to having to cook extra, having extra washing up? I don't think so boss' Rollie smiled, throwing his back into the back of the Holden Ute.

' Well, if you feel like it come on over' Manny offered, climbing into his pickup.

Angela saw her dad drive up and thought about what she was going to say to Rollie when he came for dinner.

' Hi angel, have a good day?' he asked as she climbed in.

' It was ok. I'd rather be with you though' Angie answered.

Manny put his arm around his daughter as she slid across the bench seat. ' We've had that conversation already right?' he said.

' Yeah, I know but school's pretty boring compared to what you do. I like working on the computers though, there's so much stuff they can do' Angie answered.

' They're going to change our industry that's for sure. FX artists are going to have to learn all about them I'd guess. Maybe you'll want to do that, FX on the computers' Manny said thinking about the future.

' That'd be neat' Angie said imagining what it'd be like ' So what time are we having dinner?'

' Whenever you feel like it, what say we grab a pizza?' Manny answered.

Angie frowned for a moment ' Isn't Rollie coming tonight now?'

' Was he meant to? He said he didn't think he was tonight' Manny responded.

' Maybe I got muddled up' Angie finished, looking out the window, knowing that Rollie was purposefully staying away.

The night passed slowly for Angie, missing Rollie's normally humorous jokes and sense of fun. She sat down at the computer and did some of her schoolwork while her dad worked over on the bench, designing some new gadget for the movie.

She didn't want Rollie to stop coming around, she liked him even though he did play tricks on her and tease her, she got as good as she gave. The thought of not seeing Rollie again made her want to curl up and never move again. He'd become a part of their "family", and she missed her "brother" even though it'd only been a day. Turning back she switched off the computer and headed to the stairs.

' I'll see you in the morning angel' Manny said tucking her in, kissing her on the forehead.

' Night dad' she responded with her own kiss and a hug.

When he'd left her room, Angie pulled out a piece of paper and got to work.

Rollie climbed into bed with a sigh ' What a day' he muttered. He'd had a flat on the way home, only to find his spare had had a slow puncture and was almost flat as well. He'd found that he didn't have anything to eat and didn't feel like going out to get any. After a shower he'd climbed into bed and was now thinking about Angie and how she'd acted that morning.

He didn't want to fight with her, she was so much like the sister he'd never had. He remembered the conversation of the morning and that she'd seemed so uncertain of what to say, undecided whether she wanted him to leave or not.

He wondered about what Manny had said as well, he had no memories of a funeral or a grave, just being whisked away, no closure to the death of his mother. Silent tears ran down his face and he suddenly knew what he was going to do.

The next day Rollie talked to Manny about his decision and Manny agreed, the movie was almost finished and Rollie had already done a lot of the work that was left over… Angie could do a few of the small bit he'd need help with.

' Are you going to see her?' Manny asked.

' I just want to do it. I'll leave straight after work and be back in a few days' Rollie responded.

' You have a fight or something?' Manny asked.

' Not really. I just don't know exactly how she feels, whether she wants me around or not' Rollie replied his sadness showing ' I don't want to overstay my welcome'

Manny looked at Rollie for a moment and smiled ' She'll be waiting for you when you get back'

' He what?' Angie asked loudly as Manny explained about Rollie leaving.

' He's gone back to Australia. Why should it bother you? Other assistants of mine have left before' Manny asked carefully concealing his happiness that she wanted Rollie around, after Rollie's comments he'd wondered how she really felt.

Angie looked at her father and then ran off up the stairs.

Rollie stepped into his apartment, saw a letter on the floor and picked it up, absently pushing into his coat pocket. Looking around for any last second items he needed he picked up his watch and looked at the time. The taxi honked its horn outside. Rollie grabbed his bag and hurried back downstairs.

He was soon at the airport and hurriedly made his way to the gate and from there onto the plane, going home.

Manny climbed the stairs to the loft's apartment, he knew now that his angel, his Angela had come to accept Rollie's place in their lives, had almost welcomed him with open arms and didn't see him as an assistant but a friend, possibly more than that even.

' Angela can I come in?' Manny asked.

No answer except a few muffled sounds.

Slowly opening the door he found it pitch black within, could only just make out the outline of Angela lying facedown on the bed. Moving over he sat down beside her gently putting a hand on her arm.

' Want to talk to me about this?' he questioned his daughter.

Angela rolled over looking away from him but her voice sounded out softly, tears mingling with it ' Why does everyone leave me? I am that horrible?'

' Is that what this is about? Rollie leaving?' Manny asked gently, putting his arms around her.

' I didn't really want him to go' she said turning to look at her father ' Ask him to come back… please, I'll be nice to him I promise'

' What do you mean you didn't really want him to go?' Manny asked, this was about something else.

Angie explained about the fight, the way she'd treated Rollie.

' I wondered why he seemed so tired, like he had something on his mind. He came here at five o'clock and then went to the set after you kicked him out. He's hardly been getting any sleep because its coming up to the time when his mother died… he must have had about four or five hours sleep in the last seventy two' Manny said, watching Angela for a reaction.

' You can't let him leave, you said you liked him' Angie cried.

' Angel he's going back to Australia for a few days only. He wanted to pay his respects at his mother's grave.' Manny explained.

' Then… then he's coming back?' Angie asked softly.

' Then he's coming back' Manny affirmed.

' Why didn't he come and tell me? He does hate me doesn't he' she said, another round of tears coming to her eyes.

' I don't think he hates you Angela, if I had to guess I'd say he sort of loves you actually, he really likes you. You've got to remember that he's still not that old either, and he hasn't had anyone around to take care of him. He doesn't understand how he feels, the same way you're trying to figure that out' Manny said, smiling slightly and reaching up to dry the tears in her eyes.

' You… you think he likes me' she asked in a wavering voice.

' Does that make you happy?' Manny asked.

Angela looked down and then up at her father, putting her arms around him ' I really like him dad'

' I thought you did' Manny replied with a smile ' He's coming back on Sunday would you like to go meet him at the airport?'

' Could we?' Angie asked with a small smile.

' Of course sweetie, if that's what you want' Manny replied softly.

' I really do' Angie said, hugging him tighter.

Rollie had changed planes, he'd managed a few hours sleep on the plane and now was on a plane heading for Alice Springs. It wouldn't be long before he was home, he didn't really think of his apartment as home, the outback… now that was home.

A slight shiver ran through him and he smiled, he'd never gotten a straight explanation out of Mangela about how he did that.

Morning rocked around and Angie was actually looking forward to going to school, it was the day she got free time on the computer and her teacher was teaching her more about it. Afterwards she was going to help her father out on the set. Only today and tomorrow and then Rollie would be back. That thought was part of the reason she was happy, he hadn't deserted her, he hadn't left for good.

She fixed a big breakfast for her dad and set him smiling as she explained about the day and what she was doing.

' So… sounds like you're getting interested in computers' he said ' think that's what you'd like to do?'

' I don't know but it's interesting' she replied.

' I'm just glad that you seem happy angel' Manny laughed, when she was happy he felt it as well.

' I am dad, thanks to you' she answered leaning her head on his shoulder.

Rollie drove the jeep along the dusty road, Mangela in the seat next to him. He'd arrived at Alice to see his friend and teacher waiting for him.

' It's been a long time Rollie my boy' Mangela said as they drove along ' Things have changed' he finished turning to look at his friend.

' Yeah. You know why I'm here?' Rollie asked.

' Yep, you've come to walk the dreamtime with your mother' Mangela replied.

' Can you show me the way?' Rollie questioned the Yamatji elder.

' I can point the way but you'll be on your own, just follow the songline' Mangela answered.

Rollie drove on, it'd been years since he'd been home.

Rollie noted that the hotel was still alive and kicking and their place still stood, looking a bit down at the heels. Walking from the jeep to the house Rollie pulled the flyscreen door open and pushed the thick door inwards. A thick layer of dust lay everywhere, if he'd been away for a decade he still expected he'd come back and find it undisturbed.

Walking into the house, memories flooded back, good and bad. He passed through the living room and down the hall, stopping to look in on his room before pushing open the door to his mothers. Walking inside he could see her sitting in bed, he used to come in early in the morning and climb in beside her, Dingo wasn't often home.

Walking across the floor leaving footprints in the dust, Rollie opened the lid on her jewellery box, finding that it still had a few small pieces left. They were ones Dingo either hadn't cared about because they weren't expensive, or the ones that were because he knew she'd promised them to her son. Rollie lifted the pieces free, a slender bracelet, a thin chain of gold links with a cross, a ring with a rare red hued diamond that Dingo had actually found on his travels and an engraved silver hair-clip which he remembered his mother never being without.

Sliding them into the box he lifted it from where it sat and packed it carefully into his bag. There wasn't anything else he wanted, most of his stuff was rotted or moldy and his toys held no interest now. He moved back outside to where Mangela waited.

' You ready my boy' the aboriginal asked.

' Ready as I'll ever be' Rollie said straightening up and following the older man back to the jeep.

Angela watched as the teacher explained and worked with the computer, programming in Basic a small program that would show up whatever was typed in on the screen, giving choices even, like a choose your own adventure book.

' So what do you think?' the teacher asked.

' It's great, but if you wrote a loop program for it wouldn't it be shorter?' she pointed out.

' That's right but I don't know a lot about this, I'm learning as we go as well' the teacher admitted.

' Does anyone around here know more about it?' Angie asked, glancing down at her watch.

' I believe Mr Hume the senior physics teacher has done a course on it' the teacher answered.

' Maybe we could ask him to show us' Angie said, then added ' but not today, I've got to meet my dad, we're going to the set to set up some scenes' The teacher smiled and offered ' I'll see if he's interested and I'll tell you on Monday how does that sound?'

' I'd like that' Angela replied grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

' We're here Rollie. This is where we buried her. Her head's that end, to face the rising sun, touching her with the rays of the new day' Mangela explained, pointing to the mound, and the headstone which Dingo must have had made.

' I'll probably be a while Mangela' Rollie started.

' Don't worry my boy, I'll be at the jeep whenever you're ready' Mangela said, turning and heading back towards the vehicle, his footfalls not making a sound.

Rollie stood for a moment and then moved to the headstone, sitting on the floor beside it and beginning to think of his mother. He remembered the good times and the bad, times when Dingo was around and other times when he was gone for weeks. She was always been there for me though, she loved me.

He relaxed and lifted his head, the feel he was getting tenuous at best but somehow, whether it was imagination or something he didn't understand she suddenly stood before him in his mind.

' Mum?' he asked.

' Oh my little Rollie how big you've grown' she replied, her voice a whisper in the annals of his mind.

' I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I wanted to be. There must have been something I could have done' Rollie said, tears in his dark eyes.

' Don't blame yourself my son' she said with a smile ' You were always the best little boy, caring about people, always trying to help. I love you, and your father, tell him if you see him'

' I don't see him often' Rollie said, slightly angry, he did love his father.

' So you haven't followed in his footsteps?'

' I never liked what he did' Rollie answered ' Maybe if he'd been here instead of out…'

' I don't blame him Rollie, or you. You've got to put aside the guilt you feel, there are people that need you, I can feel their connection to you' she said voice a sound floating on the wind ' A man and a girl, who are they?'

Rollie smiled for the first time, his life had changed courses when he'd met them. ' My boss and his daughter' Rollie said softly ' My friends'

' I can already see how much a part of your life they have become my son, they have faced many hardships. You and the girl will face many more, though if not together you'll suffer for it.'

' What do you mean?' Rollie asked.

' I'm sorry my little Rollie, there is no more time. Just remember to read the letter in your jacket' she said, the last hardly audible.

' Mother wait… I love you' Rollie called out, just catching her reply ' I know, I love you too'

His tears mixed with the red dust of the Australian soil but they were more tears of happiness than grief. He felt a weight lifted from his shoulders, like this out pouring of his guilt had released a flood that had been gathering. He didn't remember how long he'd been sitting there, just staring out across the wilderness. He felt more relaxed than in ages, more in touch with himself and now wondered how it was he'd missed the changes, additions to the songline since he'd met the Ramirez family.

Pushing himself to his feet and brushing the red dust from his jeans Rollie looked around, noting that the sun was setting in the distance, he'd spent almost an entire day seated before her grave though it had seemed like only moments.

The desert was cooling fast and Rollie felt the change in the temperature. Lifting his jacket from the jeep he pulled it on, leaving it open though. Putting his hands in the jacket pockets he felt the letter and removed it, examining it under torchlight.

He recognized the cursive script like it was a signature. Why had Angela sent him a letter though he wondered. Opening it he began to read.

Dear Rollie,

It's been a day since I threw you out of the loft. Now I hate not having you here. I was angry with you for scaring me and I'm sorry for how I treated you. I want you to come back, I don't want you to stop coming around, I want you to be part of our lives, of my life.

You've become part of our family and we miss you, I miss you. I never realized how much enjoyment I get out of just having you around, out of cooking for you and just having someone else I can talk to besides my dad.

I like to think that we're friends, even if I do get mad at you so please come home to where you belong.

Love Angela

Never had anyone written anything like this to him and it touched the very depths of his heart that she would do so. He was immediately sorry that he hadn't gone to see her, that he hadn't read the letter in New York. How must she feel now? Like he'd deserted her, left her behind. After having to leave her mother how much would his apparent flight have hurt her? He knew one thing, that if she'd accept him back he'd do everything he could to make it up to her.

Angela sat with her father watching the TV, they'd finished work on the set several hours ago and had returned to the loft. They'd shared the cooking and sat, snuggled together watching Star Wars, both glad that they didn't have anything to do the next day, shooting had gone well and the movie was all finished except for the last minutes additions done by the sound crew and the editing.

' So what are we doing tomorrow angel?' Manny asked.

' I don't have any homework to do. I thought I might make a cake or something, does that sound ok?' Angie asked, aware her father would know the reason.

' Sure, I noticed some of your clothes are getting a bit ragged, maybe we could do some shopping as well. Before you say it, I know you don't really care about shopping, I don't either but we can't be walking around like rag-dolls when Rollie comes back can we?'

' Oh Dad, you're the best dad in the world' Angie said, kissing him on the cheek.

' And you're the best daughter angel' Manny answered, wrapping her up in a hug.

Rollie was up, talking to those of the Yamatji that remembered him, or that he remembered. They'd just had lunch, and Rollie had smiled as they'd kept to the traditions. Kangaroo, Goanna, berries gathered from the sparse vegetation and a whole number of edible snacks. Thinking of what people back in New York ate it seemed a world away, a different planet. He knew that despite his wishes he'd have to leave soon, there were a few things he wanted to do before going back to the states.

Wandering away he read through Angela's letter again, if those little notes she slipped into his lunch made him able to face the rest of the day, then this made him ready to face anything. Mangela had the jeep running when he arrived back after his wanderings.

' Time for you to go my sonny boy' Mangela said.

' Trying to get rid of me already?' Rollie asked with a smile.

' You've got things to do, I can feel it in you now. When you came your songline was constricted, dying. Now it's vibrant, alive, it has purpose and so do you, it's time for us to go where the winds send us' he replied in his way.

' Well then, we might as well start' Rollie said, climbing in and making sure all his gear was packed and the letter firmly secured in his jacket pocket.

Angie and Manny spent the day getting ready. Manny watched as Angie baked a cake for the next day, for Rollie he thought. He saw the serious and yet happy expression on her face as she beat the cake mixture. It was a link to her mother, the cooking, he could almost see them together in the kitchen of their house in Cuba, Angie not much higher than the counter top, but she'd stood on a chair and helped and learned. Walking over he put his arms around her from behind and she turned and smiled that beautiful smile up at him.

' How's it going?' he asked her.

' Fine dad. The stuff we bought looks nice too' she answered.

' You looked beautiful angel' he responded ' Just like your mother'

Angie looked down, the mention of her mother still caused so much pain. She'd thought nothing would make it better but her father was so kind and caring, and he'd sat and talked with her for hours.

She saw her father wince at her reaction and put her smile back up ' Thanks dad. Was she really that beautiful?'

' Your mother was the envy of all the other women in the town. Her golden blonde hair and startling blue eyes… she glowed. I was a lucky man' Manny said remembering how he hadn't been able to say a work, too tongue tied by her beauty.

Angie smiled at the memory ' Maybe I'll have your luck then' she replied, turning back to the cake mix.

' Don't make any hasty choices angel, you've got a lot of years to make up your mind' Manny advised.

' I didn't have a choice' Angie answered to herself with a smile as she moved to put the cake mix into the tin she'd already prepared.

Rollie grabbed the few things he wanted from the airport gift shop and hurriedly boarded the plane, looking forward to heading back to New York, looking forward to seeing his boss and especially Angela. He didn't know when exactly he'd started feeling she was so important to him, but she was and he was looking forward to seeing that smiling face again with an anticipation that almost hurt.

Leaning back in the wide seat as the plane took off, Rollie looked out the window, a whirlwind trip home but he felt the effort had been worthwhile, he felt better in himself, with his mother's forgiveness. He drifted to sleep, sunlight streaming in through the window.

Rollie was amazed, he'd managed to sleep for almost eight hours, it'd been years since he'd done that, and it had been when he was sick, his body making him rest. The plane flight was almost over and he moved to the small bathroom, looking at his reflection in the mirror he saw that a shave was definitely in order before he made his way back to the loft.

Angela could hear that her father was finishing off dressing, he was going casual, neat but not over the top. Angela had picked out one of the dresses they'd bought the day before and was carefully brushing her hair until it shone.

She stopped in the middle of doing her hair and looked at herself in the mirror… what was she doing? She went bright red and shook her head, boy did she have it bad. Her father's assistant was in her every thought, she'd even started wondering which dresses he might like when they were shopping. Pulling the brush through once more she asked ' Are you ready yet? If we're not there on time we might miss him'

' Just finished angel' came the reply as Manny stepped into her room ' You look gorgeous, he's certainly getting a nice homecoming'

' Dad' Angie pleaded ' Don't say anything. I treated him really badly and I'm just trying to make up for it'

' I think I understand' Manny said taking Angela's arm and leading her down to the car.

Rollie dragged himself through customs and grabbed his bag. Taking a stop off at the bathroom he proceeded to shower, shave and change. Feeling better and definitely more awake Rollie picked up his bag.

' Maybe he missed his flight?' Angie said looking around, the other people had disembarked and come though almost fifteen minutes ago.

' I asked and they said he was on the flight. I don't think we could have missed him, let's give him a bit longer. We wouldn't want to waste all your preparation for nothing would we?' Manny replied.

' Dad I asked you not to say anything' Angie answered, a frown on her face.

Rollie shouldered his bag and walked through the doors into the airport proper. Brushing a hand through his hair he started towards the door.

' Hey, there he is' Manny said suddenly, pointing back over her shoulder.

Angie turned around to see Rollie heading for the door.

Rollie heard his name, turned and saw Angie's smiling face hurrying towards him with Manny a step behind. He dropped his bag and turned to face them, a smile widening on his face, he hadn't expected them to bother coming to meet him.

Angie kept coming, flying into his arms, wrapping her arms around him, her smile dazzling, her blue eyes staring up into his showing how happy she was to see him.

He leaned down smiling at her and wrapping his arms around her, kissing her on the cheek ' I'm sorry for not coming to see you before I left'

' Just don't do it again ok?' Angie replied on the verge of tears at having him back.

' I really missed you Ange. Hey, is this a new dress? You look gorgeous' he said with a laugh.

Angie blushed and Manny said ' I said the same thing' Rollie smiled at the older man then turned back to Angie.

' I kept worrying about how you'd take my leaving without saying anything. I didn't want to hurt you' Rollie said meeting her eye to eye ' Oh and I got your letter. I've never had anyone say anything like that to me before, no one that cared enough to say it, you don't know how much it meant to me' he finished.

' I just said what I felt. I was upset when I found out you'd left' she said shooting her father a warning glance ' but dad explained it was only for a few days, I thought you'd left because of me…'

' I'm not leaving you Ange, I'm not going anywhere. We're friends and friends stick together' Rollie replied slowly standing up straight while Angie stepped back a little.

' You look better much better Rollie. Good trip?' Manny asked.

' It sorted out a lot of problems' Rollie answered shaking Manny's hand ' and made me consider how I feel about you two. You treat me like family, I wish you were' he finished putting an arm around Manny's and Angie's shoulders. They returned the gesture.

' It's how we think of you Rollie. Isn't that right angel?' Manny responded, looking down at his daughter with a smile.

' Something a lot like that' Angie replied, not really paying attention. He felt so NICE.

Manny had watched their reunion with a smile, it seemed that Angie had had a big influence on Rollie, almost as big as his on her. Rollie was right, and he'd told the truth when he'd said about Rollie being like family. He was glad Angie had a friend that would take care of her, would protect her and stay by her side, not breaking her heart by leaving her, he believed the young man.

They made it back to the loft, Rollie expressing his surprise that they'd been there to meet him.

' We thought it'd be a nice surprise for you didn't we angel?' Manny replied, shooting the question to his now quietly reserved daughter.

Angie smiled and nodded , not trusting herself to speak just yet, close proximity made her even more nervous, before the party it'd had been easy to be around him but now...

Arriving at the loft, Angie went to get the cake while Rollie rummaged through his bag, removing the presents he'd brought back with him.

Rollie took a bite of the cherry cake, it was delicious and he said so. Angela was softly stroking the fur of the large koala bear toy Rollie had brought back while Manny was looking over the various little gadgets Rollie had brought back for him.

' I've got one last present, it's for you Angela but your father will have to have a say in it' Rollie answered. Lifting the jewellery box out, he knew he wouldn't give them to a girl who might leave as soon as they got them, so this seemed a safer way, plus they'd still be worn.

He opened the box and removed the items from within, seeing Angela's eyes widen at the sight and turning to look at Manny, saw the surprise in his.

' They were my mothers. The bracelet is gold, the necklace as well. The hair clip is silver, so they are ok to wear. The ring is diamond though so it's pretty expensive' he explained.

' Uh Rollie. The ring has a red stone' Angie pointed out.

Manny's eyes had widened when Rollie had said the ring was diamond and he wondered if he knew how much it was worth.

' I can't let you Rollie. Do you have any idea how much a red diamond like that is worth?' he answered.

' I know it's a lot but I don't have any use for it. I wouldn't give it to just anyone, I want you to look after it' Rollie said, smiling.

' We'll keep them for you' Manny answered.

' Only the ring, the others I want Angela to have' Rollie bartered.

' We'll see' Manny answered, closing the box ' It's getting late, you can sleep on the couch Rollie. Could you get some blankets angel?'

' Sure dad' Angie answered, jumping up and hurrying upstairs.

' Have a good night Rollie. I hope this travelling hasn't affected you too much, we've got to get out there and find another movie' Manny said with a grin. ' You got it finished? That's great, how'd it go?' Rollie inquired.

' I'll tell you about it tomorrow' Manny said, turning for the stairs, Angela had already gone to bed and when he looked in could see the slow rise and fall of the blankets. Moving across he leant over ' Goodnight angel' he whispered, kissing her on the forehead like he had done since she had been born.

Manny was soon abed himself, settling down for a good night's sleep of his own. His mind wandered between the need to get another job and the feelings that were becoming so evident between Angela and Rollie.

He knew that the Australian would never take advantage of her but he had an idea of how strongly attracted his daughter was to him. It was a crush she had on him, but it seemed much more serious than that, Angela had never confessed to having a crush on anyone else before. It troubled him no end, he didn't want Angela to be broken hearted when Rollie found himself a girlfriend, he knew it'd happen eventually. Sighing he turned his mind away from it and tried to get some sleep.

Angela waited until her father was asleep, she'd been faking earlier and slipped from her bed, it wasn't cold exactly but her pyjamas were nice and warm. Moving as quietly as she could, she didn't know how Rollie could move around so silently, she made her way down the stairs.

Rollie could hear Angela approaching, he'd been expecting something of the sort. There were a few things she'd want to say, and others he wanted to as well.

' If you take much longer it'll be morning and your dad will be down here' he whispered, knowing it would carry to her.

Angela sat down next to him and looked at his face, lit only by the small amount of light from the skylight overhead.

' You scared me leaving like that, I thought you hated me' she admitted at last.

' I don't hate you Angela, I couldn't. I'm sorry I scared you but I wasn't sure how you felt about me. I didn't leave because of you' Rollie explained.

' I know' Angie said voice quavering slightly ' Did you really like the cake or were you just being polite?'

' It was great… just like you Angela' Rollie answered truthfully.

' I made it for you' she said sighing, she LOVED talking to him like this.

' I sort of hoped you might have. I want us to be friends Angela, if we aren't already' Rollie said feelings starting to show.

' We are, but I don't want you just as a friend' Angie answered, eyes widening, not believing she'd blurted that out.

' More than friends?' Rollie questioned.

' Best friends Rollie, nothing less' Angie replied sternly and Rollie smiled.

' How about best friends forever? That's what I'd like us to be' Rollie answered, again realising it was the truth. ' I want that as well' she said putting her head on his shoulder.

' Good, that makes one thing I'll always hold dear' Rollie answered quietly.

' What do you mean?' she asked.

' Our Friendship' Rollie answered happily.