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  Version 3 - Unashamedly British 

Big things are coming our way, now.

Yes, KevzHomePage is going through a change.  It's going from being poorly designed, highly opinionated and low on graphics to being better designed, even more opinionated and having far too many graphics.  So there you go!  You'll either like it or hate it, but that's the way KevzHomePage has always been, and it will stay that way.  It'll just look better!  Soon we may also be moving to a new server, or getting a new group homepage in a different place, I'll keep you in touch rather than let you live with 404's. Who needs Windows 98, we have KevzHomePage 99!

©1999 Kevin Pitkin,  All rights reserved worldwide.  For further copyright information see our copyright page.
Updated 26/1/99.  Further links and images will be added at a later date and the remainder of the site will be updated.
This page is optimised for viewing in 800x600 screen resolution and 24 or 32 bit colour in Netscape Navigator 4 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.