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OIC Member States having or planning to have facilities for undertaking R&D work and desirous of participating in the activities of the Network will be elected by the Governing Body Members of the Network.


Functions of the Network Member Countries

Financial contributions to cover the membership fee of the focal The functions of a member country include :



Functions of the Network Member Institutions



Organs of the Network shall be the following :

(a) The Governing Body

(b) The Executive Council

(c) Network Headquarters




The Governing Body of the Network shall comprise :

(a) the representatives of the Member States of the Network;

(b) a representative of the COMSTECH; and

(c) a representative of the Secretariat General of OIC.




The Governing Body shall be the supreme decision making body of the Network and in particular :



On the recommendation of its President, the Governing body shall approve the appointment of an Executive Director of the Network.

The Governing Body shall meet at least once in every two years at a place and on a date to be appointed by the Executive Council. A notice of at least four months shall be given for holding a meeting of the Governing body.

A special session of the Governing Body may be called by the President of the Network upon the request from at least Two Member States of the Network.




The Executive Council shall comprise :


The Executive Director of the Network will act as its Secretary.

The members of the Executive Council, other than the President, shall hold office for a period of four years.

The Executive Council shall :





The headquarters of the Network shall be in Pakistan at Karachi, or any other location considered appropriate by the host organisation SUPARCO and approved by the Government of Pakistan.

The Host Government shall provide to the Network Headquarters facilities essential for effective coordination between the Member States and the mechanism for implementing the programmes of the Network towards realisation of its objectives.


Functions of the Network President

The President shall :


Functions of the Executive Director

The Executive Director shall :





The finances for running the Network shall be the responsibility of the Host Government with contributions from Member States of the Network as decided by the Fifth Islamic Summit (Kuwait, January 1987) in its resolution No.2/5E(IS).


Further financial resources may consist of :



The budget shall be prepared for every two years by the Executive Council and approved by the Governing Body. It shall be effective as of 1st January of a calendar year and end on 31st December of the following year.








For issues and matters not covered by these Rules, the Rules of Procedure of COMSTECH or OIC shall apply and where an issue or matter is not covered by the Rules of Procedure of the Organization, such issue or matter shall be regulated in such manner as the Chairman may decide.


Information on resident databases and planned to be created with ISNET member institutes has been collected from time to time. Though the detailed contents of the databases were made available by the member organizations, titles of the database identified have been listed under the column "Databases". In an effort to encourage more interactions, institutions and organizations contacted for the purpose have also been included in this list.