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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


November 4, 1998

     The Father says to His church:

     As the coming hour approaches as a total fulfillment of every jot and every tittle written in My word there is great fear and panic throughout the world about the world system, about the imminent collapse of many different facets of that system. And that fear and that panic has infiltrated itself into My church. And some of My people are feeling that fear as it engulfs them and surrounds them and they are giving in to those feelings and are now operating in their flesh, some even in the fullness of their flesh.
     But the things that I have spoken, the things that are being continuously revealed unto you by My servants, the prophets, these things will not collapse. But these things shall continue to thrive in vibrant life to sustain the spirit of My people, of My church. For I am not a man that I should lie. And nothing that I have said is dependent upon man’s ability, man’s flesh.
     For I have sent My Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to crucify the flesh of My body, like unto His Own. So those who are continuing to look to the world for signs and indications of man’s attempt to rescue himself from his own foolishness, those who continue to do so, simply contribute to that foolishness. But those of My church, My body, those who look to the cross of My Son, My Beloved Son, those who look to the cross with their spiritual eyes of understanding know that every solution to every problem in every failure of the flesh is found in that cross. So to those of you who are feeling the fear and the panic, look to the cross of My Son Jesus Christ and see it with your own spiritual eyes and understand that every provision necessary for life, true life, in My kingdom has been provided. And to the measure of your faith, to the degree of your faith that you have in that cross, so shall be the degree of provision given unto you.
     For I am your Provider. To those who would live and move and have their being in My kingdom I am your Provider. There is none other. And to look upon human endeavors as a means of providing unto you is to indulge in the foolishness and the weakness of the flesh. For I have provided you with My Spirit of Truth, My Spirit of Life and He shall indeed reveal all things unto you, and according to your faith be it done unto you.
     If you have faith in the things of this world, you shall reap of the things of this world. If you have faith in Me you shall reap of the things of My kingdom. So be encouraged and know that I, the Lord your God, shall continue to provide all of your needs according to My riches in glory, through Christ Jesus, your Saviour and Lord.
