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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


God, Creator of time, the universe,
space, energy, matter and life

        In our everyday lives, we have to concern ourselves with the practical things that occupy most of our time and thoughts. A job to go to, a home to pay for, groceries to buy and food to cook, care of our bodies, our children’s needs, suitable recreational activities and on and on.
        Little time is left to investigate and contemplate the vastness of our universe, how it came into existence and the tremendous creativity and power it took, and continues to take, for it to exist. That relative handful of experts in those fields of study present ideas to us that are sometimes very difficult to fully grasp, especially when we are bogged down by the technical workings of those ideas.
        However, for the Christian who is a disciple, i.e., learner, follower, supporter and imitator of Jesus Christ, an understanding of those things is not an option if they are to be successful in truly understanding their God and Creator.
        In this article I’m going to attempt to present some ideas that will help us to better understand the magnificence of what God has wrought for us in His creation and what is truly natural as distinguished from what is truly supernatural.
        There is a lot of controversy and many bitter arguments, inflated with emotion, concerning the timing of the creation of the universe as we know it. Was the earth created in just six literal days? And is the earth only 6,000 years old as expressed in Usher’s chronology? Or approximately 13 to 17 billion years old as science says?
        Those who defend Usher’s chronology (which is acknowledged as being flawed) and base their understanding of the Bible upon the meaning of the English words in translating from the Hebrew (or Greek), rather than the meaning of the original Hebrew (or Greek) words, miss the point: the universe was created a finite time ago.
        Say what? What is that supposed to mean? It means that the universe is not infinitely old. It means that a choice was made, a decision was made, a finite time ago by the Creator of our universe to create something out of nothing. That means that our God, our Creator is not some impersonal powerful “force.” That means our God, our Creator is a personal and powerful Creator Who made a decision to create our universe at a specific point in eternity and create “time” for us humans. Once you get past the arguments and realize that, then further study of the Bible will reveal that God is not only a personal God, but that He is also a moral and ethical God. If you will take the time to study those books and articles concerning the defense of the Christian faith, you’ll get past your hang-up about the length of time it took to create the earth and how long it’s been in existence and can begin to relate to what the astrophysicists and astronomers have found out. And you can be the salt and light you’re supposed to be and with the help of the Holy Spirit of our God and Creator, you can explain to people why there is a God—a God of creation, a personal, moral and ethical God—the God of the Christian Bible.
        As it now stands, these diverse ideas only divide the people of God, and alienate those who don’t know God because it’s clear to them that we aren’t even agreed on the basics of the creation and existence of the earth we live on.
        Division is a tool of the devil—we are supposed to be united in the truth of God and love each other and fellowship with each other. Instead of listening to enlightening facts from science you want to fight and argue with each other. Who wants to be a part of that scene? Do you think that will help the unsaved come to know the true and the living God of the Bible by your cat fights and arguments? And insisting that the King James Version is right because they used now archaic English words in an attempt to explain what they thought the text said instead of what the Hebrew word really means? Please read the original preface to the Bible entitled “The Translators To The Reader” written by the King James translators. Do your own internet search and homework. You’ll find the King James translators believed the authority of the word of God was in the original autographs, that they were not inspired but simply revised, that they did not condemn other versions, that all translations are the word of God, that they refer to Jesus and the apostles as not attacking a faulty translation and instead used it, that new translations should be made often, that varying readings should be made in the margin, that different translations do not affect doctrine, that a variety of translations are necessary and that scripture should be in common language. The Bible is inspired, infallible and inerrant—but in the original autographs. Every translation you read today is really a commentary by a person or a group of persons who say what they think the original text says. Do you research it out for yourself? And honestly seek the answer as to what is really being said in the Bible?
        I think it was Mark Twain who said something like he wasn’t so much concerned with the parts of the Bible that he didn’t understand as he was with the parts that he did understand. How about you? Are you trying to understand more and more of what the original autographs really said and meant, or do you just want to affiliate with others who continue to hold some personal, subjective view of what they think (or hope) the Bible says?
        Those of you who want to advance the cause of Christ, read on. Those of you who want to advance your own personal, subjective cause, goodbye.
        The basic philosophical question man asks is why is there something instead of nothing? Why does stuff exist?
        The “If Proposition” logically shows us that the universe is dependent on something, more specifically Someone, for its existence: If anything now exists, something must be eternal, or else something not eternal must have emerged from nothing. Think about that ...
        We can logically conclude that yes, the universe is solid and real and exists and is not some kind of super illusion as some would theorize. We also know from credible “Big Bang” models that the universe is not eternal, and that it was created a finite time ago, and will one day burn itself out. We should also have enough common sense to know that the universe could not have emerged from nothing by something or Someone Who is not eternal.
        This leaves us with the logical thought that the universe was created a finite time ago by an eternal being.
        As I mentioned before any honest examination of the Bible will reveal that God, the Creator of the universe is a personal, moral and ethical God. If you want a full discussion of the “If Proposition” run a search on the internet and research it out for yourself. I’m just presenting the essence of it.
        The credible model of the “Big Bang” (a misnomer, but the original and popular name for it) has revealed some awesome facts. In trillionths of a second after God created and “exploded” a tremendously super-dense “atom” that was chock full of energy when it came into existence, the universe split into two parts. We have our four dimensional expanding universe of length, width, height and time which God created. The other part has six dimensions and in trillionths of a second after creation stopped expanding. It’s still out there somewhere.
        What are those other six dimensions? Nobody knows. Of the totality of the ten dimensions that exist, we humans only experience four of them (which includes space-time). Also the point has been made that when God created the universe He must have been outside of all those dimensions to do so (His transcendence). That means there is another eleventh dimension that God was in when He created the universe. That means there is a possibility that there are even more dimensions where God is.
        We, in our universe of length, width, height and time (where God is also present and sustains this universe, His immanence) don’t really understand all there is to know about them.
        In our universe we can only see three dimensions: length, width and height. Time is something we measure with clocks. However, time is related to space, matter and energy which is known as the space-time continuum. Time, however, is actually a measure of a movement of 15 degrees in the rotation of our solar system.
        The faster matter moves and approaches the speed of light, the more compressed it becomes and the slower time becomes. A foot long ruler becomes shorter and shorter as it approaches the speed of light. At the speed of light it no longer exists as a ruler. It has become energy. More correctly it has become energy/matter. Or matter/energy. I’m not really sure how to explain that. If you then slow it down from the speed of light, it becomes a ruler again. Shorter than a foot, but lengthening as it slows, until it again becomes a foot long ruler.
        Imagine that you are talking with a friend outside somewhere and they are in a space ship which can travel close to the speed of light. They said they had to go someplace and would be right back on a 10 second round trip. For them, it would be 10 seconds of time which would have passed when they returned. But for you it would have been about a month and a half which would have passed when they returned.
        Another example would be if your friend went on a 60 day round trip. For them only 60 days would have passed when they returned. But here on earth, 60,000 years would have passed.
        Your friend would be a time traveler and a space traveler at the same time. Time would flow at two different rates for him and for those here on the earth.
        As we investigate the possibilities regarding space, time, matter and energy, we can see that only one added dimension in our universe could make a huge difference to our perception of the reality of time and space. In the example above, one day with your space/time traveler would have been the equivalent of 1,000 years on earth. But for you, 1,000 years on earth would have been the equivalent of one day for them.
        It’s also been discovered that gravitational fields have an effect upon the space-time continuum in that the gravitational field can actually “bend” space and time.
        When we get into the subject of black holes, white holes, wormholes, cosmic strings and parallel universes our concepts of time and space are so severely impacted as to leave us breathless.
        A neutron star has a density of about a billion tons per cubic inch. By comparison, steel is close to a vacuum. Black holes have far greater densities than a neutron star and are created when stars reach a mass that’s four times the mass of the sun, have burned up their fuel and collapse under their own weight and implode. The former star is crushed to insignificant volume and density that’s difficult to even imagine. Their gravitational fields are so strong that even light can’t escape it.
        The miracles recorded for us in the Bible all relate either to creation, rearranging or restructuring of matter, energy or life or reordering the manifestation of what we consider to be the natural sequences in the rotation of our solar system, which relates to time and space.
        To put it another way biblical miracles involve creation of life and a supernatural change in what we consider to be the natural sequence and/or function of space, time, matter and energy from our human perspective here on this earth.
        Let’s clear up a common misconception, i.e., that the Bible is a record of continuous miracles. In fact, the miracles of the Bible are centered around three main eras: Moses and Joshua (the Law), then over 500 years later, Elijah and Elisha (the prophets) , then over 800 years later, Jesus Christ and His apostles (the new covenant, i.e., New Testament).
        These miracles were performed to attest to the power and magnificence of God in those eras. They were true miracles, done supernaturally by and/or through God Himself, and they involved the creation of life and also changed the natural sequence and/or function of space, time, matter and energy.
        In the New Testament Jesus was born of a virgin, calmed a storm, walked on water, withered a fig tree, caused a miraculous draught of fish, turned water into wine, raised people from the dead, healed many people, cast out demons, multiplied loaves and fishes, transfigured into a supernatural appearance, resurrected from the dead, changed His appearance so that Mary and the two on the road to Emmaus didn’t recognize Him, walked through walls and appeared to His disciples and ascended into heaven.
        Jesus wilfully and powerfully changed space, time, matter and energy, didn’t He? In fact, He Himself apparently changed His Own human body from matter into energy and from energy into matter in being born of a virgin, resurrecting, changing His appearance, walking through walls and ascending into heaven.
        When we consider that at some point in eternity God made a decision to create our universe and spoke space, time, matter and energy into existence, incorporated in an unimaginable powerful, energetic super-dense chunk of energy that immediately exploded as it came into existence, we must be awed by the facts.
        As this understanding sinks into our consciousness and we realize that God must be a personal, moral and ethical God as evidenced by His timing in creation of the universe, creating life and then man in His Own image and likeness with the ability to think creatively, to have emotions and appreciation of morality and aesthetics and to make decisions independently of others, our awe must become more than admiration. Our awe and admiration must become praise unto our God and Creator, and worship of Him Who is beyond our understanding.
        As we consider the multi-dimensionality of the split universe that God created and the eleven plus dimensions that God inhabits our awe, admiration and worship must become praise unto Him Who has always existed and Who has created us in His Own image.
        Time, which we have relegated to a clock on a wall, or on our wrists, takes on a new meaning as we realize how it is only a human perspective and not an absolute. We can understand how a day with the Lord is as a thousand years because of the space-time continuum. We can get an inkling as to how Jesus changed space, time, matter and energy as He easily temporarily altered the laws of this natural world to which we humans are bound. And remember, all of this is within the parameters of what we know as the four dimensions of length, width, height and time and doesn’t even begin to incorporate the other multi-dimensions which God created and in which God dwells.
        Our comprehension of the density of a neutron star, or of a black hole with such tremendous gravitational pull is totally beyond our comprehension. The ever-expanding universe, which, left to continue to expand, would some day burn out, will be replaced by a new heavens and a new earth before it does so as God once again intervenes supernaturally to change at His will by a spoken command, the space, time, matter and energy that we know as our universe.
        God, in His sovereignty, has chosen to reveal Himself to humankind through the agency of the Bible. The Bible is typically called “the word of God,” however the Bible is actually a word from God by other human beings in writings by which God has chosen to reveal Himself to us humans. Jesus Christ is the word of God.
        The Bible is inspired, infallible and inerrant in the original autographs. It’s God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. There is nothing that God left out of the Bible that He forgot to reveal about Himself. What has been written is factual and correct. It has been substantiated by the passing of the centuries. There is no room for human editing.
        Yet, in view of the awesome creativity, power and His transcendence and immanency, there are those human beings who claim to be “little gods,” and who claim that God “spoke” some great secret to them that is hidden from the rest of humanity, or the claim is made that Jesus Christ selected them as very special persons to whom He has appeared and counseled.
        These fools, who have made a conscious decision to relegate God to a lesser place in His Own created universe, attract other fools. Fools who transfer their awe, admiration, worship and praise to those other fools who think that they are so much more special to God than you or I.
        Instead of accepting God’s method of revealing Himself to humankind—the Bible—they choose to invent for themselves other methods of “revelation” by reading into the Bible what they desire instead of reading from the Bible to discover what God has already revealed about Himself.
        Claims of miraculous healings, revelations, visions, anointed teaching, “new” movements from God, prophecies and other “spiritual” experiences, ad nauseam, fill institutional churches, bookstores, videos, audio tapes and the internet. Thousands upon thousands heap their awe, admiration, worship, praise and most important to the recipients, their money, upon these wizards of spirituality.
        But ... could any one of those self-proclaimed gurus change even one little tiny atom in space or time? Can they do anything at all to change matter and energy?
        Can they create even a teeny, tiny little planet somewhere, much less a whole universe? Can they interfere with the natural processes of this earth and cause the earth to go dark? Burn a bush without consuming it? Make water come out of a rock? Deliver bread from heaven? Can they stop the sun and the moon in their tracks? Part a sea or a river? Consume offerings? Appear in a glory cloud? Heal poisoned food and water, multiply oil? Protect three persons in a fiery furnace? Rain down fire and brimstone? Raise the dead? Cure leprosy? Heal palsy ... heal a woman’s hemorrhaging constantly from menstruation? Heal the lame, the sick, the crippled, the deaf the dumb? Multiply loaves and fishes? Strike sorcerers blind? Cause an earthquake to release followers of Jesus from jail? Resurrect themselves from the dead? Walk on water? Levitate themselves into heaven?
        Is there something beyond the Law, the Prophets and the New Testament that God neglected to have incorporated into the Bible and for which we need a newer word from God?
        Is it possible that they could convince God Himself to let them perform these signs, wonders and miracles to attest to the power and magnificence of God in a new era for some new dispensation or revelation which God had forgotten to reveal to us? And to perform true miracles, done supernaturally by and/or through God Himself, involving the creation of life and also changing the natural sequence and/or function of space, time, matter and energy? As proof of the fact that God has sent them to us for His sovereign purposes?
        Unfortunately, there are fools who think that they can, and there fools who think they do.
        They think that based on natural ability and events, and not on Godly supernatural ability and events.
        God has given those who are disciples of Jesus Christ gifts that are spoken of in the New Testament.
These gifts are often confused with our natural abilities and learned skills. More so with our natural abilities than learned skills as most of us know what we’ve learned and can differentiate. Most, but not all.
        But what about our natural abilities? Those things that are in reality natural phenomenon as a result of our natural abilities. Many times these are looked at as being supernatural.
        One of these natural abilities is known as precognition which is an ability to see things happen before they actually do. There are many documented instances of this happening, usually in dreams, but also in other experiences. Some are minor, or trivial incidents, some are not. Some involve tragedies, some don’t. Some can be changed by this foreknowledge, some can’t.
        While some prophetic words and actions may contain an element of precognition, that falls into the category of supernatural gifting. Biblical precedents for precognition within the prophetic are abundant. The Book of Revelation is probably the most striking. Also the Book of Daniel.
        But precognition by those who have not been gifted supernaturally is also recognized and widely documented. How can this be so? Studies show that it falls within the realm of other such abilities. The 3 or 4 year old who is a musical genius, composing symphonies or operas is not supernaturally gifted. It is an apparent natural gift. Likewise, the 3 or 4 year old mathematical genius who develops new formulas and equations which are recognized as cutting edge by those who are in that field.
        Let me restate that my acceptance of the possibility of precognition is based upon the fact that it is an element of biblical prophecy. Although there is anecdotal “evidence” and laboratory experiment “evidence” cited by many, these are still questionable. However the Books of Revelation and Daniel are strongly precognitive, as are many other passages in the Bible.
        One problem with those who have this precognitive ability is that so many, if not all, eventually drift into the occult. They then learn astrology and begin to classify people by their birth date (i.e., zodiac sign). They may also begin to think they can communicate with the dead. This is tragic because they open themselves up to the demonic and then exercise their natural God-given ability of precognition in conjunction with familiar spirits.
        How can they see things that are still future events? It has to do with the nature of space, time, matter and energy. In some way they have the ability to get glimpses, by dreams, visions or other experiences of the future. It’s simply a natural ability and not demonic or supernatural, just like the gifted 3 or 4 year musical or mathematical genius. They didn’t study for it, nobody taught them, it is just a natural ability.
        As I mentioned before, most of the people with precognitive abilities drift into the occultic to their own hurt.
        There are different opinions by scientists as to whether or not we can see into, or travel to the past. Many think that, yes, we can travel to the future by some type of mechanism. I don’t know. But I don’t think so. There is a reason why God created linear time for us human beings to live in. If He had wanted for us to jump back and forth into the future, He could easily have done so. He has, however, gifted some to be prophets, which sometimes has the element of precognition. And He has given others a natural ability to catch glimpses of future happenings. However, seeing into, or traveling to the past is most probably not possible. For one thing, if such a “time machine” were invented, you could not go further back than the time it was invented, or your day of birth. There are a lot of other reasons why the past is closed to us.
        Seeing glimpses of the past by natural ability, which I don’t think is possible, would also be limited to one’s day of birth. As far as seeing dead people, if there were an ability to glimpse past events, one could only “see” them up to the time they were living. After death, their spirits would no longer be with their bodies or on this earth. They would be in a different place awaiting one of two judgments, one good and one bad.
        Those who claim to “see” or speak to dead people are speaking to evil, familiar spirits. It’s clear from reading the Bible that satan counterfeits the things that God does. God assigns angels to children—that’s in the Bible. The Bible is silent as to whether or not those angels are taken off of assignment when a person grows into an adult. Most probably, satan also assigns an evil spirit to every person also. So this evil spirit is “familiar” with a person and can masquerade as that person and answer even intimate details of that persons life while they were alive.
        The devil uses these apparently sincere people to attempt to give the impression to millions and millions of people that upon their death they will simply continue to exist in a spirit body in a spirit world that is totally forgiving of all of their sins when they die. Unfortunately, many of those millions believe the lie of no responsibility or accountability or judgment for their transgressions and evil deeds done while on this earth in a human body. This is a very appealing idea and enables many millions of people to simply shrug off their nagging conscience. In reality they are simply popularizing an occultic practice that God has condemned. It’s especially appealing and comforting and reassuring when it’s claimed or inferred that the source of the information is from “God” or “angels,” or “heaven.” This is really no different than Christians speaking of alleged “new revelations” with the statement that “God told me,” or “God showed me,” or “Jesus visited me and said,” and on and on and on.
        We humans, however, are made in the image and likeness of our Creator, a personal, moral and ethical God. Because we are capable of creative thinking, we value morality and aesthetics, and universally make decisions to value objective standards of order, structure, design, fair play and justice which we can utilize as our own personal code of ethics. And we expect others to do the same, don’t we?
        While God’s attributes of love, grace, mercy, wisdom, judgment and justice are clearly revealed to us in the Bible, our reflection of those same attributes has been greatly dimmed by our sin nature in that we continue to think, say and do things which are contrary to God’s love, grace, mercy, wisdom, judgment and justice. That’s called “sin” in the Bible, the essence of which is moral failure towards God or man, and the results of such actions.
        By encouraging human beings in their sin by presenting an appealing after-death scenario of an eternal heaven which automatically forgives every evil deed, these people are co-workers with satan. While their intentions may be good, yet their works are evil. As has been said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
        The “psychic” or “medium” is being conned by a familiar spirit and passes the con on as if it were legitimate.
        [For an in-depth scriptural study of familiar spirits, divination, witches, mediums, necromancy, consulting the dead and magic read the article “Familiar spirits, divination, witch, medium and necromancer”].
        There is another natural source of precognition which is not a natural ability but comes from migraine auras, which involves heightening of all senses. Certain physical triggers cause brain cells to undergo depressed activity while other brain nerve cells become hyperactive. A person who has migraine auras and/or headaches is more sensitive to their environment, i.e., light, sound, smells, taste, touch and atmospheric pressure on their body. All of these can trigger migraine. Weather patterns are also a migraine trigger, e.g., barometric pressure, warm fronts, high temperature and humidity changes and southeast winds. Children of migraine sufferers and women are more prone to migraine attacks. These environmental and hereditary factors cannot be controlled by the person, so they are subject to migraine at the whim of these factors.
        Awareness of dietary, lifestyle and hormonal factors which may trigger a migraine attack provide a person with knowledge they can utilize to control and reduce the incidences of migraine auras and/or headaches.
        The migraine aura involves neurological or neuropsychological processes, producing a multitude of symptoms. Brain wave activity spreads to involve other parts of the brain, leading to the migraine aura syndrome which may or may not precede a migraine headache. Some of these symptoms are visual hallucinations and illusions, numbness or prickling sensations, feeling larger or smaller (macro- and microsomatognosia), felt presences, out of body experiences, hallucinating odors or smells where there are none, a language disorder impairing understanding and/or formulating complex, meaningful elements of language. It causes problems with words and word order making difficulties in reading and writing (aphasia).
        Other symptoms are déjà vu and jamais vu (paramnesias). Déjà vu is French for “already seen.” Déjà vu is an uncanny feeling or illusion of having already seen or experienced something that is being experienced for the first time. Jamais vu “never seen” is the opposite of déjà vu. In jamais vu, an experience feels like it’s the first time, even though the experience is a familiar one. Jamais vu occurs in certain types of amnesia and epilepsy.
        Another symptom is forced reminiscence—“incontinent nostalgia.” A rush of long-forgotten memories or dreams. Synaesthesia is also common. This is a condition in which people experience perceptual sensations that most people don’t get. For example, people with synaesthesia may see colors with letters, sounds, or words; they may experience shapes with tastes, or smells with sounds, or seeing auras around certain people to name a few varieties. It has a biological origin and is found in at least 1 in 2,000 people.
        There are also auditory symptoms, e.g. tinnitus, and dream disturbances, and astral projection.
        There is some debate as to whether many of these symptoms are actually environmentally viewed or simply occur only in the brain of the person having the migraine attack.
        When these natural phenomenon occur they are usually mistaken for psychic and/or paranormal abilities and experiences.
        Do you see the problem here? People, both saved and unsaved, have experiences and wrongly attribute these experiences to supernatural causes, some of God and some demonic. But what is happening is that there is a failure to distinguish between what is truly supernatural and what is a natural ability.
        This is very important for disciples of Jesus Christ and requires discipline in first, realizing what is the source for the phenomena and second applying that knowledge when engaged in a social exchange with others.
        A prophet, for example, must know themselves well enough to know if they are exercising their supernatural gift of prophecy, or whether there is a natural ability manifesting or whether they are undergoing a mild (or strong) migraine aura which they may or may not be aware of at the time. In fact, every child of God should be exercising that same discipline when they feel that they are operating in the gifts of God. We have a responsibility to God and to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to ourselves to know the source of those manifested abilities.
        Failure to have intimate knowledge of the revelation God has given of Himself in the Bible leaves much more room for error in wrongly attributing a source to that which is deemed to be supernatural. The practice of attempting to read into the Bible, rather than reading from the Bible practically guarantees that you will not receive the true revelation that God intends for you to have of Him. It will also corrupt whatever you do understand because it will be prejudicial knowledge of God that has been filtered through preconceived ideas rather than pure revelatory knowledge based upon what is actually recorded in the Bible for our benefit. The truth of that statement is more than proven by the many contradictory, confusing and downright weird “religious stuff” that permeates the institutional church system.
        There is a spiritual principle involved here. First the natural, then the spiritual:
        “Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual” (1 Corinthians 15:46)
        I’m applying this spiritual principle here in the sense that we must first determine what is natural before we can define what is spiritual. There are millions upon millions of people today who think they are operating in the supernatural and they are not. That includes those who name the name of Christ, and also those who don’t know Christ. There’s not much we can do about those who don’t know Christ, many of whom are in the category of those with natural precognitive abilities who migrate towards the occult in attempts to understand why they have that ability. They then label themselves as “psychics” and “mediums” and just don’t know any better.
        There are also many who, in Christ, don’t know the difference between their natural abilities and the gifts of God. They also confuse operating in the gifts with true biblical miracles. However, as I’ve attempted to explain biblical miracles involve creation of life and a supernatural change in what we consider to be the natural sequence and/or function of space, time, matter and energy from our human perspective here on this earth. They are also under the misconception that the Bible is a record of one continuous miracle after another. They have bought the lie that every Christian should be performing miracles, when in fact if you comb the Bible you will find less than 100 people who performed miracles. And that is an extremely liberal number and includes many who could have but may or may not have worked miracles.
        We humans live here on this earth, by God’s decision and we cannot wilfully and powerfully change space, time, matter and energy. We are limited to operating in only four of the many dimensions that God has created. Yes, I believe in miracles, but God is the Author and Finisher of our faith, and of supernatural miracles. He has a redemptive purpose in His miracles. God’s miracles are not a convenient way for anyone to escape from the realities of this life, be they good or bad realities. God will intervene supernaturally according to His sovereignty, not according to our desires and wishes.
        The Bible, our word from God by other human beings is the only source of Godly revelations, be they of God Himself, or of things to come. Reserve your awe, admiration, worship and praise for the true and living God of the Bible instead of putting some human being into the place that only Jesus Christ can fill. When you put someone in your life who takes the place of Christ, or who teaches and practices things which are in reality, against Christ, you have encountered an antichrist. One who takes the place of Christ or who is against Christ.
        Wake up! There is nothing beyond the Law, the Prophets and the New Testament that God neglected to have incorporated into the Bible and for which we need an alleged “newer” word from God. No one will perform signs, wonders and miracles to attest to the power and magnificence of God in a new era for some new dispensation or revelation which God had forgotten to reveal to us. Only the fools who think that they can, and the fools who think they do because they think that based on natural ability and events, and not on Godly supernatural ability and events.
        Keep it up and you will eventually cross the threshold of the kingdom of God and enter into the broad way that leads to destruction.
        Learn to distinguish what is natural in your life so that you can rightly discern the word of truth and what is truly from a supernatural God. We are only puny little human beings compared to the power and glory of God, and our only hope of glory is in Jesus Christ Who is our God and Creator and Master and Redeemer and Lord and Saviour. Be content to be all that you can be in Jesus Christ and that you may be found worthy to escape the coming tribulations and judgment, looking only to Jesus Who is the Author and Finisher of all that exists.
