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Renaissance Pleasure Faire

Until next year ...

Well, this year's Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire had it's up sides and it's bad sides. Up sides - some absolutely beautiful weather, great people and the ale flowed. Bad sides - managed to get kicked out one weekend. This faire has changed quite a bit from it's days in Agoura. But I did get a chance to try a new faire starting up in Corona. And I'm always keeping my eyes open for new ones springing up. We ladies know how much you guys love the costumes.

I design and build costumes for faires and shows. I'm sometimes there with a group of friends that go as Celtic mercenaries. You can't miss them hauling their war wagon through the paths.

Eat, Drink and be Merry!

My friend Danny and I whooping it up

Karan and I enjoying an ale by the Maypole

A professional picture I had taken at the Corona Faire

© Out of the Blue & Into the Black
