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WITH THE STRENGTH OF RA!!! Welcome To The Official Mummies Alive Home Page!!!

Hi, this is Sunna here, the one and only.

Welcome to my Mummies Alive Home Page, during your stay you will notice that this page is under heavy duty construction. Your tour guides will be, Ja-Kal, my guardian and dear friend also leader of the mummies. Armon: Probably the strongest mummy, all he usually thinks about is food, but he's pretty awesome. Then there's Rath: Rath is always... actually, he's usually lecturing me and he's the only one of my guardians that acrtually knows how to do magic. Then there's Neffertina: Neffertina is a girl, and not a guy. We're the only girls in the group, but I'm not a mummy, I'm Presley's well... Rapses's big sister. Moving on to Presley Connervon: My liittle brother and the next Pharaoh of Egypt. The mummies are sworn to protect both of us, but I'm old enough to take care of myself, I'm in collage for crying out loud! I can't even go for a walk alone. You'll get it soon, promise! Gotta go now, come back soon. Sunna Knights

P.S. To the creators of this show, this probably isn't the Official Mummies Alive site, yet I have checked and have noticed that there really isn't a site made by the ctreator, no I do not have anything to do with the show, however, I am trying as hard as possible to get some scripts that I have written into the creators. Please do not sue me I am not worth it, and I am only making this site because I feel that you guys need the recognization. If you want me to just make this an ordinary page, then E-Mail me and tell me, I will make it an orginal page. Thanks for understanding.

Another P.S! All characters (except me, Yaya, and Flash Phoenix) are property to the creators of Mummies Alive.

This page was last updated January 17th 1998. WHOOHOO! FINALLY!

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Mummies Alive: To learn more about everyone's past, enter here.
Mummies Alive: To read some Fan Fiction enter here!
Mummies Alive: To learn about the characters, step inside!
