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Story So Far
Player Characters
Rogues Gallery
House Rules

The Planet
The Gods

Contact Me




This is the home page for the play-by-email Dungeons and Dragons 3e Campaign set in the world of Gondar.

All 5 slots in the campaign are now full. Thanks to all those who took the time to respond. It never ceases to amaze me that there is such a breadth of imagination and creativity out there.

The campaign begins somewhat unusually with all the PCs imprisoned on a ship heading for the wild and untamed continent of Sebba, having been sentenced to being transported by the Imperial Courts in their native land of Treene. The start of the campaign is explained in the Story So Far section of this site.

The campaign has now begun. If you wish to be a lurker please let me know. I will be happy to place you on the mailing list.
