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The Father says that the lambs are starving to death in the church, since they are being fed doctrines instead of Jesus Himself. The Father says that the lambs are not only being starved to death, but they are being poisoned with these doctrines, since many of them are false; inspired by the enemy.

These are some of the doctrines of demons, (as Paul prophesied there would be) that are rampant in the church today. These destructive doctrines have been fostered by the enemy, to an ignorant, disobedient church. The Father's heart is grieving, and the church is under His judgment because of their disobedience to Jesus, since He told them to "Feed My Sheep."

Home Warning to the Church Word to Remnant
Prophecies Jesus is Alive! Table of the Remnant
Teaching Strategies of the enemy Dreams and Visions