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The Holy Spirit told me that many who love Jesus are being attacked by the enemy. He went on to show more about the enemy's plans and actions right now. The Holy Spirit said that the enemy is coming against those who are serving Jesus, in "hand to hand" combat. These vicious attacks are personal and at close range. The Holy Spirit said that these attacks really are a defense, because the enemy considers the person to be a threat to him. The people he is attacking are servants of Jesus, who are willing to do Jesus' will. The enemy is doing everything possible in the spiritual realm, and in the physical, to hinder and assault these people. His goal is to turn them aside from obedience to Jesus. You may think that he would have no success, but Jesus told me that the enemy succeeded in deceiving one third of the angels, who believed him and followed him, and were subsequently cast out of heaven with him. The enemy has experience in lying and deceiving and knows that man is easy to deceive, so he hopes to have some success, even among servants of Jesus.

The enemy has gathered together some powers in the heavenlies, and they are mounting one united defense against Jesus. It is aimed at individual people, but is spread out across the world, to all who hear and know the Father. The main thrust of this attack is spiritual, and it is at close range. He is attempting to deceive - "Did God really say..." He is especially challenging his targets as to their motives, and trying to force them to back off in this manner. He is bringing up failures, and sins, and weaknesses and accusing these servants of Jesus that they are wrong in what they are doing. He is accusing them of pride. He is accusing them of misunderstanding Jesus. He is accusing them of being wrong about what Jesus says to them, and what Jesus shows them. He is accusing them of anything that he can, that he thinks may cause them to slow down in their pursuit of Jesus' will. He is deadly serious. This is not a game, or an attack because the enemy doesn't like us. It is an attack on the will of the Father. I saw in the Spirit that not all are affected by this so I asked the Father why it was only certain people that are under such fierce scrutiny and attack. The Father told me that it was only those who are obedient to Him, those whose trust is in Him, that are under this particular attack. Only those who can hear Him, and are striving to do His will. The enemy is saving His big guns to attack those who are doing the Father's will.

I cannot describe how nasty and personal these attacks are. The enemy will do all he can to embarrass, to belittle, to undermine you in front of others, and even in your own eyes. This wave of attack will eventually pass, but until it does, the Father wants us to be forewarned. The attack has already begun, and you have already been accused. You probably already know this, but may not know what all it meant. (Perhaps Jesus has already been showing you about this.) Do not be surprised if you feel depressed, or unworthy, or have an incredible depth of emotion, which is aimed at causing you to stop trusting Jesus. Because the "big guns" have been called in, there is power in these attacks. The depth of feeling involved when accused in the spirit, and the damage done in the physical realm is real.

The enemy has been and will continue to attack our bodies, and families, and do anything that the Father allows him to get away with. This takes wisdom from the Father. To stand under this attack is impossible without trust in the Father. The Father is allowing this for a season, but He wants those who know Him to do something for Him. He wants us to pray for each other, as we never have before. And He wants us to tell each other what we need, so that we can specifically ask the Father for what is needed. The Father said that He will be swift to answer these requests. He will show His power, but we, His people, must trust Him and stand.

It is not only by praying for each other that the Father will help us. He said He will speak to us, and lead us by His Spirit. He will be close to warn us and to lead us; we must be sensitive to Him. He will show Himself faithful. I know that this attack is nothing new. We are always being accused and oppressed by the enemy. But the difference being shown is the wide-scale enormity of the attack, and the severity of the accusations. If the enemy normally condemns you, then expect to be VERY condemned. If the enemy causes fear, expect to have fears continually pushed on you, with full assurance that what you fear will surely happen. The enemy will look for your weakest spot and move there. You will be accused of being unbalanced, or having wishful thinking, etc.etc... whatever he can say that might stop you. Anything that Jesus says to you will be challenged.

Someone who is Remnant, wrote and told us that she had had two heart attacks, (the doctors told her) and she had to go in for further tests in a few days. She asked us to pray for her. We went immediately to the Father. I was grieved (and angry) because I knew by the Spirit that this was one of the hand to hand attacks. The Father showed me, when I waited on Him about this, that she would go to get the tests, and the doctors would say, "We can not find a problem with your heart" and "Your heart is better than ours". (The Father spoke to her and told her, that He was going to give her a new heart.) When she went to the doctors, they did not find anything wrong, and one of the doctors said, "Your heart is better than mine."

The Father showed me, when I heard from Valerie after her visit to the doctors, that He will be swift to intervene when we bring each other before Him. The reason this woman had those attacks was simply because she believes Jesus, and is not rejecting His Spirit. This is like gold before the Father right now. It is rare and precious. However, to the enemy, trusting Jesus is like waving a red flag. Those who are religious, who do not know Jesus, and do not hear Him, are not undergoing this attack. This attack is aimed only at the obedient. This attack is aimed at the bride of Jesus.

The enemy is overseeing this attack personally. He has assigned powers in the spiritual realms to engineer this, and to push it as far as they can. We are hated by him. Jesus will return soon, and the enemy will be bound for 1000 years. He knows this. He hates us because we are Jesus' servants in this day, who stand against Him and who stand for the truth. He will do anything he can to make us believe that what we are doing is not of the truth. Many of us will be alive when Jesus returns. The enemy knows this also, and we are doubly hated for this. He was once in the presence of the Father, and he has been rejected. If he could get some of us to fall away from the Father's will, he would be happy. He hopes that if he comes against us severely enough, and accuses us harshly enough, that we will lose heart, and not want to push on in our pursuit of the will of Jesus. The very least he wants to do is to immobilize us on an individual basis.

The Father wanted me to write about this, that you might be encouraged, and understand what is happening in the spiritual realm. He also wants us to wait on Him for each other. He wants us to trust Him and to stand, knowing that He will be glorified by our obedience to Him and to His will. He will stand with us, and when we have stood, and the enemy has tried us and found no entrance, no matter how hard it is for us, then shall the Father push Him back with power, and we will KNOW that the Father is with us, and is for us, and that we are the bride of His beloved Son. He will show us His passionate love for each of us, because we honor His Son, whom He loves.

Please ask the Father about this, so He can show you if this applies to you. As I am writing now, the Father began showing me that He is allowing this full-scale attack, because we are His vessels, through whom He will move as He pour out even more in the days to come. He is allowing the enemy to defend against us, but we will prevail. The Father will not leave us, and we will be proven to be speaking the truth, as we go forward in Jesus' name. We will oppose the enemy and his lies, in the physical realm, and before the spiritual realm, just as Paul did, in the arena as public spectacles.

In Jesus' love,
Char Tierney

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