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Why and Ways to prepare for PEAK OIL

Authored by Gilbert , April 5, 2006
1.- Don’t waste money buying appliances that use energies that will become scarce and expensive. If you buy a big car that uses more gas than other models, it will probably be unsaleable when energy prices become high. 2.- Modify heating systems so that you can have a relatively comfortable environment when energy becomes overly expensive for home heating. a.- One method is to start installing solar heating systems and other alternate energy systems like wind and solar (passive and active) systems, now. The longer we delay, the higher the cost of our implementations because energy will become much more expensive. For example : putting in some alternate energy system for your house this year, might cost 5,000 dollars now, but when energy doubles in price, it could cost about 10,000 dollars to put in the same system. Why wait ? That is why we must do this now, and then we can show others how to make their own preparations. Also, an extra benefit is that once this is begun, you will start saving money on your energy cost immediately. Not only will you save money, but you will be helping the environment. b.- If you have a relatively large house, you must figure out what living areas you wish to heat in the coldest winter months, and let the other areas be warmed only with waste heat that escapes into them through the walls of the heated area. In the cold months, those areas will be good for storage or individually heated when needed for occasions, like an extra bedroom etc. For those areas, you can put in good sealed doors to keep the heat in, rearrange door locations, even change the room uses, such as using a different room for a kitchen or bedroom. 3.- Some people may want to move to a different location so that they do not have to spend a lot of money on transportation. If you think about this now, you have more time to find an ideal location that you like. 4.- As for Canada , we need to put rail systems everywhere and stop removing railway lines. What you can and must do, is to help inform everyone of this. For example : it was sickening last year to see workers removing the steel rails from Sydney to Glace Bay. It will cost almost a million dollars a mile to put tracks back in for the Donkin coal mines when they reopen the coal mines. When energy doubles in price, the cost of putting in rail tracks will nearly double as well. In about a little over 10 years, paving of roads will end, because paving uses too much oil. Rail lines take very little maintenance compared to roads. Other countries, like Germany, have been upgrading and adding rail systems for several years and are now well prepared for the transportation of people and goods, whereas misguided politicians in the Canadian government have been selling off and removing rail systems. It is imperative that you do everything possible to get the word out in order to put the rail systems back in place. I can give you other reasons why we need them, so if you want that info, just ask me. 5.- We need to get the government to begin building many wind generators now for those reasons. If possible, you should also consider building one for your own use, or going together with other people in your neighbourhood to build a large enough unit to supply the group. 6.- Since unemployment WILL gradually rise to SEVERELY high levels, you must prepare your own personal systems now, in case you happen to be one of those who become unemployed. That way , you can have a warm area to live in, if unemployed. 7.- If you’re looking for a different place to move to, it is beneficial to get a place that has a large enough area to grow a garden if needed. At some point, food will start to drastically increase in price. Most people have enough area to plant a garden. However, it would be more convenient if you had a large enough area so that you won’t have to plough up the front yard ! Some of these problems may not hit severely for ten years, but you should think ahead now while you still have a job and it is easier to begin making the changes. 8.- There are so many other preparations that can be made; it is not something that we have no control over. The severest impacts of PEAK OIL are absolutely avoidable if governments would take the right actions. I guarantee you that they will not do so, because most people do not wish to make the necessary sacrifices. In Democracies , greedy people vote for short term gain. At different times in the Bible, the Prophets would give warnings of doom. The city of Nineveh listened, repented, and was spared. Egyptian rulers listened to Joseph, made food reserves , and survived the seven year drought. Those who will just let PEAK OIL happen (probably because they do not wish to take the time to read and verify the facts) , may find out the hard way, where the truth lies. At least they have been warned ! 9.- It is important to get people to think about preparing now, for the future, as most people do not even realize that there is an oncoming problem. There is so VERY much that we can do to prepare to avoid the energy shock when we study the problem. We do not need to have this catastrophe happen. That is why we must both inform and prepare. Changes are inevitable, but they do not have to be as catastrophic as the way they now seem to be headed. The country of Denmark has a good start on the needed changes. Denmark generates 20% of their electricity with wind turbines. There was a presentation explaining the PEAK OIL problem in detail to the US congress,
in February 2006. If you wish to read that presentation, the webpage is -

This is on the web site of
For articles on PEAK OIL preparations, see 10.- STEP ONE - start reading and understanding the problem now and get others to do so (including all those in government positions). . . See my Time Table for PEAK OIL at :
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