Predictions - - (Time Table)

Authored by Gilbert - on Oct. 7, 2004

..... Check the Update at bottom of page .....
PREDICTIONS from Gilbert Schmidt (Published Oct. 7, 2004) email- DocScience(at)
My predictions are for the price of crude oil. from which gasoline and heating oils are made.
Save a copy of this letter to prove me wrong.
Most people, more then 90% , do not believe we are fast approaching a world oil shortage,
and continue to believe the lies about vast oil supplies , told by all the governments and oil companies.
You will continue to hear that oil prices are high because of market disruptions of all types.
This is only half true. The real reason is that the world is running out of oil rapidly,
and no other adequate sources are being found to compensate for those shortages.
The world oil shortage will be displayed in price increases.
These are my predictions.

*** The price of the barrel of oil will peak above $55.00 before the end of 2004.
The prices can dip down a little after reaching those peak values.

*** It will peak above $70.00 before the end of 2005,

*** It will peak above $85.00 before the end of 2006,

*** It will peak above $100.00 before the end of 2007,

*** The oil price will get higher after that, causing a depression far worse then
        the 1930's , and lasting for decades.

My predictions are not based on crystal balls or such, but on the calculations of
oil supplies and demand figures, and the present estimates of future demand.

It is just simple arithmetic and it is not complicated for anyone to check those figures.
For those who consider this oil problem to be ridiculous, "Why don't you
check out the calculations for yourself and show me where it's incorrect !! "
It looks like we will find out soon enough.

A well written summary on this site below.

                            ( --update-- on Oct 18, 2004, oil price reached a peak of $55.33/Barrel )
                            ( --update-- on Aug 29, 2005, oil price reached a peak of $70.80/Barrel )
                            ( --update-- on Oct 15, 2007, the day closing oil price was $86.13/Barrel )
                            ( --update-- on Nov 07, 2007, the oil price reached $98.10/Barrel )
                            ( --update-- on Jan 03, 2008, the oil price reached $100.05/Barrel )
                            ( --update-- on Jul 11, 2008, the oil price reached a high $147.27/Barrel )
                            ( --update-- Recession begins- Dow Jones in May,2008- 13,191 in November,2008- 7,392 )

There are many articles on the internet that explain the coming oil crises, and suggest ideas for solutions.

If you have any comments or questions, I would love to hear from you.
Gilbert Schmidt

Update April 9, 2006

In October 18, 2004, the oil price reached a peak of 55.33/Barrel
In August 29, 2005, the oil price reached a peak of 70.80/Barrel
click here for the 2005 oil price chart.

click here for some oil price chart history.

--update-- on Oct 16, 2007, the day closing oil price was 87.61/Barrel
--update-- on Oct 17, 2007, . oil price reached a peak of 89.00/Barrel

Read my "Why and Ways to prepare for PEAK OIL" page at :
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