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ATTENTION ! - This is the best page to use to bookmark my site. Do it now !!!

A simple password code for programmers, is also at the bottom of this page

An easy free method to set up password accessible pages for your restricted access information.
The reason that you click a link to go to my password tutorial page, is that I use a frames page for my examples of password access . I have designed this method so that you will return to the password insertion page , if any incorrect passwords are used.

To Password Tutorial site , See 'Gilbert's homesite' , click HERE >

MY LINKS, of useful information

Anti-terrorist tip line (Canada) 1-800-420-5805
Emergency information site (US) .. 1-800-BE-READY

If you want to know what the situation is, about Islam and muslims, Read this brief agenda summary first, click here. This is the most amazing site that I have seen for a short summary. You may find it shocking. At least read the first screen, and see if you can stop there. . .

Warning: please be advised that some of these sites are often down for 15 minutes at a time due to exessive use or repair. If you can not reach one after a day, please let me know so that I can change the link.
Find out who lives next door to you (Free service) . . . Alternate sites

Put a Name to that number-Find out who you're calling before you dial that number (Free service) . . . Alternate sites

Find that number-Don't pay 411 when it's free online (Free service) . . . Alternate sites

Look at a street map of anyplace in the world. (Free service) . . . Alternate sites

Get your weather forecast, or for anywhere else in the world. (Free service) . . . Alternate sites

The Dictionary, Put in a misspelled word , get several correct spelling possibilities. (Free service)

Put misspelled word in the text box Show phonetics

When to look up, and see the space station go overhead across the sky. (Free service) . . . important information

Excellent HTML , javascript and DOS information and reference sites for new programmers

Put a fancy moving (animated) background on your desktop

My links of health information ....

Running, Jogging, and Roadrace information .

Extensive local information on Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

YOU WILL LOSE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS - If you do not read this.


Call long distance for only 1.5¢ per minute.,plus other excellent calling rates .

The message of the christian church explained very brief and to the point for a quick overview. ..

Fantastic very small sites you would not want to miss (sound needed)

see exactly how much time you spent on the computer in the last month (first, turn your sound up befor clicking)

(something for everyone) inspirational and ego boosting for IDIOTS ONLY ,(and those that want to be) CLICK HERE !

A short cute valentine dancer, (loud sound is needed), CLICK HERE !

DO you need computer tutoring or website assistance ? contact any below

Tim's site -

Nick's site -

Here is my 'easy to use' password code for programmers.

This page and code has been created by Gilbert Schmidt
It is very easy to insert and use in your web site.
The Password is just the name you have chosen for your page in your website.
You cannot quess the webpage name any easier then quessing the password.

This following code sets up the "text box" and the "clickable button". When the button is clicked , The onclick command starts the javascipt funtion that I have named as (funct5) listed below.
Please check out my examples of password use, go to 'Gilbert's homesite' .
To use, Just copy the following section between the double lines.
You must make apropriate changes for your website for text1.

<form NAME="form1"> <input TYPE="text" NAME="name1" size="12" VALUE=""> <input TYPE="Button" VALUE="Enter Password, then CLICK HERE" onClick="func5()"> </form> <!--This code section brings you to the hidden password page . --> <!--This is a simplified code version that will work fine on most browsers.--> <!--This code created by Gilbert Schmidt - --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var text1, text2, text3, text4 function funct5(){ text1="" text2=document.form1.name1.value text3=".html" text4=text1 + text2 + text3 document.location.href = text4 } </SCRIPT>

To Password Tutorial site examples, See 'Gilbert's homesite' , click here

This above button and text box is for example only and does not work. You must click 'Gilbert's homesite' link above it.

This site created by Gilbert, Aug 21, 1997
This page last edited march 2, 2003